Camí fàcil
Dr. Calypso Lyrics

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actua, s'amaga continuament
no sap quin dia pot ser el darrer
alerta i atent viu arriscadament
no sap quin dia pot ser el darrer

desperta com cada dia
sentit-se bé sentit-se fort
passa com un cicló
deixant sang, por i destrucció

la resposta depèn de tu
la sortida que tu, que tu has triat
es un arma en les teves mans
per resoldre els problemes a trets

camí fàcil, no gens fàcil

res li fa temer per la seva sort
doncs ja te clar com acaba aixó
fort i segur intimida a la gent
però poc a poc no li fan costat

lluitant per millors temps
i cercant el paradís

bregant pel teu futur
i cercant el paradís

Overall Meaning

The song Camí fàcil by Dr. Calypso speaks about living life to the fullest and taking advantage of every moment, as we do not know when it may be our last. The lyrics urge the listener to be aware and alert, while also embracing the chaos and destruction that life can bring. The song emphasizes personal responsibility in choosing one's path and finding solutions to life's problems. The chorus repeats the phrase "camí fàcil", which translates to "easy path", but the song reminds us that this path is not easy at all.

The first verse speaks about the uncertainty of life and how we never know when it will end. The second verse talks about waking up each day feeling strong and ready to face whatever comes our way. The use of the metaphor of a cyclone leaving destruction in its wake emphasizes the unpredictability of life. The lyrics also suggest that the response to life's challenges is in our hands, and we have the power to choose the path we take and the solutions we use.

The third verse portrays the singer as someone who is not afraid of anything because they know how it will all end. However, their intimidation of others leads to loneliness and isolation. The final verse speaks about the importance of fighting for a better future and searching for paradise, whether it be in this life or the next.

Overall, the song Camí fàcil is a call to action to live our lives fully, taking personal responsibility for our choices and facing life's challenges head-on.

Line by Line Meaning

actua, s'amaga continuament
Take action, but hide continuously.

no sap quin dia pot ser el darrer
You never know when your last day may come.

alerta i atent viu arriscadament
Live riskily, stay alert and attentive.

desperta com cada dia
Wake up like every other day, with enthusiasm.

sentit-se bé sentit-se fort
Feel good, feel strong and empowered.

passa com un cicló
Pass like a cyclone, leaving behind chaos and destruction.

deixant sang, por i destrucció
Leaving behind blood, fear, and destruction.

la resposta depèn de tu
The answer depends on you entirely.

la sortida que tu, que tu has triat
The exit that you chose, yes, you chose!

es un arma en les teves mans
It's a weapon in your hands.

per resoldre els problemes a trets
Use it to solve your problems intelligently.

camí fàcil, no gens fàcil
Easy path, not really easy!

res li fa temer per la seva sort
Nothing scares him for his fate is clear.

doncs ja te clar com acaba aixó
And he already knows how this will end.

fort i segur intimida a la gent
Strong and confident, he intimidates people.

però poc a poc no li fan costat
But gradually they stop following him.

lluitant per millors temps
Fighting for better times ahead.

i cercant el paradís
And searching for paradise.

bregant pel teu futur
Struggling for your own future.

i cercant el paradís
And searching for paradise.

Contributed by Thomas K. Suggest a correction in the comments below.
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