Seasonal Disorder Revisited
A Scholar & A Physician Lyrics

We have lyrics for these tracks by A Scholar & A Physician:

Super Mario Bros Yeah hei la meg slippe til Så skal jeg rippe denne…
Super Mario Bros. Yeah hei la meg slippe til Så skal jeg rippe denne…

We have lyrics for these tracks by A Physician:

Internet Relationships Internet relationships are not real Your heart, people steal…
Internet Relationships (Are N Internet relationships are not real Your heart, people steal…
Internet Relationships (Are No Internet relationships are not real Your heart, people steal…

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@@ursamajor6347 There is very little privacy I need.
But part of being under a government that leads with basic supposed rights, inalienable; I would like to be left alone. But if they are not going to do it, then at least own it. Here we had Presidents Bush, Obama, and who knows who since that openly told the public over and over again that they wouldn’t stoop to this level. And they did.

And I hear all about the wonderful goodness of my government and that I should trust them… But where shall a line really be set and who will set it? They are spying against terrorism today, tomorrow they spy against people too left or too right; or too anything they do not like.

This is the point. They can pave this road based on good intentions, but where does it lead? A congresswoman tried to keep this thing from turning into an Orwell novel, and failed. So we get Snowden… and he did what they deserved. He turned him into the general public through the media, and unless this is only one of many secrets he let out…. Then the bureaucracy hates him because he threatened their power which was disguised under a blanket of lies.

The polarization of the American public has grown, and threats to this country are more than ever are from within. Eventually a radical will be in office and it will be because of the spying on those in power.

This already happens to some extent. But the public needs to know what the internal government is doing so that it doesn’t operate as well as the Stalinists or the Nazis did in the 1940s with newer superior technologies.

That is my opinion why.
Not really worried about my personal data, more worried that pre-election cheating will be performed. I was alive when Nixon left office for similar matters.


The right wing truth movement is a Psy Op. there's a direct link between Scientology, Trump, and the techniques used by the right wing echosphere, who also tie to NXIVM (Elon promoted it) Epstein (Trump's bff for20+ years) and Saville, (who Brand idolised) and the Monarchy who (Shapiro and Piers Morgan defends). Tate dated Peterson's daughter and Elon went to the same Jesuit University as Trump, and Epstein hooked up Elon's brother, just like he did for Trump.
Trump's lawyer Alan Dershowitz said he was introduced to Epstein by Lynn de Forrester Rosschild.

Scientology is training these people in the tactics of brainwashing, basically what MK Ultra became, and probably run by the CIA, and Opus Dei, which is basically the same thing. Their principle strategy is Gaslighting.

Gaslighting, aka Grooming. Accusation in a mirror (AiM), mirror politics, mirror propaganda, mirror image propaganda, is a hate-speech incitement technique where one falsely attributes to one's adversaries the intentions that one has for oneself and/or the actions that one is in the process of enacting. It was used in Rwanda, Guatemala, Brazil, and Burma, each having ties to Mossad.

Trump, Barr, Bannon, Cippolone, Gore, Guiliani, Leo, Alito, Thomas, and Barrett are all Opus Dei. Trump trained alongside Epstein and Roger Stone under Roy Cohn, who used kids to blackmail politicians on behalf of Mossad. Cohn trained under Meyer Lansky, who trained under Hoover. Robert Mercer and Rupert Murdoch are both Knights of Malta.

Saville, Bezos, Gates, Koch, Rogan, Walsh, Crowder, Kirk, Fuentes, Dore, Knowles, Kulinksi, Ball, Iverson, Icke, Woods, Watson, Cernovich, Abbott, Jones, Robinson, Woods, Pool, Rubin, Peterson, Posobeic, Duke, Molyneux, Yilanopouse, Gionet, Richardson, Tillerson, Greene, Manaforte, Flynn, Ducey, Acosta, Attwood, Stone, Pence, Desantis, Meadows, Trump, Eastman, Black, Kerik, Melania, Barr, Bannon, Hawley, Gingrich, Abrams, Comey, Cuomo, Kerry, Abrams, Gore, Spencer, Blassio, Pompeo, Bolton, McCarthy, Nugent, Cruz, Rubio, Gaetz, Santos, Tucker, Gutfield, O'Reilly, Beck, Scarborough, Devos, Kasich, Mercer, Murdoch, Rosschild, Ingram, Kelly, Lake, Conway, Coulter, Huckabee, McEnany, Hannity, Spicer, Christie, Prager, Maher, Colbert, Corbett, Hayes, Biden, Harris, Fauci, Pelosi, Menendez, Pirro, Manchin, Cooper, Maddow, AOC, Newsom, Uyger, Dawkins, Hitchens, Hancock, Sitchin, Ventura, Morgan, Cowell, Farage, Johnson, May, Merkel, Blair, Cameron, Brown, Blair, Mogg, Benjamin, Trudeau, Putin, Bolsanaro, Stalin, Lenin, Tito, Trotsky, Hitler.
All Roman Catholic.

