But the brothers born in the city of Itapuranga , inside Goiás, knew the taste of singing very early. Kauan the firstborn of the family, with only five years , he drew attention and thrilled everyone in the church he attended when he sang with his father the " Wounded Soldier " song.
With this gift to sing her mother - Sirlene Aleixo- decided to take him to participate in music festivals in the city and the region. They spent the years , and the result of the festivals was always the first place for family pride. Matheus was just a baby three years , but he watched his brother singing at home all the time.
At that time the father of the pair died , undermining the family structure , but the uniting even more to the dream of music prevail . It was when the mother decided to join their economies to the child at the time Kauan 10 years , burn a CD with four tracks only country songs .
Kauan account that until 15 years had already recorded two solo albums, but wanted to have a double backlands . Tried some partnerships that ended up not working out , it was from there that he decided at 18 to move to the United States , where he lived for a year . There also came the opportunity to form another double in his career, but miss the brothers and mother did return , it was when arriving in Brazil was faced with his 13 year old brother , Matthew, singing and composing beautiful songs .
From that moment Kauan begin to realize what was obvious and it was always warned by his uncle Vicente Aleixo , " the pair is in the house ." But at the early age of Matheus , a dream come true only happened two years later. In 2010 the pair Matheus and Kauan was officially formed with the family support generated by the link love and marriage between two brothers with the same desire to sing and delight overcoming the difficulties of life and decided to follow a career together.
To put the project into practice the mother sold the car and the duo recorded his first CD presentation that ended up yielding to them by hiring AUDIOMIX office.
Although very young - Matheus was born in 1994 and Kauan in 1988 - the duo is also known in the music scene because of his repertoire of hits that have been recorded by major artists. The list includes Jorge e Mateus , office partners who recorded " In the time that you call " ; " Things About Love " and " Will Understand ." Luan Santana chose seven songs Matheus to their repertoire including "Everything You Want " that awarded as the 2014 year of music in the Multishow Award . Michel Telo with " If It Were Easy " and Bruno e Marrone with " Big Hit " , are also on the list of artists who recorded the hits . Besides Joao Neto and Frederico who recorded 10 songs of the duo .
To learn more about Matheus & Kauan , follow the social networks:
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/matheusekauan
Twitter: @matheusekauan
Instagram: @matheusekauan_
Youtube: www.youtube.com/mekcanal and www.youtube.com/MatheusKauanVEVO
É Problema
Matheus & Kauan Lyrics
Jump to: Overall Meaning ↴ Line by Line Meaning ↴
No boteco tem cadeira
A cadeira tem a mesa
Que apoia a minha cerveja
E a cerveja tem o copo
E o copo a minha mão
E na minha mão não tem mais aliança não
Eu só fiquei com os cacos dessa relação
Quem tem saudade sofre
Quem sofre tem sede
Quem tem sede bebe
Mas quem bebe lembra
E é problema puxando o problema
E é problema puxando o problema
Quem tem saudade sofre
Quem sofre tem sede
Quem tem sede bebe
Mas quem bebe lembra
E é problema puxando o problema
E é problema puxando o problema
'To num ciclo vicioso que dá pena
'To sentado no boteco (ôôô)
No boteco tem cadeira (iêiêiê)
A cadeira tem a mesa
Que apanha a minha cerveja
E a cerveja tem o copo
E o copo a minha mão
E na minha mão não tem mais aliança, não
Que acabou (acabou), eu só fiquei com os cacos dessa relação
Quem tem saudade sofre
Quem sofre tem sede
Quem tem sede bebe
Mas quem bebe lembra
E é problema puxando o problema
E é problema puxando o problema
Quem tem saudade sofre
Quem sofre tem sede
Quem tem sede bebe
Mas quem bebe lembra
E é problema puxando o problema
É problema
Quem tem saudade sofre
Quem sofre tem sede
Quem tem sede bebe
Mas quem bebe lembra
E é problema puxando o problema
É problema puxando o problema
Quem tem saudade sofre
Quem sofre tem sede
Quem tem sede bebe
Mas quem bebe lembra
E é problema puxando o problema
E é problema puxando o problema
E é problema puxando o problema
É problema puxando o problema
'To num ciclo vicioso que dá pena
The lyrics to Matheus & Kauan's song É Problema describe the singer sitting in a bar, with all the different elements of the scene contributing to his emotional state. The chair that he sits on supports the table that holds his beer, and the beer is in a glass that he holds in his hand – a hand that no longer wears a wedding ring due to the end of a relationship. The song reflects on the interconnected nature of problems, with one issue leading to another in a cycle that can be difficult to break.
The chorus of the song emphasizes the cyclical nature of problems and their emotional impact. It points out that those who feel nostalgia or heartbreak suffer, leading them to seek solace in alcohol. However, drinking only leads to remembering even more, prolonging the cycle of pain.
Overall, É Problema is a bittersweet song that reckons with the interconnectedness of pain and the struggle of attempting to break out of negative cycles.
Line by Line Meaning
To sentado no boteco
I'm sitting at the bar
No boteco tem cadeira
The bar has chairs
A cadeira tem a mesa
The chair is at a table
Que apoia a minha cerveja
That holds up my beer
E a cerveja tem o copo
The beer is in a glass
E o copo a minha mão
The glass is in my hand
E na minha mão não tem mais aliança não
And there's no longer a ring on my hand
Que acabou
As the relationship ended
Eu só fiquei com os cacos dessa relação
I'm left with the pieces of that relationship
Quem tem saudade sofre
Those who miss someone suffer
Quem sofre tem sede
Those who suffer become thirsty
Quem tem sede bebe
Those who are thirsty drink
Mas quem bebe lembra
But those who drink remember
E é problema puxando o problema
And one problem leads to another
To num ciclo vicioso que dá pena
I'm in a vicious cycle that's sad
Lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Ltd
Written by: Matheus Aleixo, Tierry
Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
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