Yasin Suresi
Huseyin Erek Lyrics

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(1) Yâsiyn (2) velkur'ânilhakiym (3) inneke leminelmürseliyne
(4) alâ siratin müstekiym (5) tenziylel aziyzirrahiym
(6) litünzire kavmen mâ ünzire abâühüm fehüm ğafilûn
(7) lekad hakkalkavlü alâ ekserihim fehüm la yü'minun
(8) inna cealnâ fiy a'nakihim ağlâlen fehiye ilel'ezkani fehüm mukmehun
(9) ve cealna min beyni eydiyhim sedden ve min halfihim sedden feağşeynahüm fehüm lâ yübsirun
(10) ve sevaün aleyhim e enzertehüm em lem tünzirhüm lâ yü'minun
(11) innema tünzirü menittebe azzikre ve haşiyer rahmane bilğayb febeşşirhü bimağfiretin ve ecrin keriym
(12) inna nahnü nuhyilmevta ve nektübü ma gaddemu ve asarehüm ve külle şey'in ahsaynahü fiy imamin mübiyn
(13) vadrib lehüm meselen ashabel karyeh izca ehel mürselun
(14) iz erselna ileyhimüsneyni fekezzebuhüma feazzezna bisalisin fegalû inna ileyküm mürselun
(15) galu mâ entüm illâ beşerün mislüna ve mâ enzelerrahmanü min sey'in in entüm illâ tekzibun
(16) galu rabbüna yalemü inna ileyküm lemürselun
(17) ve ma aleyna illelbelağul mübiyn
(18) kâalû inna tetayyerna biküm lein lem tentehu lenercümenneküm ve leyemessenneküm minna azabün eliym
(19) kâalu dairüküm meaküm ein zükkirtüm bel entüm kavmün müsrifun
(20) ve cae min aksalmediyneti recülün yes'a, gale ya gavmit tebiul mürseliyne
(21) ittebiu men lâ yes'elüküm ecren vehüm mühtedun
(22) ve maliye la a'büdülleziy fetareni ve ileyhi türceun
(23) eettehizü min dunihi aliheten in yüridnir rahmanü bidurrin lâ tuğni anniy şefaatühüm şey'en ve lâ yünkizune
(24) inniy izen lefiy dalâlin mübiyn (25) inniy amentü birabbiküm fesmeun
(26) giyledhulil cenneh, gale ya leyte gavmiy yalemune
(27) bima gğafere liy rabbiy ve cealeniy minel mükremiyn
(28) ve ma enzelna alâ gavmihî min badihî min cündin minessemâi ve ma künna münziliyne
(29) in kânet illâ sayhaten vahideten feiza hüm hamidun
(30) ya hasreten alel ibad ma ye'tiyhim min resulin illâ kanu bihî yestehziun
(31) elem yerev kem ehlekna kablehüm minelguruni ennehüm ileyhim lâ yerciun
(32) ve in küllün lemma cemiun ledeyna muhdarun
(33) ve ayetün lehümül ardulmeyteh ahyeynaha ve ahrecna minha habben feminhü ye'külun
(34) ve cealna fiyha cennatin min nehiylin ve a'nabin ve feccerna fiyha mineluyuni
(35) liye'külu min semerihî ve ma amilethü eydiyhim efelâ yeşkürune
(36) sübhanelleziy halekal ezvace külleha mimma tünbitül ardu ve min enfüsihim ve mimma lâ yalemun
(37) ve ayetün lehümülleyl neslehu minhünnehare feizahüm muzlimune
(38) veşşemsü tecriy limüstekarrin leha zalike takdiyrül aziyzil aliym
(39) velkamere kaddernahü menazile hatta a'dekel urcunil kadiym
(40) leşşemsü yenbeğiy leha en tüdrikel kamere ve lelleylü sabikun nehar ve küllün fiy felekin yesbehun
(41) ve ayetün lehüm enna hamelna zürriyyetehüm fiyl fülkil meşhuni
(42) ve halakna lehüm min mislihî ma yerkebun
