Big Leg Mama
Little Walter Lyrics


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Comments from YouTube:

Tom deWilde Kinney

Walter left it here for us to learn. And I have learned


music to the soul is Awweeesome!

Harry Mills

Songs like this one and "Juke' I can just about cop, note for note, and even the trumpet accents and brass tone with that one pedal I got. I played trumpet for years and those are the licks I think of as a trumpet player. When he gets on the chromatic, he loses me. I hear what he's doing, but I ain't got it, or ain't learned the tongue-blocking.

Walter did it all with an amp. Maybe take a razor blade to the speaker cone.

Ben Smith

The bridge is great! I didn't see that coming.

Patricio diaz villagran


DJ big leg

labels r removing music they claim they own the rights soon as umg sony emi universal warner n many others block it utube remove it,the same labels r also buying the playlists as their latest kareoke singers get on 2 lists.considering people r giving labels 3 advertising 2 artists they have brought the rights 2,i think its n abuse of power stopping em being heard.which could generate more sales.also a law passed in 1974 means u can listen 2 music 4 educational purposes not block it

T.T. Stern

besides Mark Ford ...Walter is God

Eduardo Carrochio

wtf is that

DJ big leg

u cant blame utube 2 much at least their is still a tru music culture represented on utube,n yr listening 2 music 4 free.what it needs is 2 b challenged in a court of law 2 stop the abuse n monopolysing of musical freedom by the big labels.who also take away choice 2 enjoy musical history as it happend.disrespecting what the musicians intended for vinyl from the superior mastertapes.with criminal multiple overdubs on every digital lp n 45 n blatent lies about sonic superiority its BETRAYAL


DJ big leg I want what drugs ur having

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