Da Fam on da Gram Skit
Esco Lyrics

We have lyrics for 'Da Fam on da Gram Skit' by these artists:

Future/Dj Esco You have reached the voice mail box of: 4045558404 You know…
Future; Dj Esco You have reached the voice mail box of: 4045558404 You know…

We have lyrics for these tracks by Esco:

2 CARS Two cars both with two man with two straps Two cars…
96 Bars Of Revenge Horace andy Yeah yeah yeah ah you see a man's face but you…
Dreaming I don't fuck with these no niggas I'm not that…
Go Hard Hmm ahh Aye yeah, yeah Dem think me did cold but me…
Outro Ma, I finally found God in my life Sengiyamaz' uNkulunkulu M…

На закате На закате, Я увижу тебя в чёрном платье Тысяча страстей Пода…
Ой ой Харизматичная брюнетка Вся такая с этикетом Сногсшибательна …

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