(43) ve in neşe' nugrikhüm felâ sariyha lehüm ve lâ hüm yünkazune
(44) illâ rahmeten minna ve metaan ilâ hiyn
(45) ve iza kiyle lehümütteku ma beyne eydiyküm ve ma halfeküm lealleküm türhamune
(46) ve ma te'tiyhim min ayetin min ayati rabbihim illâ kanu anha mu'ridiyn
(47) ve iza kiyle lehüm enfiku mimma rezekakümullahü, kalelleziyne keferu, lilleziyne amenû enutimü men lev yesaullahü at'ameh, in entüm illâ fiy dalâlin mübiyn
(48) ve yegûlûne meta hazalva'dü in küntüm sadikiyn
(49) ma yenzurune illâ sayhaten vahideten te'huzühüm ve hüm yehissimun
(50) felâ yestetiyune tavsiyeten ve la ilâ ehlihim yerciun
(51) ve nüfiha fiyssuri feizâhüm minel'ecdasi ilâ rabbihim yensilun
(52) galu ya veylena men beasena min merkadina haza ma veader rahmanü ve sadekalmürselun
(53) in kanet illâ sayhaten vahideten feizahüm cemiyun ledeyna muhdarun
(54) felyevme lâ tuzlemü nefsün şey'en ve lâ tüczevne illâ ma küntüm ta'melun
(55) inne ashabel cennetil yevme fiy şügulin fâkihun
(56) hüm ve ezvacühüm fiy zilâlin alel'erâiki müttekiun
(57) lehüm fiyha fâkihetün ve lehüm ma yeddeun
(58) selâmün kavlen min Rabbin rahiym (59) vemtazul yevme eyyühel mücrimun
(60) elem ahad ileyküm ya beniy ademe en lâ ta'büdüs şeytan innehu leküm adüvvün mübiynün
(61) ve enibüduniy, haza siratun müstekiym
(62) ve lekad edalle minküm cibillen kesiyra efelem tekunu ta'kilun
(63) hazihî cehennemülletiy küntüm tuadun
(64) islevhel yevme bima küntüm tekfürûn
(65) elyevme nahtimü ala efvahihim ve tükellimüna eydiyhim ve teşhedü ercülühüm bimâ kânu yeksibûn
(66) velev neşâu letamesna alâ ayünihim festebekussirata feenna yübsirun
(67) velev neşaü lemesahnahüm alâ mekanetihim femestetau mudiyyen ve lâ yerciun
(68) ve men nüammirhü nünekkishü fiylhalk, efelâ ya'kilun
(69) ve ma allemnahüş şi're ve ma yenbeğiy leh, in hüve illâ zikrün ve kur'ânün mübiyn
(70) liyünzire men kane hayyen ve yehik kalkavlü alelkafiriyne
(71) evelem yerev enna halakna lehüm mimma amilet eydiyna enamen fehüm leha mâlikun
(72) ve zellelnaha lehüm feminha rekubühüm ve minha ye'külun
(73) ve lehüm fiyha men'afiu ve meşarib efelâ yeşkürune
(74) vettehazu min dunillâhi âliheten leallehüm yünsarun
(75) lâ yestetiyune nasrehüm ve hüm lehüm cündün muhdarun
(76) felâyahzünke kavlühüm, innâ na'lemü ma yüsirrune ve ma yulinun
(77) evelem yerel'insanü enna halaknahü min nutfetin feiza hüve hasiymün mübiyn
(78) ve darebe lena meselen ve nesiye halkah kale men yuhyiylizame ve hiye remiym
(79) kul yuhyiyhelleziy enşeeehaa evvele merreh ve hüve bikülli halkin aliymün
(80) elleziy ceale leküm mineş şeceril'ahdari naren feiza entüm minhü tukidûn
(81) eveleyselleziy halekassemavati vel'arda, bikâdirin alâ en yahlüka mislehüm, belâ ve hüvel hallâkul aliym

(82) innemaaa emrühûu izaaa erade şey'en, en yekule lehu kün, feyekun
(83) fesübhanelleziy biyedihî melekûtü külli sey'in ve ileyhi türceûn.

