Go Slow
Julie London Lyrics
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When love is slow, ooh honey,
What a tonic for my nerves.
Go slow, ooh honey, we've got such a lot of time
When love is slow, ooh honey,
How the mercury does climb.
The lyrics of the song Go Slow by Julie London express the idea of savoring every moment in love and taking things slow in a relationship. The singer urges her partner to take it easy on the curves, which can be interpreted as a metaphor for the ups and downs or challenges in a relationship. By taking it slow, love becomes a tonic for her nerves, or a source of comfort, and the relationship gains a sense of stability.
The singer emphasizes the importance of taking things slow by stating that there is a lot of time to build love. By going slow, the mercury, which represents the passion and intensity of love, climbs. This idea of the slow build-up of passion is further emphasized by the slow tempo of the song, which creates a relaxed and sensual atmosphere. Overall, the lyrics suggest that taking things slow in a relationship can lead to a more meaningful and sustained love.
Line by Line Meaning
Go slow, ooh honey, take it easy on the curves
Let's not rush and take our time, like a car driving on a winding road
When love is slow, ooh honey, What a tonic for my nerves.
When we take our time with love, it's calming and soothing for my anxious mind
Go slow, ooh honey, we've got such a lot of time
We have plenty of time, so let's savor every moment and not rush through it
When love is slow, ooh honey, How the mercury does climb.
When we take our time with love, it gets hotter and more intense, like the rising temperature in a thermometer
Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC
Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
Go slow, ooh-ooh honey,
Take it easy on the curves.
When love is slow, ooh honey,
What a tonic for my nerves!
Go slow, ooh-ooh honey,
We've got such a lot of time.
When love is slow, ooh honey,
How the mercury does climb!
I like my lovin' done gently,
So when your kissin' lips start,
Just a little here, a little there,
Sort of a la carte!
Go slow, ooh-ooh honey,
Take it easy like you should;
I like my lovin' done gently,
So when your kissin' lips start,
Just a little here, a little there,
Sort of a la carte!
Go slow, ooh-ooh honey,
Take it easy like you should;
When love is slow, ooh honey,
Then it does you so much good!
You make me feel so good,
You make me feel so good!
This is how someone can be sexy without being tacky. Sensual without being crass. Intimate without being vulgar.
Julie London's voice combined with her unique phrasing of lyrics and her wonderful delivery estabished her one as of the most memorable female singers of the 1950's. There was a cool boho chic/jazz aura about her. She wasn't a loud belter, nor did she need to hit every note and octave known to man to get her point across.
Instead she had an elegant, understated manner and use this to her advantage and this is one of her most seductive songs. The lush string arrangement on this track and her soft yearning style is a pleasure to listen to more than half a century after it's recording.......
+woohooboy Yes! Totally agree!!! I don't mind singers belting or doing other gymnastic stuff with their voice - however, I find it to be a bit messy and boring to be quite honest, when singers to it all the time, like belting out every other note in the song their performing. I think that with music/singing it is just like when you're cooking. You can use the different spices to create a tasty experience - but once you put to much of the spices into the dish, you're ruining it totally, it is just a big muddy mess.
- Use the spices wisely, and you can create a magical dish, that people will come back for, again and again.
Plus, it's such sage advice, with tasteful delivery.
woohooboy perfectly stated!!!
as I listen to Julie sing this song, I imagine her sitting at a piano with a warm glowing fire and her staring directly into my eyes. I am lost by that captivating hypnotic voice of hers. I had no idea until a few days ago that this women is the one I was in love with back in the 70's. I use to be a fan of the tv show Emergency and she played Dixie McCall. Rest in peace Julie, and know that your music is listened to by many of all ages. You will always be remembered.
I just love how she teases your ears with her voice. She's so smooth and saltery and puts other singers to shame.
Miss London gave meaning to the words "Timeless Music." It seems like every song she touched became timeless. I think that in 2020 every song she sang 70 years ago and more recently, is just as current as anything released this year. I miss her, her music, her acting, and the example of fidelity she left us. The lady was a real class act.
This is pure sensuality, pure music magic.
I have to comment again on Julie London. I recently went to my nearby used record store and bought seven albums of this remarkable singer. When I came home, I played her very first album she ever recorded and from there i was completly hooked. Before I knew it, I played all seven albums. Enjoyed every song. .Her very 1st record only cost me a 1.00 . So if u have a record player in ur room, go 2 ur used record store and listen to these songs the way they should be listened to. on vinyl. enjoy, VO
She was a very underrated GREAT singer. Thank you so much for sharing this!