Special mentions (adjucants): Dawkins, Hitchens, Harris, Miller, Watters, Greenwad, Blumenthal, Maté, Camp, Brand, Loomer, Shapiro, Thatcher, Bush, Obama, Merkel, Greer, Summers, Silverstein, Adelson. Greenblatt. Wexner. Also Hindu Nationalists Ramaswamy, Tulsi, Haley, Hirsi, DeSouza, Modi etc.

Edward Snowden worked for Pentagon Comptroller Dov Zakheim and was bought to us by Glen Greenwald, who now rubs shoulders with Jesuit Agent Provocateurs Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan, whose mutual friend with Steven Crowder Brian Callen is the founder of Diligence, a spook Contractor to the CIA.

Julian Assange helped Roger Stone and the Trump Campaign in 2016, being the first to suggest challenging the outcome if he lost, and asking to be made the Australian ambassador to the US. Margeret Sunbyrne, the head of the Sun Worship Cult he was raised in was also protected by the CIA in the Australian Supreme Court, on grounds of "National Security" Trump paints himself Orange to represent Apollo.

Aleister Crowley inspired NXIvM and Manson, and was a master of mind control, his Protege L Ron Hubbard was the founder of Scientology, which uses the same mind control tactics displayed in right wing media.
They were also instrumental in Trump's conception as the Moon Child, born on a Super Wolf Blood Moon on June 14 700 days before the founding of Israel, who he gave sovereignty over the Golan heights on its 70th anniversary, and was inaugurated aged 70 years 7 months and 7 days old. June 14 is the birthday of Osiris, Known as the Day of the Pharoah.

Scientology uses the same tricks as Religion and Freemasonry, including isolation through strange acts (rituals/hazing) Gaslighting and intimadation, these can also be seen in right wing propaganda. Peterson's hero's journey comes from the transit of the moon through the zodiac, which is why they're called months.

Blame the victim:
The strategy is to make the aggressor's feelings the goalposts, everything is oriented around their needs and approval; a war of attrition using subjective language and logical fallacies such as incredulity, which amounts to disbelief, and acting as if this belief is something the victim is responsible for.
"Look what you made me do"

In the context of child sexual abuse (CSA) the gaslighting is often used to convince the victim all the abusive behaviours are fine, normal and an expression of “love” (for eg Patriotism, Christianity, Service). It is used to ensure the victim doesn’t speak out about it and doesn’t fight back. It can also be used in concert with other grooming tactics like fear and isolation. Ultimately the aim is to legitimise a worldview that is detached from reality, and therefore arbitrary. Now they can call evil good and good evil

>>Trivializing: The victim’s feelings are made to feel like they don’t matter, are unfounded or they are weak for thinking so. (woke/ lib/ groomer/ unamerican etc)
>>Countering: This is quintessential gaslighting. They directly counter the memories and perceptions of the victim.
>>Repetitive Questions: The abusive partner makes the victim doubt what they think or feel by asking the same question multiple times. by doing so they preemptively assume the role of an authority by virtue of being rude. The shock value is the whole point, it's the politics of Terrorism.
>>Diverting: The abuser diverts the subject and puts the blame into outside circumstances.

>>No true Scotsman, or appeal to purity is an informal fallacy in which one attempts to protect their generalized statement from a falsifying counterexample by trying to exclude the counterexample improperly.
This is the Core of White Supremacist ideology.