Overall Meaning

The lyrics to Huseyin Erek's song "Yasin Suresi" are taken from the 36th chapter of the Quran, which is also known as the Yasin Surah. The Surah serves as a reminder of the power and mercy of Allah and the importance of living a righteous life. The opening verse, Bismi'llâhi'r-Rahmâni'r-Rahîm, translates to "In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful." Verses 1-6 emphasize the message of the Surah, which is to warn people of the consequences of their actions and urge them to follow the straight path.

Verses 7-12 describe the disbelief of the people who have been warned, despite the truth being presented to them. They are described as blindly leading their lives without recognizing the message of the Quran. Verses 13-21 provide examples of previous messengers and the reactions of those who received their message. The lyrics go on to describe the importance of gratitude and the punishment for those who reject the message of Allah.

Verse 77 summarizes the message of the Surah, stating that human beings are created from a mere sperm drop, and it is only through Allah's power that we are alive. The overall message of the Surah is to encourage people to live a life of righteousness and to heed the warning that Allah has provided.

Line by Line Meaning

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.

(1) Yâsiyn (2) velkur'ânilhakiym
Yasin, by the wise Quran,

(3) inneke leminelmürseliyne
Indeed, you are one of the messengers,

(4) alâ siratin müstekiym
Upon a straight path.

(5) tenziylel aziyzirrahiym
Sent down by the mighty, merciful God,

(6) litünzire kavmen mâ ünzire abâühüm fehüm ğafilûn
To warn a people whose ancestors were not warned, so they are unaware.

(7) lekad hakkalkavlü alâ ekserihim fehüm la yü'minun
The word has been justified against most of them, so they do not believe.

(8) inna cealnâ fiy a'nakihim ağlâlen fehiye ilel'ezkani fehüm mukmehun
Indeed, We have put shackles on their necks, reaching up to their chins, so they are stiff-necked.

(9) ve cealna min beyni eydiyhim sedden ve min halfihim sedden feağşeynahüm fehüm lâ yübsirun
And We have put a barrier before them and a barrier behind them and covered them, so they do not see.

(10) ve sevaün aleyhim e enzertehüm em lem tünzirhüm lâ yü'minun
And it is the same for them, whether you warn them or do not warn them, they will not believe.

(11) innema tünzirü menittebe azzikre ve haşiyer rahmane bilğayb febeşşirhü bimağfiretin ve ecrin keriym
Indeed, you can only warn those who follow the message and fear the Most Merciful unseen. So give them good tidings of forgiveness and a noble reward.

(12) inna nahnü nuhyilmevta ve nektübü ma gaddemu ve asarehüm ve külle şey'in ahsaynahü fiy imamin mübiyn
Indeed, it is We who bring the dead to life and record what they have put forth and what they have left behind, and everything We have enumerated in a clear register.

(13) vadrib lehüm meselen ashabel karyeh izca ehel mürselun
And present to them an example: the people of the city, when the messengers came to them.

(14) iz erselna ileyhimüsneyni fekezzebuhüma feazzezna bisalisin fegalû inna ileyküm mürselun
When We sent to them two messengers, they denied them, so We strengthened them with a third, and they said, 'Indeed, we are messengers to you.'

(15) galu mâ entüm illâ beşerün mislüna ve mâ enzelerrahmanü min sey'in in entüm illâ tekzibun
They said, 'You are not but men like us, and the Most Merciful has not revealed anything. You are only telling lies.'

(16) galu rabbüna yalemü inna ileyküm lemürselun
They said, 'Our Lord knows that we are messengers to you,

(17) ve ma aleyna illelbelağul mübiyn
And our duty is only to convey clearly.'

