Stances du Cid: Airs de cour
Cyril Auvity Lyrics

We have lyrics for these tracks by Cyril Auvity:

Alcione Acte I Scène 2: "Aimez-vous sans alarmes" CHŒUR Aimez-vous sans alarmes, Que vos feux sont charmants, …
Alcione Acte I Scène 3: "Écoutez nos serments arbitres des humains" ALCIONE et CEIX Ecoutez nos serments, arbitres des humains. …
Alcione Acte I Scène 3: Tempête ALCIONE, CEIX et le GRAND PRÊTRE Quel bruit ! Quels terrible…
Alcione Acte II Scène 2: Prélude lentement CEIX (Sans apercevoir Phorbas et Ismène) Dieux cruels, punis…

Alcione Acte IV Scène 5: "Ciel ! Ô Ciel quel affreux Orage!" CHŒUR de MATELOTS Ciel ! Ô Ciel, quel affreux Orage ! Rien…
Alcione Acte V Scène 6: "Quoi ! Je revois Ceix" ALCIONE Quoi ! Je revois Ceix. CEIX Je revois Alcione. NEP…

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Comments from YouTube:


I wish more videos were like this, just straight up to the point.


Me too


I wish books were easier to read if recorded into an audio device and applied to normal everyday standards of living as you constantly improve yourself overtime. That way, everything would be much cheaper instead of teachers telling us what to do. e_e


@Tim And Emo Hippies are too lazy to do their jobs... WITH EASE. e_e


Balancing Act

We’re recruiting for the CIA

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after watching videos straight to the point , you will think "he is straight to the point but he is speaking slowly" or "he could have said that in 5 words..." or somthng like that and then u will comment again

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Language ability, foreign travel, adaptability, high level of intelligence, a bit of a loner, not especially fond of authority, free thinker, willingness to take risks, lots of stamina, and ability to work under what is at times incredible pressure. Depending on where one is posted, you may be doing what a Navy SEAL does, except you will have no team, no back-up, no nothing but your own wits---and you will be behind enemy lines.


Orde Wingate oof


Haha !


You have to be fond of authority to even get the question would you go into a situation like that. They need to know you won’t question orders.

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