Parov Stelar | FM4 Update
Kisskiss Lyrics
We have lyrics for these tracks by Kisskiss:
Dress Up My mother says you were a body in the rain, A…
Killing the Son It was Hard To Organize the Peace When Everyone Raised the…
Satellite Satellite Satellite Are you Stupid? You shot your Pictures …
Says My Doctor I was Born in Past Lives Said My doctor He's a…
Saysmydoctor I was Born in Past Lives Said My doctor He's a…
The Cats in Your House Kill the cats in your house To save the mouse Satellites tol…
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I don't care about the genre nor the artist, this is so -elegant-. No better word in my opinion, to describe Parov's music.
Das ist fantastisch❤
カッコいい 音が良い
Parov Stelar is what music is all about
When you wake up in the morning, no time to waste, the future's bright and shiny, where's my happy coffee? Gold song.
Excellent j'adoooooreeeee trooooop kiiiiiiiiiiffffffffff 👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍👍💿💿💿💿💿💿💿💿💿💿
I'm sorry, was that a (bad) loop splice at 1:23? That was so jarring either way. x~x Wasn't expecting that chilling to a Parov Stelar song...
You make magic
Beautyful ❤
I like this song ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