Guide me oh thou great Redeemer
London Symphony Orchestra Lyrics

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Guide me o thou great redeemer
Pilgrim through this barren land
I am weak but thou art mighty
Hold me with thy powerful hand
Bread of heaven
Feed me now and evermore

Open now the crystal fountain
Whence the healing streams do flow
Let the fiery cloudy pillar
Lead me all my journey though

Strong deliverer
Be thou still my strength and shield

Overall Meaning

The lyrics to the London Symphony Orchestra's song "Guide me oh thou great Redeemer" depict the journey of a pilgrim through a barren land, seeking guidance and support from a higher power. The singer acknowledges their own weakness, but recognizes the strength of the divine presence that they rely on to navigate through life's challenges. The metaphor of being held by a powerful hand signifies the comfort and protection that comes from surrendering to this higher power. The reference to the "Bread of heaven" symbolizes the spiritual nourishment and sustenance that the singer seeks, both in the present moment and for all eternity.

The lyrics also allude to the imagery of a crystal fountain and healing streams, which represent the source of spiritual rejuvenation and emotional healing. The singer implores for this fountain to be opened, allowing the healing waters to flow freely. Additionally, there is a mention of a fiery cloudy pillar, reminiscent of the biblical story of Exodus, where a pillar of cloud guided and protected the Israelites during their journey through the wilderness. This reference emphasizes the need for divine intervention and guidance throughout the singer's journey.

Overall, "Guide me oh thou great Redeemer" is a heartfelt plea for guidance, strength, and sustenance from a higher power. It expresses the vulnerability and reliance of the singer on this divine presence to navigate through life's trials and tribulations.

Line by Line Meaning

Guide me o thou great redeemer
Lead me, oh mighty savior

Pilgrim through this barren land
As I wander through this desolate place

I am weak but thou art mighty
I am feeble, but you possess great strength

Hold me with thy powerful hand
Grasp me firmly with your mighty hand

Bread of heaven
Nourishment from the divine realm

Feed me now and evermore
Sustain me for eternity

Open now the crystal fountain
Unveil the clear spring

Whence the healing streams do flow
From which the soothing waters flow

Let the fiery cloudy pillar
Allow the blazing cloudy column

Lead me all my journey though
Guide me throughout my entire journey

Strong deliverer
Mighty rescuer

Be thou still my strength and shield
Remain my source of fortitude and protection

Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
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