D.N.Angel OST 1 Lyrics

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ごめんなさい ごめんなさい なんてのは もうごめんだ
いきなりきた正念場 誰も俺を止めんな
ここで雑魚はぶっ潰す 破り棄てたルールブック
俺のラップは お前の脳に直で届く ブルートゥース
見た目だけの ギャンブラー 潰すまるでダンプカー
運が尽きたヤングガンは 所詮一生アングラ
俺の名前は doppo 常に hot まさに本物
この場空気勝敗 まで全てコントロール

はっ 笑わせんな 所詮テメェはリーマン
大人ぶってみたところで ここじゃラッパー未満
金も勝利もリスクない とこにゃ巡らねー
こちとら文字通り 命がけでメイクマネー
安定なんてもんは はなからマジ興味ねー
本気で熱くなれる 物と言葉 用意してく
常に腹はくくる それが dead or live

何を偉そうに 語っているペラペラ
聞こえがいいだけ 所詮中身ペラペラ
僕は一二三 gigolo 一つづつを積み重ねる
Uh 時代錯誤 そんな格好 何が夢野幻太郎
いくら書いても売れない本と 増えるだけのペンダコ
僕は未来見てる 全てイメージ次第

Uh なるほど 一理ある
確かにあなた リアル
できれば一緒に プロジェクト
何て無理 嘘ですよ

温故知新こそ 未来開く鍵
足元も見えなきゃ つまずくばかり
がなりたがりのバカには わからないか

The battle, battle, battle, yeah
The battle, battle, battle, uh
シンジュク 麻天狼からつなぐ ファンデーション

The battle, battle, battle, yeah
The battle, battle, battle, uh
シブヤ fling posse king 取って またかっ飛ばそう

The battle, battle, battle
The battle, battle, battle
The battle, battle, battle
The battle, battle, battle

決着つける 今日の勝者を決める
The battle, battle, battle
The battle, battle, battle

付き合いきれない 馬鹿げた定説
わたしは経てきた 貴重な経験
あなたのラップは こどもだましの
戯れごと 望むはこころがわりを

黙っていれば いい気になる バカなら一気に
黙らせるその口チャック さらに縫い合わせてく
閉じるその癇に障る 高い声はシャットダウン
君の未来不安定 気づけば僕のクランケ

えーやだー クランケって どうせならば フランケン
みたいにかっこよくて 強い奴じゃないと不満です
いくらお口チャックしても すぐに開くビリビリー
癇に障るならば なおさら まずは右耳

左耳 どちらも響かせるよ どうかな?
何度だって懲りず 復活できる今日から
「人の過去のことを何度も 持ち出すんじゃねー」
約束じゃなきゃ 容赦しないよってシナリオ

これでどうだ いい加減 俺らこそが進化系
何が麻天狼 ここで終わり ペイアテンション
この国では絶滅する サダメこそが狼

小生たちは次の時代を 生きることにドーパミン
楽しくなっちゃう ほらしちゃいなってギブギブ
そしたら僕ら おねえさんのとこに すぐに行く行く
俺ら posse 見せる絆 ナイスコンビネーション
今を生きることが モチベーション

あーうるさいうるさい 黙れ 御託ばっか並べて
絶滅のサダメって ここが変える 分かれ目
どんな辛い過去もヒックリ 変えすだけだろ
それができる仲間たちと 組んでこの division battle
独りよがりばかり 罠にはまり込んだやつらには
わからないだろうが そんなものは全て偽り
人のために出す力で 教えるものハウメニー
それを歌い 握る拡声器 (麻天狼)

The battle, battle, battle, yeah
The battle, battle, battle, uh
シンジュク 麻天狼からつなぐ ファンデーション
The battle, battle, battle, yeah
The battle, battle, battle, uh
シブヤ fling posse king 取って またかっ飛ばそう
The battle, battle, battle
The battle, battle, battle
The battle, battle, battle
The battle, battle, battle
決着つける 今日の勝者を決める

The battle, battle, battle
The battle, battle, battle

Overall Meaning

The song "Battle of Pride" is from the D.N.Angel OST 1 and is a rap song performed by various artists known as HYPNOSISMIC, including Ichiro Yamada, Jiro Yamada, Ramuda Amemura, Samatoki Aohitsugi, Jakurai Jinguji, and Doppo Kannonzaka. The lyrics of the song tell about their pride and passion as they engage in battles and prove their existence through their legendary and glorious performances. The rap lyrics describe their unwavering determination to win battles, their unique skills, and their dominance on stage.

