Slime and Oxygen
Black Lips Lyrics

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I walked the path of million men
I gorge the belly I fight and sin
Battles in the Trojan War
I drink the wine and blood of before
A nimble skull will always crack
1000 year faithful attack
Will a coward die from calloused hands
3000 rationed spinach cans
A giddy doctrine will not live
A pancake covered battle shield
Must condemn the weakling mind
For your book that must be bind
Juggernaut will crush the bum

Combatant of the drunken slum
Gnawing on the greed of war

Overall Meaning

The lyrics of Black Lips's song "Slime and Oxygen" are cryptic yet filled with allusions and symbols, creating a surrealistic and almost apocalyptic atmosphere. The singer describes himself as a warrior who has walked the same path as millions of men before him, indulging in belly-gorging and sinning. The line "Battles in the Trojan War" references the ancient Greek myth of the siege of Troy, suggesting that the singer is fighting an epic and timeless war. He then claims to drink "the wine and blood of before," which could be interpreted both literally and metaphorically, referring to the rituals of ancient warriors and the constant repetition of violence throughout human history.

The lines "A nimble skull will always crack/1000 year faithful attack" reflect on the fragility and futility of human existence, implying that no matter how skilled or faithful one is, death and defeat are inevitable. The song then criticizes cowardice and weakness, equating them with being a "bum" and a "weakling mind," while championing strength and combativeness symbolized by a "pancake-covered battle shield." The lyrics also mention "3000 rationed spinach cans," which could be interpreted as a reference to military rations or a nod to the character Popeye, who famously gains strength from eating spinach.

The final lines of "Slime and Oxygen" read "Juggernaut will crush the bum/Combatant of the drunken slum/Gnawing on the greed of war," ending the song with a prophetic and ominous tone. The Juggernaut is traditionally depicted as a destructive force or an unstoppable machine, while the "drunken slum" suggests a society plagued by poverty, addiction, and violence. The song seems to criticize the glorification of war, violence, and aggression, while also acknowledging their seductiveness and their role in human nature.

Line by Line Meaning

I walked the path of million men
I have traveled a path traveled by many before me.

I gorge the belly I fight and sin
I indulge in pleasures and occasionally do things that may be considered sinful.

Battles in the Trojan War
Referencing the historical battle described in Homer's epic poem, the Iliad.

I drink the wine and blood of before
I consume things from those who came before me, whether it be their knowledge, traditions, or practices.

A nimble skull will always crack
One who is careless or foolish will suffer the consequences of their actions.

1000 year faithful attack
A relentless and unwavering attack that lasts for generations.

Will a coward die from calloused hands
Does one who is afraid or unwilling to fight still die a hard death.

3000 rationed spinach cans
A reference to Popeye, a character who gains strength from eating spinach.

A giddy doctrine will not live
An easily excitable belief system will not survive over time.

A pancake covered battle shield
A humorous statement, essentially meaning a shield that is covered in something that is not useful in a battle.

Must condemn the weakling mind
We should not tolerate weak or feeble-minded individuals or behavior.

For your book that must be bind
For the sake of preserving knowledge or tradition, it must be recorded or written down.

Juggernaut will crush the bum
The unstoppable or overwhelming force will mercilessly defeat those who are unable to defend themselves.

Combatant of the drunken slum
A fighter or warrior from a place or situation of low class or status.

Gnawing on the greed of war
Eating or consuming the selfish and destructive desire for power and gain through battle.


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Comments from YouTube:

gus speelt muziek dingen

this song is heavily underrated

jack chan

Best song on album



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