To America
Joan as Police Woman Lyrics

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Is it right my love, is it right?
Are you happy inside your eyes?
Can't you see your lover
Fall apart in her silk threads
In time the hunter will find the trail of blood

I see you alone tonight
When will you tear down
Love will save you
Try not to starve yourself of love
Feed your hunger

Is it right my love, is it right?
It's a question with no reply
I am sure of longing to be on the open sea
To feel the comfort of the mist upon my cheek
No, I'm not crying

Lose me in your memory
Turn your head
Let me become a part of it
Let me become a part of it

To America, America
Alone, alone, alone alarm alive
To America, America
Alone, alone, alone alarm alive

I am the hunter, I am the hunted
Alone, alone, alone alarm alive

Two marigolds, we're marigolds
Alone, alone, alone alarm alive

Overall Meaning

The lyrics of Joan as Police Woman's song To America are a reflection of the struggles of love and longing. The singer is questioning whether her love is happy and fulfilled, as she sees her falling apart from the inside. The line "In time, the hunter will find the trail of blood" implies that there will be consequences for ignoring the signs of unhappiness in a relationship. The singer then offers the advice to feed the hunger for love, rather than starving oneself of it.

The second part of the lyrics, "Is it right my love, is it right?" suggests a level of uncertainty and indecision in the relationship. The singer longs to be on the open sea, perhaps as an analogy for the freedom and adventure that comes with being alone. She asks to be a part of her lover's memory, as if to create a lasting impact even after they are apart. The repetition of "alone, alone, alone alarm alive" emphasizes the loneliness and struggle that comes with being in a relationship.

Overall, the lyrics of To America are a poignant reflection on the complexities and challenges of love and relationships. The singer grapples with the tension between longing for connection and the desire for freedom and individuality.

Line by Line Meaning

Is it right my love, is it right?
Do you truly believe that our love is strong and right?

Are you happy inside your eyes?
Are you content with who you are and what we have?

Can't you see your lover
Do you not realize the pain you're causing?

Fall apart in her silk threads
My heart is breaking and I'm falling apart inside.

In time the hunter will find the trail of blood
Eventually, the one who caused me harm will see the evidence of their actions and regret it.

I see you alone tonight
You are distant and disconnected from me.

When will you tear down
When will you let go of your defenses?

Love will save you
The power of love can heal even the deepest wounds.

Try not to starve yourself of love
Don't deprive yourself of love and affection.

Feed your hunger
Satisfy your longing for love and connection.

It's a question with no reply
There's no easy answer to our struggles.

I am sure of longing to be on the open sea
I yearn for freedom and escape from our troubles.

To feel the comfort of the mist upon my cheek
To experience the soothing touch of nature and tranquility.

No, I'm not crying
I may be hurting, but I am strong.

Lose me in your memory
Remember me as I was, before our troubles began.

Turn your head
Look away if it's too painful to face me.

Let me become a part of it
Let our love and memories become a part of who you are.

To America, America
Referencing the longing for freedom and escape that America symbolizes.

Alone, alone, alone alarm alive
Feeling isolated and withdrawn, but still alert and aware.

I am the hunter, I am the hunted
I both pursue and fear the outcome of our relationship.

Two marigolds, we're marigolds
A reference to the symbolism of marigolds as love and passion, and the fact that they're united in this struggle.

Lyrics © BMG Rights Management
Written by: JOAN WASSER

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
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