A Message For Ryuichi Sakamoto
Kraftw erk Lyrics
We have lyrics for these tracks by Kraftw erk:
Abzug Music non stop, techno pop Elektroklänge überall Decibell I'…
Autobahn Wir fahren, fahren, fahren auf der Autobahn Wir fahren, fah…
Boing Boom Tschak Boing boom tschak, boing boom tschak Boing boom tschak, boin…
Computer Love Computer love Computer love Another lonely night Stare at…
Computer World Interpol and Deutsche Bank, FBI and Scotland Yard Interpol …
Dentaku Bokuwa ongakuka, dentaku katateni Tashitari, hiitari Sousash…
Geiger Counter Instru…
Home Computer It's more fun to compute It's more fun to compute It's m…
La Forme Inspiration Expiration Contraction Decontraction Ventilati…
Metall Auf Metall Tekst niedostę…
Musique Non Stop Music non stop, techno-pop Music non stop, techno-pop Synt…
Neon Lights Neon lights Shimmering neon lights And at the fall of night …
News Here is the West German Broadcasting Station with the news F…
Radioactivity .- -.. .. --- .- -.-. - .. ...- ..…
Techno Pop Music non stop, techno pop Elektroklänge überall Decibell I'…
The Model She's a model and she's looking good I'd like to take…
The Robots We're charging our battery And now we're full of energy We…
The Voice Of Energy LYRICS Hier spricht die Stimme der Energie Ich bin ein ri…
Trans Europa Express Trans Europa Express Trans Europa Express Trans Europa Exp…
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