It came to life in 2006, by the hands of 4 young musicians with diverse musical backgrounds and experiences (such as classical music, jazz, ethnical and traditional music), searching to recreate a sound rooted in popular music through the crossing of different musical languages and musical research serving as a base for the group's original compositions. Their first album - Canção ao Lado was released in 2008.
"...Her name is Deolinda and she is old enough to realize that life isnt as easy as it seems. Merrily unmarried, in love and out of love, born in Lisbon, she inhabits a ground floor apartment somewhere in the suburbs of the capital. She writes her own songs by peeking through the curtains of her window, drawing inspiration from the old gramophone records that once belonged to her grandmother and by the bizarre and strange life of her neighbours. She lives with 2 cats and a gold fish..."
Taken from the website:
Deolinda are: Ana Bacalhau (vocals), Zé Pedro Leitão (doublebass), Pedro da Silva Martins (classical guitar) and Luís José Martins (classical guitar).
Patinho De Borracha
Deolinda Lyrics
Jump to: Overall Meaning ↴ Line by Line Meaning ↴
És um marujo da banheira
E antevejo
Um bárbaro e vil desfecho
Mal te abram a torneira
Já se vislumbra uma desgraça
No teu desejo
Talvez te tampes
E uma onda ainda te mande
Contra o esmalte da banheira
Ou contra um pato de borracha
Eu também já desbravei ondas dos sete mares
E fui comandante de uma frota de alguidares
Mas a solidão e alguma desilusão
Cantam-me assim
Faz-te falta um faroleiro
Que te afaste a luz dos olhos
Que te aponte para os molhes
Que há tanta ilusão na vida
Por te ouvir tantas cantigas
Já deixei de acreditar
Tu vai lá contra os patinhos
Que eu remo este alguidar
Pelo que vejo
Pelo peixe que pescaste
Deste tamanho
Encolheu ou foi mirrando
Ou dissolveu-se no balde
Ou nunca houve peixe nenhum
E caldeirada de batatas e cebolas
Foi cozinhada sem cebolas nem batatas
Nem um tacho para lá pô-las
Que não te faltem latas de atum
Já fui embalada
Pelo canto da sereia
Levei-a para casa
Fiz filetes e papei-a
Será digestão, consciência ou razão
Que eu oiço em mim
Faz-te falta um faroleiro
Que te afaste a luz dos olhos
Que te aponte para os molhes
Que há tanta ilusão na vida
Por te ouvir tantas cantigas
Já deixei de acreditar
Tu vai lá contra os patinhos
Que eu remo este alguidar
The lyrics of Deolinda's song "Patinho de Borracha" tell a witty story about a person who thinks they are a great sailor, but in reality, they are just playing in the bathtub. The singer predicts disaster as soon as they turn on the tap and warns the person against their desire to have the largest boat, as it could lead to an accident in the bathtub. The singer reflects on their own experiences and warns that illusions can lead to disappointment, suggesting that the person needs a lighthouse keeper to guide them towards reality. The song ends with a humorous reference to the person's fishing skills, which are non-existent, and a suggestion that they should stick to chasing rubber ducks while the singer rows their own bathtub.
The song uses playful and ironic lyrics to criticize society's obsession with materialism and the need for instant gratification. The idea of playing with rubber ducks in the bathtub is used as a metaphor for having modest dreams and being happy with what one has. The singer is positioned as a wise and experienced figure who has learned to appreciate the simple things in life and warns against the dangers of chasing superficial dreams.
Overall, "Patinho de Borracha" is a lighthearted and humorous song with a deeper message about the importance of living a simple and authentic life.
Line by Line Meaning
Pelo que vejo
From what I see
És um marujo da banheira
You are a sailor in the bathtub
E antevejo
And I foresee
Um bárbaro e vil desfecho
A barbaric and vile outcome
Mal te abram a torneira
As soon as the faucet is turned on
Já se vislumbra uma desgraça
A calamity is already looming
No teu desejo
In your desire
De ter a maior traineira
To have the biggest fishing boat
Talvez te tampes
You might block yourself
E uma onda ainda te mande
And a wave might still send you
Contra o esmalte da banheira
Against the enamel of the bathtub
Ou contra um pato de borracha
Or against a rubber duck
Eu também já desbravei ondas dos sete mares
I have also braved the seven seas
E fui comandante de uma frota de alguidares
And I commanded a fleet of buckets
Mas a solidão e alguma desilusão
But loneliness and some disappointment
Cantam-me assim
Sing to me like this
Faz-te falta um faroleiro
You need a lighthouse keeper
Que te afaste a luz dos olhos
To keep the light out of your eyes
Que te aponte para os molhes
To point you towards the breakwaters
Que há tanta ilusão na vida
That there is so much illusion in life
Por te ouvir tantas cantigas
Because you have heard so many songs
Já deixei de acreditar
I have stopped believing
Tu vai lá contra os patinhos
You go against the rubber duckies
Que eu remo este alguidar
While I row this bucket
Pelo peixe que pescaste
For the fish you caught
Deste tamanho
It was this big
Encolheu ou foi mirrando
It shrunk or it withered
Ou dissolveu-se no balde
Or it dissolved in the bucket
Ou nunca houve peixe nenhum
Or there was never a fish at all
E caldeirada de batatas e cebolas
And fish stew with potatoes and onions
Foi cozinhada sem cebolas nem batatas
Was cooked without onions or potatoes
Nem um tacho para lá pô-las
Nor a pot to put them in
Que não te faltem latas de atum
May you never run out of tuna cans
Já fui embalada
I have been lulled
Pelo canto da sereia
By the siren's song
Levei-a para casa
I took her home
Fiz filetes e papei-a
I made fillets and ate her
Será digestão, consciência ou razão
Is it digestion, conscience, or reason?
Que eu oiço em mim
That I hear within me
Contributed by Gavin C. Suggest a correction in the comments below.
Adoro esta música e a introdução inicial nos concertos "que se acham marinheiros de mar alto com grandes embarcações, mas se revelam marujos de banheira, montados, em patinhos de borracha" <3
Bom demais - não consegui comprar o cd desta música (Patinho de borracha) quando estive em Portugal; eu adoro, é genial!! Sou fã do humor e do desenho sentimental português. Sou brasileira, carioca. Mas Portugal, para mim, é uma espécie de coração do mundo.
esta é das minhas favoritas do segundo album!
@modestoca25 Rubber Duck! :p
@modestoca25 Rubber ducky!
Eu cá acho que nunca houve peixe nenhum e vivam as latas de atum.
what does "patinho da borracha" mean in English?
rubber duck