Machos Lyrics

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@ANTHONY COLE "You anarchists don't fight for anything except your own blood lust" wut?

Try to argument this: you won't, because it's a bullshit.
Bolsheviks massacred anarchists in Russia (see the green army), in Ukraine and in Spain. We're not the bloody motherfuckers.

Why? Because anarchism scares the hell out of authoritarian asses.

Please don't talk about these things, read some book first. Oh, and anarchism (which means no-power) is DIFFERENT than anomy (which means no-law).


Romanized lyrics :
Koni vorsty rvut namotom,

Nam svoboda doroga,

Cherez prorez' pulemota

YA ishchu v stepi vraga.

Anarkhiya-mama synov svoikh lyubit,

Anarkhiya-mama ne prodast,

Svintsovym dozhdom vraga prigolubit,

Anarkhiya-mama za nas!

Zastrochu ognom kinzhal'nym,

Kak poblizhe podpushchu.

Nichego v boyu ne zhal' mne,

Ni o chom ya ne grushchu.

Anarkhiya-mama synov svoikh lyubit,

Anarkhiya-mama ne prodast,

Svintsovym dozhdom vraga prigolubit,

Anarkhiya-mama za nas!

Tol'ko raduyus' uboynoy

Sile moyego druzhka.

Videt' ya mogu spokoyno

Tol'ko mortvogo vraga.

Anarkhiya-mama synov svoikh lyubit,

Anarkhiya-mama ne prodast,

Svintsovym dozhdom vraga prigolubit,

Anarkhiya-mama za nas!


I'm sorry but being fluent in both English and Russian, the English subtitles are way off most of the time. Here is a better translation made by me:

Horses galloping kilometers
Freedom is dear to us
Through the slot of a machinegun
I look for the enemy in the steppe

Mother Anarchy loves her sons
Mother Anarchy wont betray us
She'll greet the enemy with a rain of bullets
Mother Anarchy is with us

I'll tear the enemy to pieces with my machinegun
Once the enemy gets close enough
I'll show no remorse in battle
I will not look back

Mother Anarchy loves her sons
Mother Anarchy wont betray us
She'll greet the enemy with a rain of bullets
Mother Anarchy is with us

I am only happy with
the firepower of my little friend
I will not rest
until the enemy is dead

Mother Anarchy loves her sons
Mother Anarchy wont betray us
She'll greet the enemy with a rain of bullets
Mother Anarchy is with us


French Translation :
Nos chevaux courent kilomètre après kilomètre,
Parce que la liberté n'a pas de prix.
A travers la fente de ma mitrailleuse
Je cherche l'ennemi dans la poussière.

Mère Anarchie aime ses fils,
Mère Anarchie n'est pas à vendre.
Nous attendrons l'ennemi, nous le détruirons avec du plomb.
Mère Anarchie est avec nous !

Je vais mettre mon couteau dans le feu
Et ensuite, je me faufilerai plus près.
Il n'y a pas de raison d'être désolé dans le combat,
Il n'y a pas de quoi être triste.

Mère Anarchie aime ses fils,
Mère Anarchie n'est pas à vendre.
Nous attendrons l'ennemi, nous le détruirons avec du plomb.
Mère Anarchie est avec nous !

La seule chose qui me rend heureux, c'est le mort,
tué par la force de mon compagnon.
La seule chose que je peux voir et rester calme
C'est l'ennemi mort.

Mère Anarchie aime ses fils,
Mère Anarchie n'est pas à vendre.
Nous attendrons l'ennemi, nous le détruirons avec du plomb.
Mère Anarchie est avec nous !

Mère Anarchie aime ses fils,
Mère Anarchie n'est pas à vendre.
Nous attendrons l'ennemi, nous le détruirons avec du plomb.
Mère Anarchie est avec nous !
Nous attendrons l'ennemi, nous le détruirons avec du plomb.
Mère Anarchie est avec nous !
Nous attendrons l'ennemi, nous le détruirons avec du plomb.
Mère Anarchie est avec nous !
Mère Anarchie est avec nous !
Mère Anarchie est avec nous !
Mère Anarchie est avec nous !


