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Master Kohga Battle
Manaka Kataoka Lyrics

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The most disappointing thing about Master Kohga in BOTW is not that he was easy, not that he was a joke of a boss and comedic buffoon, no.

The most disappointing thing about him was we didn't get to hear his stupendous voice actor voice his lines like we did in Age of Calamity.

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Laugh now, friends, because soon you'll be attacked by his henchmen at the most inconvinent times in the overworld...


I swear to god if they show up when I’m running away from a guardian again...


I got one as I was fighting a guardian, 3 moblins and 2 giant chuchus


@@anastasias2713 I got one while fighting a guardian and multiple "bow"-koblins on horses (including a silver one)




“Hello there, time to die Hero-“ Gets eaten by Molduga

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when the henchmen are more comptent fighters....


Boshwa I think that makes perfect sense, since that is how the real world is, given that the president isn't the president because he is the strongest soldier in the world.


well i mean he has sheikah powers while the other yigas don'y


Uh yes they do... after you defeat them they kneel down, make a hand gesture and teleport in a puff of smoke and tags.
The blademasters also carry around enchanted Sheikah long blades.

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