"What Others Say" (Appeal to Populism)
The abuser tells the victim what other people "think" about the victim, the abuser and/or the situation on whole. Also known as an appeal to populism, the basis of Authoritarian Communism, and Cults, "if many believe it then it must be true" (whether people actually agree with the position and whether it is true or not). Bolshevism itself means "the Majority" and is no different to Fascist appeals to a "Moral Majority" Patriotism is a form of Authoritarian Communism.

Other than direct contradiction and disbelief other strategies for Gaslighting include Begging the Question, and the use of Strawman arguments; refuting a reframed argument different from the one actually under discussion while not recognizing or acknowledging the distinction.

Through the exercise of overwhelming a subject with countless contradicting premises and subjective terms a game of Pigeon Chess is played to deter criticism and break down a person's defences, until they no longer trust their own feelings, and rely solely on an outside source for direction. This is clearly demonstrated in the Maga cult, and is repeated in the convoluted dogma and magical thinking of Evangelism, New Age Spirituality, Ancient Aliens, and Graham Hancock. Always alluding to a secret to be revealed, but always in vague nebulous terms and undefined benefits of a far away place with no means to verify one way or the other.
"Trust me bro"

Effectively they all play the same role of an Enlightened Guru with deep understanding of life matters who can solve all your problems. It's likely no coincidence Reagan emptied the mental health services in the US, over half of those in Jail and living on the streets have undiagnosed ADHD.

Auyawasca and Psychotropics are also a staple in brainwashing, as is telling the target they've been brainwashed and that the Guru has the cure, right wing propaganda uses this language heavily by flipping the script and arguing they are the victims, that they're the ones being silenced and cancelled, that they oppose child abuse while also defending it, that the deep State is out to get them, when they're the Deep State and always have been.
Aleister Crowley was a big advocate of using Psychotropics to brainwash, just like the CIA, Opus Dei and MK Ultra.

Brand and Trump both use hand waving and holding them outspread in a "settle" gesture called pacing. They can also stare at an opponent, "asserting dominance" to put the target on the back foot and unsure how to respond. Peterson does this a lot, along with rapid fire speech, and using an insulting or demanding tone. By using these tactics as well as loaded language (Newspeak) and inference (plausible deniability) only to move the goalposts and reframe when challenged.

Trump's Mentor Roy Cohn admitted to using kids to blackmail politicians on behalf of israel, and trained under him alongside Epstein and Roger Stone. Trump's Jesuit mentor was Norman Vincent Peale, a 33rd degree Master Freemason. He was born June 14 during a Super Wolf Blood Moon to Fred Christ and Mary McKleod, he keeps a book of Hitler's speeches called My New Order and uses it verbatim at his rallies. The Von Drumph family come from the same place as Hitler, Vienna Bavaria, Capital of the Holy Roman Empire. He paints himself Orange to represent Apollo; the Dawnbringer of Aleister Crowley's Golden Dawn. Jamal Kashoggi's Mossad brother Adnan sold Trump a Superyacht for Russian Roman Abromavich, who was also paying Boris and Farage for Brexit. Most of israel's govt are non religious Russians.


As is Assange. The Australian government sits on its hands whilst a true life hero gets judged by a US military kangaroo court just because he exposed the criminal acts of the military and embarrassed a few political flunkies.

The Australian government can't find its arse with two hands. Pathetic losers in one of the most backward western countries on earth.

Go there, live there. If BBQs, SUVs, beach and vapid conversation is your thing then you'll love it.

There is no discourse, police have outrageous powers immune from prosecution.

Down Under. The edge of civilisation

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Original air date: 2014. "When all this comes out, all hell is going to break loose". Still waiting.


Kinda hard to notice it due to the fact that this type of fuckery is a daily occurrence


Exactly. Spying on Americans has become the norm. So no one cares anymore. Slippery Slope that people won't notice untill it's too late to do anything about it. Welcome to America folks.


@@TW--- unless it's Republicans, then they don't want anyone looking or listening- /they/ deserve their privacy.🙄




@@TW--- yep… wouldn’t surprise me if the leak was planned… so everyone knows… but hey what can you do about it….

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When you're born into this world, you're given a ticket to the freak show. If you're born in America you get a front row seat.
- George Carlin


"America is the freak show." (I add to that quote)


@@simpleuser0001 go live in the middle east then..I add to that quote.

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