For roman alphabet users here are the lyrics :

Koni vyorsty rvut namyotom,
Nam svoboda doroga,
Cherez prorezʹ pulemyota
Ya ishchu v pyli vraga.

Anarkhiya-mama synov svoikh lyubit,
Anarkhiya-mama ne prodast,
Svintsovym dozhdyom vraga prigolubit,
Anarkhiya-mama za nas!

Zastrochu ognyom kinzhalʹnym,
Kak poblizhe podpushchu.
Nichego v boyu ne zhalʹ mne,
Ni o chyom ya ne grushchu.


Tolʹko raduyusʹ uboynoy
Sile moyego druzhka.
Videtʹ ya mogu spokoyno
Tolʹko myortvogo vraga.

Chorus x2

Svintsovym dozhdyom vraga prigolubit,
Anarkhiya-mama za nas!
Svintsovym dozhdyom vraga prigolubit,
Anarkhiya-mama za nas!
Anarkhiya-mama za nas! x4


Кони вёрсты рвут намётом,
Нам свобода дорога,
Через прорезь пулемёта
Я ищу в пыли врага.

Анархия-мама сынов своих любит,
Анархия-мама не продаст,
Свинцовым дождём врага приголубит,
Анархия-мама за нас!

Застрочу огнём кинжальным,
Как поближе подпущу.
Ничего в бою не жаль мне,
Ни о чём я не грущу.


Только радуюсь убойной
Силе моего дружка.
Видеть я могу спокойно
Только мёртвого врага.

Припев x2

Свинцовым дождём врага приголубит,
Анархия-мама за нас!
Свинцовым дождём врага приголубит,
Анархия-мама за нас!
Анархия-мама за нас! x4


The Siberian Black Army Unifies Russia!

During the warlord period, Russia experienced almost every government and ideology under the sun but now an unexpected candidate overcame all opposition: anarchism.

From its humble beginnings as a unorganized militia in the backwater of Siberia, the Siberian Black Army grew in strength and size by defeating all those who wanted to infringe the liberties of its people, and now finds itself ruling a territory spanning from Onega to Kamchatka.

However, governing a nation as large as Russia has its problems, and the Black Army had to take a increasingly predominant role in the administration of the country, often at the expense of the principles of equality and self-determination that they profess. Nevertheless, the Black Army is ready to defend the Russian people from its enemies and keep the nation united.

Death to all those who stand in the way of the workers.


More like:

The Siberian Black Army Unifies Russia!

During the warlord period, Russia experienced almost every government and ideology under the sun but now an unexpected candidate overcame all opposition: anarchism.

From its humble beginnings as a unorganized militia in the backwater of Siberia, the Siberian Black Army grew in strength and size by defeating all those who wanted to infringe the liberties of its people, and now finds itself ruling a territory spanning from Onega to Kamchatka.

Most observers believed that an anarchist government would not to be able to bring stability to Russia, let alone controlling a territory spanning two continents, but not only the Siberian Black Army brought peace to the Russians, it did so while staying true to its principles. The Russian Free Territory is a truly egalitarian society where the peasants and the workers belong to themselves, free from any restriction, all under protection of the Black Army.

Seems like Mother Anarchy loves her sons.

All comments from YouTube:


The guy singing it just sounds so unadulteratedly happy.


Penmin _ The voice of a free man.


High on FREEDOM yeeeeah 😎


when your mom lets you go to gamestop


*when you aren't a minor so you can go wherever you want with your money


*when you collectivize the means of production and decommodify every game so that they're all free

54 More Replies...


When you attach a machine gun to a horse-drawn wagon.


SE H tachanka-ing intensifies


No bumps in the road! From here to Utopia


Whats your favorite soviet made weapon? Tsar bomba Tachanka

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