It's More Fun To Compute

We have lyrics for 'It's More Fun To Compute' by these artists:

Bubblyfish It's more fun to compute It's more fun to compute…
Kraftwerk It's more fun to compute It's more fun to compute…

We have lyrics for these tracks by KRAF TWERK:

Computer Love Computer love Computer love Another lonely night Stare at…
Computerwelt Interpol and Deutsche Bank, FBI and Scotland Yard Interpol …
Die Mensch・Maschine Die Mensch Maschine Halb Wesen und halb Ding Die Mensch Masc…
Metal On Metal Instru…
Nummern Eins zwei drei vier funf sechs sieben acht Uno due tre…
Techno Pop Music non stop, techno pop Elektroklänge überall Decibell I'…
The Man・Machine Man Machine, pseudo human being Man Machine, super human be…
The Model She's a model and she's looking good I'd like to take…
The Robots We're charging our battery And now we're full of energy We…
Tour De France The hell of Northern Paris - Roubaix The Cote d'Azur and…

Trans Europa Express Trans Europa Express Trans Europa Express Trans Europa Exp…

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Comments from YouTube:


It's 2023 and still one of the most avant-garde opening techno hooks, ever! RIP Florian


40 years ago… this song inspired me to buy my first Synth. Still sound fresh, miles ahead of its time.


This is the most important song KRAFTWERK ever made. It still sounds FRESH in 2021 and beyond .


All the music is ahead of its time. The Techno masters In the 70s and still are. RIP Florian.


Bet its also inspired some to buy their first computer 🖥 too, lol 😂.




Even their older albums are from the Future!


Computerworld is Kraftwerk`s masterpiece...for me the best album of the band....





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