The song has an upbeat tempo with an electronic beat, and energetic vocals that are sure to pump up the listener. The song is a perfect blend of rap and techno music, giving it a unique and futuristic sound. The chorus of the song "Bounce, bounce, make it bounce" reflects the high-energy and enthusiasm of the song.

Overall, "Battle of Pride" is a song that celebrates the art of rap, self-belief, the fight for survival, and the importance of pride in oneself. The song showcases how the artists view their passion as a battle against mediocrity and how they constantly strive to improve their skills to be the best in their field.

Line by Line Meaning

Battle of pride
A fierce battle to defend one's honor and dignity

Now open the door (door)
Unlock the opportunity for greatness and step forward

足を踏み入れろ (dope)
Step boldly into the unknown and embrace the challenge

そしてしかと見ろ (アーイ)
Observe carefully and take in every detail

一郎 on the floor
Ichiro dominating the stage with his skills

Always at the top of the game

このステージ ド真ん中を jack
Commanding the center of the stage with confidence

Elevating the performance with clever rhymes and thoughts

Resolving all past conflicts and settling scores

別格スキルの二郎の rhymin'
Jiro's exceptional skills in rhyming

Bucro overpowering the competition

Bounce! Bounce!
Bouncing with energy and enthusiasm

Creating an electrifying atmosphere like a boiling water kettle

Bomb! Bomb! Bomb!
Exploding with unstoppable force

Refusing to be defeated by anyone

Showing no mercy even when someone is in a pitiful state

1, 2の3で buster 朝飯前だ まだ
Taking down opponents effortlessly, barely breaking a sweat

Disliking to let emotions control and be overwhelmed by them

印象的なリリック 絹のように紡ぐだけ
Crafting impressive lyrics with finesse and delicacy

催眠マイク支配し 闘いの意味を理解し
Mastering the hypnotizing microphone and understanding the meaning of the battle

最新現場 生配信 僕達が生きた証
Capturing the latest scene and broadcasting it live as proof of our existence

Bounce, bounce, make it bounce
Bouncing and bringing vibrant energy

Buster Bros!!! が揺らすぜ
Buster Bros!!! shaking things up

俺の浅い眠り ジャマするドブ鼠
Disturbing my shallow sleep like a pesky rat

棺葬る準備 逝かしてやろうか?
Preparing to bury someone, shall we let them pass away?

左馬刻様の前だ 頭 垂れな そこの小童
In front of Saburo-sama, don't lower your head, you little child

Don't test the "Mr. Hc"
Don't underestimate Mr. Hc's abilities

沈めんぞ 海の底
I won't let you sink to the bottom of the sea

Illmatic 入間銃兎 以外 ill じゃない
Illmatic Iruma Jyuto is the one who is truly ill

傷 纏って闘うなら手段選ばない
If you choose to fight with wounds, you won't be picky about the means

There's no protection of the law for the scum that pollutes the bay

No arrest warrant, just a surprise raid

今夜 震えて眠れ
Tremble and sleep tonight

Bayside から警報 ヤメな無駄な抵抗
Alarm from Bayside, stop the pointless resistance

定められた銃口 穴の空いたレインコート
A predetermined gun muzzle, a raincoat with holes

言葉が降る戦場 選ばれしアウトロー
A battlefield where words rain down, chosen outlaws

What's necessary is pride

鳴り止まない discord
Unending discord

Dark liberty, north bastard
Dark liberty, the bastard of the north

Douan makes his appearance

アカバネがシーン break out
Akabane makes a scene, breaking out

Next is our turn

ケケケケッ 梁山が
Kekekeke, Mt. Liang

撒き散らす 嘘の verse
Scattering false verses

For lukewarm boys

姿 追えぬ無線LAN
An elusive wireless LAN that can't be caught

Crazy doctor のメス
The scalpel of a crazy doctor

蛇穴 切り刻む実験
Cutting through snake holes with experiments

The mad scientist of words

"I'll make you a guinea pig"

North Bastard が揺らすぜ
North Bastard shaking things up

始めろ show time バチバチ in fight
Start the showtime, intense fighting

Do not cross 制御不能
Do not cross, uncontrollable

俺らが lock down
We will lock down the situation

Battle of pride
A fierce battle to defend one's honor and dignity

証明しろ存在 ビビりは論外
Prove your existence, no room for fear

We'll create legends and glory

We will seize it

生き様を賭けろ survive
Bet your way of life, survive

ここの rule は
The rules here are

Kill or be killed

変幻自在の蜃気楼 街中ピンク色
A mesmerizing mirage that dances through the pink-colored streets

Imbued with the tone of random numbers (yes-yes)

さぁ Fling Posse と(bouncin')
Now, with Fling Posse (bouncing)

Dropping fluffy candy

Take my heart!