(18) kâalû inna tetayyerna biküm lein lem tentehu lenercümenneküm ve leyemessenneküm minna azabün eliym
They said, 'Indeed, we consider you a bad omen. If you do not desist, we will surely stone you, and there will surely touch you, from us, a painful punishment.'

(19) kâalu dairüküm meaküm ein zükkirtüm bel entüm kavmün müsrifun
They said, 'Your omen is with yourselves. Is it because you were reminded? Rather, you are a transgressing people.'

(20) ve cae min aksalmediyneti recülün yes'a, gale ya gavmit tebiul mürseliyne
And from the farthest end of the city, a man came running. He said, 'O my people, follow the messengers.

(21) ittebiu men lâ yes'elüküm ecren vehüm mühtedun
Follow those who do not ask of you [any] payment, and they are [rightly] guided.

(22) ve maliye la a'büdülleziy fetareni ve ileyhi türceun
And why should I not worship He who created me and to whom you will be returned?

(23) eettehizü min dunihi aliheten in yüridnir rahmanü bidurrin lâ tuğni anniy şefaatühüm şey'en ve lâ yünkizune
Should I take other than Him [false] deities [while], if the Most Merciful intends for me some adversity, their intercession will not avail me at all, nor can they save me?

(24) inniy izen lefiy dalâlin mübiyn
Indeed, I would then be in manifest error.

(25) inniy amentü birabbiküm fesmeun
Indeed, I have believed in your Lord, so listen to me.'

(26) giyledhulil cenneh, gale ya leyte gavmiy yalemune
It was said, 'Enter Paradise.' He said, 'I wish my people could know

(27) bima gğafere liy rabbiy ve cealeniy minel mükremiyn
Of how my Lord has forgiven me and placed me among the honored.'

(28) ve ma enzelna alâ gavmihî min badihî min cündin minessemâi ve ma künna münziliyne
And We did not send down upon his people after him any soldiers from the heaven, nor would We have done so.

(29) in kânet illâ sayhaten vahideten feiza hüm hamidun
There was not but one shout, and immediately they were extinguished.

(30) ya hasreten alel ibad ma ye'tiyhim min resulin illâ kanu bihî yestehziun
How regretful for the servants. There did not come to them any messenger except that they used to ridicule him.

(31) elem yerev kem ehlekna kablehüm minelguruni ennehüm ileyhim lâ yerciun
Do they not see how many generations We destroyed before them - that they will not return to them?

(32) ve in küllün lemma cemiun ledeyna muhdarun
And indeed, all of them will yet be brought present before Us.

(33) ve ayetün lehümül ardulmeyteh ahyeynaha ve ahrecna minha habben feminhü ye'külun
And a sign for them is the dead earth. We have brought it to life and brought forth from it grain, and from it they eat.

(34) ve cealna fiyha cennatin min nehiylin ve a'nabin ve feccerna fiyha mineluyuni
And We have placed therein gardens of palm trees and grapevines and caused to burst forth therefrom some springs -

(35) liye'külu min semerihî ve ma amilethü eydiyhim efelâ yeşkürune
That they may eat of His fruit. And their hands have not produced it, so will they not be grateful?

(36) sübhanelleziy halekal ezvace külleha mimma tünbitül ardu ve min enfüsihim ve mimma lâ yalemun
Exalted is He who created all pairs - from what the earth grows and from themselves and from that which they do not know.

(37) ve ayetün lehümülleyl neslehu minhünnehare feizahüm muzlimune
And a sign for them is the night. We remove from it [the light of] day, so they are [left] in darkness.

(38) veşşemsü tecriy limüstekarrin leha zalike takdiyrül aziyzil aliym
And the sun runs [on course] toward its stopping point. That is the determination of the Exalted in Might, the Knowing.

(39) velkamere kaddernahü menazile hatta a'dekel urcunil kadiym
And the moon - We have determined for it phases, until it returns [appearing] like the old date stalk.

