O O O Papa Dja
Anneke Grönloh Lyrics

We have lyrics for these tracks by Anneke Grönloh:

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hallo, hallo, o Papa Dja
nona Sarongsong pake kaos tarawih
hallo, hallo, o Papa Dja
nona Sarongsong pake kaos tarawih
hallo, hallo, o, o, nona
jangan permalukan kita o, o, nona
mari kita pigi memb'li kaos yang bagus

hallo, hallo, kawan saya
jangan lupa besok malam ada pesta
hallo, hallo, kawan saya
mari kita berame pigi di sana
hallo, hallo, mari kita
bersatu dan bergirang-girangan
jangan m'lupa hey kawanku bergiranglah


(Thank you, Mr./Ms. Sim York Soo, for re-posting the lyrics. I am the original transcriber of the song. The lyrics actually have a few mistakes and I'd like to correct them here. Lyrics after correction are as follows. Check 'em out. Thanks.)

hallo, hallo, o Papa Dja
nona Sarongsong pake kaos tarawih
hallo, hallo, o Papa Dja
nona Sarongsong pake kaos tarawih
hallo, hallo, o, o, nona
jangan permalukan kita o, o, nona
mari kita pigi memb'li kaos yang bagus

hallo, hallo, kawan saya
jangan lupa besok malam ada pesta
hallo, hallo, kawan saya
mari kita berame pigi di sana
hallo, hallo, mari kita
bersatu dan bergirang-girangan
jangan m'lupa hey kawanku bergiranglah

All comments from YouTube:


Here from the film la luna (2023) !!


Me too 😁


Anneke Gronloh will be remembered for a very long time. She's a great singer and entertainer


from La Luna movie to this song.... haha...


hallo, hallo, o Papa Dja
nona Sarongsong pake kaos tarawih
hallo, hallo, o Papa Dja
nona Sarongsong pake kaos tarawih
hallo, hallo, o, o, nona
jangan permalukan kita o, o, nona
mari kita pigi memb'li kaos yang bagus

hallo, hallo, kawan saya
jangan lupa besok malam ada pesta
hallo, hallo, kawan saya
mari kita berame pigi di sana
hallo, hallo, mari kita
bersatu dan bergirang-girangan
jangan m'lupa hey kawanku bergiranglah


(Thank you, Mr./Ms. Sim York Soo, for re-posting the lyrics. I am the original transcriber of the song. The lyrics actually have a few mistakes and I'd like to correct them here. Lyrics after correction are as follows. Check 'em out. Thanks.)

hallo, hallo, o Papa Dja
nona Sarongsong pake kaos tarawih
hallo, hallo, o Papa Dja
nona Sarongsong pake kaos tarawih
hallo, hallo, o, o, nona
jangan permalukan kita o, o, nona
mari kita pigi memb'li kaos yang bagus

hallo, hallo, kawan saya
jangan lupa besok malam ada pesta
hallo, hallo, kawan saya
mari kita berame pigi di sana
hallo, hallo, mari kita
bersatu dan bergirang-girangan
jangan m'lupa hey kawanku bergiranglah


@@adamtokyo4980 thank you for the correction


@@simyorksoo5692 Thank YOU for your swift editing and reply :-)


Kaos tarabek? Or kaos tarawih?


@@thomasdharmawan2611 I wasn't really sure about the spelling, so I looked up for the possible words in Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia (KBBI) and found the following:

Tarawih/Ta·ra·wih/ n salat sunah pada malam hari (sesudah Isya, sebelum Subuh) pada bulan Ramadan (bulan puasa)

teraweh/te·ra·weh/ /terawéh/ ? tarawih (probably means the alternate or corrupt form of 'tarawih')

Anneke spoke Dutch (Her father was Dutch.), so the way she pronounced the 'w' sound in Indonesian had always been greatly affected by the language, and you will find lots of such instances in her other Indonesian songs. ('W's in Dutch are pronouced closedly to 'v' sounds, in most cases, I hear.) So if that's the right word, 'teraveh' is probably the closest to what she sounded in the song, whereas 'tarawih' is the "correct" spelling for the lyrics.

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