voodoo people re-education
We have lyrics for these tracks by G4GORILLA:
That's What Heads Are For Oh i, never thought I'd feel this way And as far…
we will pressure you I L O V E วะอะ I love you I L…
The lyrics are frequently found in the comments by searching or by filtering for lyric videos
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Arch Crusader
An acquired taste, to be sure. But once one finds their rhythm, this becomes something worth jamming out to.
Prophet Zarquon
My heart is racing already
Wow, that's an eclectic mix of music, I doubt most people even know who Celldweller is. Nicely done.
Daryl Hearth
Wow, found this because I was looking for a decent mashup.
Psycho Killer's lyrics in this combined with the police radio chatter, and End of an Empire's beats make this almost desperate. Like the killer is undergoing a HUGE psyche break while trying their best to escape, but no matter where they go, they're followed. This, of course, only exacerbates things and makes the killer more hostile which causes law enforcement to begin heavily demanding their surrender/use of deadly force.
john lewis
Great Stuff!
@ YITT Madd Skillz! 😱👍
^^ d
My 2nd "collab" with Toast... this worths my 3-day break from my job :D
b n
I thought I recognized that chatter