(40) leşşemsü yenbeğiy leha en tüdrikel kamere ve lelleylü sabikun nehar ve küllün fiy felekin yesbehun
It is not allowable for the sun to reach the moon, nor does the night overtake the day, but each, in an orbit, is swimming.

(41) ve ayetün lehüm enna hamelna zürriyyetehüm fiyl fülkil meşhuni
And a sign for them is that We have carried their forefathers in a laden ship.

(42) ve halakna lehüm min mislihî ma yerkebun
And We created for them from the likes of it that which they ride.

(43) ve in neşe' nugrikhüm felâ sariyha lehüm ve lâ hüm yünkazune
And if We should will, We could drown them; then no one responding to a cry would there be for them, nor would they be saved

(44) illâ rahmeten minna ve metaan ilâ hiyn
Except as a mercy from Us and provision for a time.

(45) ve iza kiyle lehümütteku ma beyne eydiyküm ve ma halfeküm lealleküm türhamune
And when it is said to them, 'Beware of what is before you and what is behind you; perhaps you will receive mercy...'

(46) ve ma te'tiyhim min ayetin min ayati rabbihim illâ kanu anha mu'ridiyn
And no sign comes to them from the signs of their Lord except that they are from it turning away.

(47) ve iza kiyle lehüm enfiku mimma rezekakümullahü, kalelleziyne keferu, lilleziyne amenû enutimü men lev yesaullahü at'ameh, in entüm illâ fiy dalâlin mübiyn
And when it is said to them, 'Spend from that which Allah has provided for you,' those who disbelieve say to those who believe, 'Should we feed one whom, if Allah had willed, He would have fed? You are not but in clear error.'

(48) ve yegûlûne meta hazalva'dü in küntüm sadikiyn
And they say, 'When is this promise, if you should be truthful?'

(49) ma yenzurune illâ sayhaten vahideten te'huzühüm ve hüm yehissimun
They do not await except one shout which will seize them while they are disputing.

(50) felâ yestetiyune tavsiyeten ve la ilâ ehlihim yerciun
And they will not be able [to give] any instruction, nor to their people can they return.

(51) ve nüfiha fiyssuri feizâhüm minel'ecdasi ilâ rabbihim yensilun
And the Horn will be blown; and at once from the graves to their Lord they will hasten.

(52) galu ya veylena men beasena min merkadina haza ma veader rahmanü ve sadekalmürselun
They will say, 'Woe to us! Who has raised us up from our sleeping place?' [The reply will be], 'This is what the Most Merciful had promised, and the messengers told the truth.'

(53) in kanet illâ sayhaten vahideten feizahüm cemiyun ledeyna muhdarun
It will not be but one blast, and at once they are all brought present before Us.

(54) felyevme lâ tuzlemü nefsün şey'en ve lâ tüczevne illâ ma küntüm ta'melun
So today no soul will be wronged at all, and you will not be recompensed except for what you used to do.

(55) inne ashabel cennetil yevme fiy şügulin fâkihun
Indeed, the companions of Paradise, that Day, will be amused in [joyful] occupation.

(56) hüm ve ezvacühüm fiy zilâlin alel'erâiki müttekiun
They and their spouses - in shade, reclining on adorned couches.

(57) lehüm fiyha fâkihetün ve lehüm ma yeddeun
For them therein is fruit, and for them is whatever they request [or wish].

(58) selâmün kavlen min Rabbin rahiym
Peace, a word from a Merciful Lord.

(59) vemtazul yevme eyyühel mücrimun
And 'Be separate, you criminals, this Day.

(60) elem ahad ileyküm ya beniy ademe en lâ ta'büdüs şeytan innehu leküm adüvvün mübiynün
Did I not enjoin upon you, O children of Adam, that you not worship Satan - [for] indeed, he is to you a clear enemy -

(61) ve enibüduniy, haza siratun müstekiym
But that you worship Me? This is a straight path.

