Liz Green Lyrics

We have lyrics for 'Luis' by these artists:

autoescuela David tío que estoy hablando con todos estos que estamos…
Buba Luma ¿Luis? ¿Te pasa algo conmigo? ¿Algo de qué? Y no se... me ll…
Cypher-O It's here Now, as always Here, here, and here I shouldn't ev…
La Mona Jimenez A un cuarto para las seis, ya listo para salir Lo…
Luis Después que todo paso Después que me probaste te alejaste Te…
Mar de Copas Calló la voz de un cielo Calló la voz de un…
SouthFM little one lost your mind what has begun what will we fin…
Total Downer I love my friend Luis He is so tall (He is so…
vecinos El viejo Luís se ha puesto ahora Que usted lo ve…
Vincent Niclo Dis-lui, fais ça pour moi, dis-lui Que le jour sans elle Me…
W.J.Rec It's here Now, as always Here, here, and here I shouldn't ev…

We have lyrics for these tracks by Liz Green:

Bad Medicine The words of an old place and they’re always in…
Displacement Song Pack The rumor was spreading through town They were coming…

Hey Joe Hey Joe they say you got it, say you got it tougher than…

The lyrics are frequently found in the comments by searching or by filtering for lyric videos
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Comments from YouTube:


Absolutely sublime


LOVE it! Voice,tune,lyrics and incredible animation.brilliant.




Love the horns in this one.


great video, you must be patient :)


unusual. Not sure I like her voice

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