オネーさん達 一網打尽
All the ladies, captured at once

Hmm, a perfectly aligned interpretation of life and death

あゝ蜜のあわれのごときこの世 諦観
Ah, the pitiful resignation of this world, like honey

誇り求め刹那の宵にこの身 捧げて
Seeking pride, offering myself in this fleeting night

What will I gain?

Ah, cold-hearted

一点張り さあ熱狂 首筋ヒリヒリする勝負
Sticking to one point, exciting match that makes your neck tingle

命懸けの bet life is short!(Dead or alive)
A life-or-death bet, life is short! (Dead or alive)

奪うぜ money money ド派手に get it get it
Let's snatch the money, get it in a flashy way

凱旋 勝利のマーチ シブヤが on stage
Triumphant, the march of victory, Shibuya on stage

The signs of a battle emerging in the midst of chaos

Yet I search for the hope that remains in Pandora's box

淀む街の空気 全てこの身 取り込み
Absorbing all the stagnant air of the town into my being

"Fight against yourself," let us, Matenrou, proclaim

Pouring love onto a lost kitten

さぁ ぐいぐいぐいぐーい (ぐいぐいぐいぐーい)
Come on, tug, tug, tug!

ぐいぐいよしこーい! (パーリーナイ!)
Pull, pull, keep going! (Party night!)

Both extroverts and introverts are important characters

Gigolo とシャンパン「ポーン!」
Gigolo and champagne, "Pawn!"

This magic that doesn't fade until morning

牛丼 搔き込む 独りきりで残業
Eating gyudon alone during overtime

「あぁ心配 中性脂肪」
"Oh, worry about my cholesterol"

健康診断 C以上
Health checkup, grade C or above

Vanishing into parallel worlds (yeah)

Solo trip to India (meaningless!)

されど繰り返す リセマラ社畜 life!
Yet repeating the life of a rerolling corporate slave!

セイヤッ! ソイヤッ! アサクサ
Seiya! Soiya! Asakusa

割って入る いざこざ
Intervening in a dispute

鬼瓦ボンバーズ 甚八
Onigawara Bombers, Jinpachi

Can't stand crooked people

酒だ! 酒だ! 酒が足りねんだ
Sake! Sake! We need more sake

正宗 喧嘩場じゃ
Masamune, the place of fights

筋と肴 荒らさねぇ
Not ruining the harmony of muscles and dishes

To Toshirou who doesn't know soba

Doushirou doesn't spare his money

The reserved one is an unusual partner

青二才 帰ぇんなとっとこ!
Inexperienced, don't go home, hurry up!

Bounce, bounce, make it bounce
Bouncing and making it lively

Onigawara Bombers shaking things up

Battle of pride
A fierce battle to defend one's honor and dignity

始めろ show time バチバチ in fight
Start the showtime, intense fighting

Do not cross 制御不能
Do not cross, uncontrollable

俺らが lock down
We will lock down the situation

Bounce, bounce, make it bounce
Bouncing and bringing vibrant energy

Floor 焦がす 1 verse
Setting the floor on fire with one verse

証明しろ存在 ビビりは論外
Prove your existence, no room for fear

We'll create legends and glory

We will seize it

Bounce, bounce, make it bounce
Bouncing and bringing vibrant energy

生き様を賭けろ survive
Bet your way of life, survive

ここの rule は
The rules here are

Kill or be killed

Bounce, bounce, bounce
Bouncing with energy and enthusiasm

ここの rule で
With the rules here

Now settle it

Bounce, bounce, bounce
Bouncing with energy and enthusiasm

Battle of pride
A fierce battle to defend one's honor and dignity

はい どーも! なんや緊迫? しとるけど (そうなん?)
Yes, hello! Is something tense happening? (Is that so?)