(62) ve lekad edalle minküm cibillen kesiyra efelem tekunu ta'kilun
And he had already led astray from among you much of creation. So, did you not use reason?

(63) hazihî cehennemülletiy küntüm tuadun
This is the Hellfire which you were promised.

(64) islevhel yevme bima küntüm tekfürûn
Enter to burn therein today for what you used to deny.'

(65) elyevme nahtimü ala efvahihim ve tükellimüna eydiyhim ve teşhedü ercülühüm bimâ kânu yeksibûn
That Day, We will seal over their mouths, and their hands will speak to Us, and their feet will testify about what they used to earn.

(66) velev neşâu letamesna alâ ayünihim festebekussirata feenna yübsirun
And if We willed, We could have obliterated their eyes, and they would race to [find] the path, and how could they see?

(67) velev neşaü lemesahnahüm alâ mekanetihim femestetau mudiyyen ve lâ yerciun
And if We willed, We could have deformed them, [paralyzing them] in their places so they would not be able to proceed, nor could they return.

(68) ve men nüammirhü nünekkishü fiylhalk, efelâ ya'kilun
And he to whom We grant long life We reverse in creation. So will they not understand?

(69) ve ma allemnahüş şi're ve ma yenbeğiy leh, in hüve illâ zikrün ve kur'ânün mübiyn
And We did not give Prophet-hood to him (Muhammad) except as a revelation and a clear Qur'an

(70) liyünzire men kane hayyen ve yehik kalkavlü alelkafiriyne
To warn whoever is alive and justify the word against the disbelievers.

(71) evelem yerev enna halakna lehüm mimma amilet eydiyna enamen fehüm leha mâlikun
Do they not see that We have created for them from what Our hands have made, grazing livestock, and [then] they are their owners?

(72) ve zellelnaha lehüm feminha rekubühüm ve minha ye'külun
And We have tamed them for them, so some of them they ride, and some of them they eat.

(73) ve lehüm fiyha men'afiu ve meşarib efelâ yeşkürune
And for them therein are [other] benefits and drinks, so will they not be grateful?

(74) vettehazu min dunillâhi âliheten leallehüm yünsarun
But they have taken besides Allah [false] deities that perhaps they would be helped.

(75) lâ yestetiyune nasrehüm ve hüm lehüm cündün muhdarun
They are not able to help them, and they [themselves] are for them soldiers in attendance.

(76) felâyahzünke kavlühüm, innâ na'lemü ma yüsirrune ve ma yulinun
So let not their speech grieve you. Indeed, We know what they conceal and what they declare.

(77) evelem yerel'insanü enna halaknahü min nutfetin feiza hüve hasiymün mübiyn
Does man not see that We created him from a mere sperm-drop - then at once he is a clear adversary?

(78) ve darebe lena meselen ve nesiye halkah kale men yuhyiylizame ve hiye remiym
And he presents for Us an example and forgets his [own] creation. He says, 'Who will give life to bones while they are disintegrated?'

(79) kul yuhyiyhelleziy enşeeehaa evvele merreh ve hüve bikülli halkin aliymün
Say, 'He will give them life who produced them the first time; and He is, of all creation, Knowing.'

(80) elleziy ceale leküm mineş şeceril'ahdari naren feiza entüm minhü tukidûn
[It is] He who made for you from the green tree, fire, and then from it you ignite.

(81) eveleyselleziy halekassemavati vel'arda, bikâdirin alâ en yahlüka mislehüm, belâ ve hüvel hallâkul aliym
Is not He who created the heavens and the earth Able to create the likes of them? Yes, [it is so]; and He is the Knowing Creator.

(82) innemaaa emrühûu izaaa erade şey'en, en yekule lehu kün, feyekun
His command is only when He intends a thing that He says to it, 'Be,' and it is.

(83) fesübhanelleziy biyedihî melekûtü külli sey'in ve ileyhi türceûn
So, Exalted is He in whose hand is the realm of all things, and to Him you will be returned.

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