Franz Lambert (born March 11, 1948 Heppenheim, Germany) is a German compose… Read Full Bio ↴Franz Lambert (born March 11, 1948 Heppenheim, Germany) is a German composer and organist. He is an avid Hammond organ player but however is more noted in later years for playing the Wersi range of electronic organs and during his career has released over 100 albums.
His first notable public appearance was in 1969 in the German TV show Zum Blauen Bock, after which he received his first publishing contract. He has played with several celebrities, including Prince Charles and Helmut Schmidt. One of his works is the FIFA Anthem, which was first played at the 1994 FIFA World Cup for the first time. It continues to be played at all FIFA-organized games and tournaments when the teams enter the stadium.
He lives in Heppenheim-Sonderbach, Hesse.
His first notable public appearance was in 1969 in the German TV show Zum Blauen Bock, after which he received his first publishing contract. He has played with several celebrities, including Prince Charles and Helmut Schmidt. One of his works is the FIFA Anthem, which was first played at the 1994 FIFA World Cup for the first time. It continues to be played at all FIFA-organized games and tournaments when the teams enter the stadium.
He lives in Heppenheim-Sonderbach, Hesse.
Das Boot
Franz Lambert Lyrics
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The Beginner Nächste Station St. Pauli Landungsbrücken und da gibt's dann…
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Оргия Праведников 1. Не печалься, мой друг, мы погибли. Быть может …
We have lyrics for these tracks by Franz Lambert:
Revolution In Paradise You can dance ev'ry dance with the guy who gives…
Right Here Waiting Tage wie Blei So ohne dich Und ich halt's im Kopf nicht…
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