待ちくたびれて眠たいわ〜 (はぁ〜)
I'm tired of waiting, feeling sleepy~ (Sigh~)

Sudden disruption by the sanbonsugi tree

Should we crush everything?

マッカチンで鼻をハサんだるわ 帰りぃ
I'll poke your nose with a cork screw, go home

はい お駄賃〜
Here's your pocket money, yay!

自称あがり症の盧笙が attention (連れショ〜ン)
Lu Sheng, the self-proclaimed agoraphobic, grabs attention (Yo, let's go!)

少々アホが過ぎるウチの大将 (ってなんでやね〜ん!)
Our leader can be a bit foolish (What's with that? Come on!)

オオサカ バカやっても battle アツなって
Even if Osaka fools around, the battle heats up

教えたるわ むっちゃ渋い罵詈雑言
Let me teach you some harsh insults in a cool way

密かに暗躍 (fake)
Secretly maneuvering (fake)

潮目読み切る役 (mastermind)
Playing a role in foreseeing the tide (mastermind)

ガキ共 俺の手の平 廻る(まるで vinyl)
You kids spin on the palm of my hand (just like vinyl)

勘違いの猫パンチとは 段違いの経験値
A misunderstanding of a cat punch, a vast difference in experience points

You can't tell me nothin'
You can't tell me nothing

I instantly sterilize the germs

一蓮托生 ナゴヤ
United as one, Nagoya

この眼 開き始めるセッション
These eyes are beginning to open for the session

作麼生 仕掛ける抗争 説破
Sakamochi starting a conflict, breaking down the arguments

Stop the pointless killing

精神の命綱 我ら繋ぐ 強い絆
The lifeline of our spirits, a strong bond connects us

火蓋切りゃ下す 仏罰 破! 拙僧の説法
Lifting the fire cover, unleashing the divine punishment! The sermon of this humble monk

逢魔時の dark side 舞い降りる butterfly
The dark side descending like a butterfly at the time of the witching hour

未だ癒えぬ傷を抱えただ叫ぶ (I'm cry)
Still harboring unhealed wounds, I scream (I'm cry)

月の光と陰 誘う 黒い羽根
The moon's light and shadow entice, black feathers

I won't allow any excuses

"There's nothing that can surpass me"

Bad Ass Temple
Bad Ass Temple

I will judge according to my own laws

六法全書 閉じて突きつける judgment
Closing the book of laws and presenting the judgement

There are things that can't be endured

ナゴヤ家族 dis するヤツ
The one who disrespects the Nagoya family

天秤は不公平 決意 これぞ不退転
The scales are unfair, determination, this is unwavering

Clap your hands everybody
Clap your hands, everybody

道頓堀ダイバーズ 描く俺らの story
Dotonbori Divers, illustrating our story

いつだってフレッシュな3人組が rockin'
Always, the fresh trio is rockin'

Keep on movin' & groovin'
Keep on moving and grooving

ヒロリン リョウタがボケ
Hirolyn and Ryota are the comedians

ハルがツッコみ OK?
Haru does the straight man, OK?

怖いもん知らず 絶妙のコンビネーション
Fearless, with an exquisite combination

Causing a big uproar

次の波 レボリューション
The next wave, revolution

天から降りる蜘蛛の糸 (蜘蛛の糸)
Spider threads falling from the sky (spider threads)

さぁ我々と共に闘おう神の下 (神の下)
Now, let's fight together under God (under God)

この狂った世界は崩壊 慈悲も無く破壊
This mad world will collapse, without mercy, it will be destroyed

信じなければ救わない 糸の会
If you don't believe, you won't be saved, the Thread Party

Welcome to the division
Welcome to the division

勢揃いの icon
Gathering of icons

Disturbing the whole nation

Take a good look at the trio

燃え上がる Babylon
Burning Babylon

びっくり仰天! 真相
Surprise and astonishment! The truth

A dangerous arsenal

着火すんぜ 警告!
Igniting it, warning!

ヒプノシスマイク 起動
Hypnosis Mic, activate

鳴り響く bang a gong
Resounding, bang a gong

独壇場 rhyme & flow
Dominating with rhyme and flow

言葉の暴動 最終章
The riot of words, final chapter

Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
Written by: RhymeTube, Ken Sakuma

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
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