Evening Prayer
Barry Clark Lyrics
We have lyrics for 'Evening Prayer' by these artists:
Browns (words & music by Battersby - Gabriel) If I have wounded…
Don Gibson If I have wounded any soul today if I have…
Eclipse 6 (Great God?) To thee, an evening prayer Hear my words, accep…
Jens Lekman At Babak's school, there is a 3D printer And he prints…
Jens Lekman & LouLou Lamotte At Babak's school, there is a 3D printer And he prints…
Jim Reeves If I have wounded any soul today If I have caused…
Lekman Jens At Babak's school, there is a 3D printer And he prints…
Marty Robbins (Charles H. Gabriel - C.M. Battersby) If I have wounded any…
My Ruin The wages of sin Hold my heart hostage My mouth is still…
Rick Wakeman Go with each of us to rest; If any awake, temper…
Slim Whitman If I have wounded any soul today If I have caused…
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