Rape Me
Nirvana Lyrics

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Rape me, rape me my friend
Rape me, rape me again
I'm not the only one, ah-ah
I'm not the only one, ah-ah
I'm not the only one, ah-ah
I'm not the only one

Hate me
Do it and do it again
Waste me
Rape me, my friend
I'm not the only one, ah-ah
I'm not the only one, ah-ah
I'm not the only one, ah-ah
I'm not the only one

My favorite inside source
I'll kiss your open sores
Appreciate your concern
You're gonna stink and burn

Rape me, rape me my friend
Rape me, rape me again
I'm not the only one, ah-ah
I'm not the only one, ah-ah
I'm not the only one, ah-ah
I'm not the only one

Rape me (rape me)
Rape me (rape me)
Rape me (rape me)
Rape me (rape me)
Rape me (rape me)
Rape me (rape me)
Rape me (rape me)
Rape me (rape me)
Rape me

Overall Meaning

The song "Rape Me" by Nirvana is a provocative and controversial piece of music that speaks out against sexual assault and inequality. The lyrics include repeated pleas to "rape me," but rather than being a call for violence, the words are meant to be taken in a sarcastic and ironic sense. The song is a commentary on how victims of sexual violence often feel unheard and ignored, and it invites listeners to join in the conversation by confronting the issue head-on. The repeated chorus of "I'm not the only one" suggests that there are many people who have suffered in this way, and that more needs to be done to create a safe and supportive world for all.

The lines "My favorite inside source, I'll kiss your open sores" and "You're gonna stink and burn" are both critiques of the prevailing attitudes towards sexual assault victims. The former speaks to the importance of listening to survivors and acknowledging their experiences, while the latter suggests that society tends to dismiss and even blame victims for their own trauma. By calling out these problematic beliefs, the song challenges listeners to think critically about how we address this sensitive and important issue.

Overall, "Rape Me" is a song that uses provocative language to spark a conversation about sexual violence and the need for change. While its lyrics may make some listeners uncomfortable, the message is an important and powerful one that deserves to be heard.

Line by Line Meaning

Rape me, rape me my friend
I am willing to be taken advantage of by those who I thought I could trust and befriend.

Rape me, rape me again
The pain and trauma that I have already experienced is not enough to deter others from inflicting it upon me again.

I'm not the only one, ah-ah
There are many others who have also been subjected to sexual assault and are struggling to cope with the aftermath.

Hate me
I would rather be hated than treated as a sexual object by others.

Do it and do it again
Despite my pleas against sexual assault, it continues to happen to me again and again.

Waste me
Others view me as nothing more than a disposable object to be used and tossed aside.

My favorite inside source
My closest confidante, who I thought I could trust, is the one who decided to violate my bodily autonomy.

I'll kiss your open sores
I am willing to give into any desire or demand from the one who is abusing me, even if it causes me physical harm.

Appreciate your concern
The fake sympathy and empathy from those who are not willing to actually help me is not appreciated.

You're gonna stink and burn
Those who commit sexual assault will eventually be punished and suffer consequences for their actions.

Rape me (rape me)
The repetition of this line emphasizes the ongoing nature of sexual assault that continues to plague society.

Rape me (rape me)
The repetition of this line emphasizes the ongoing nature of sexual assault that continues to plague society.

Rape me (rape me)
The repetition of this line emphasizes the ongoing nature of sexual assault that continues to plague society.

Rape me (rape me)
The repetition of this line emphasizes the ongoing nature of sexual assault that continues to plague society.

Rape me (rape me)
The repetition of this line emphasizes the ongoing nature of sexual assault that continues to plague society.

Rape me (rape me)
The repetition of this line emphasizes the ongoing nature of sexual assault that continues to plague society.

Rape me (rape me)
The repetition of this line emphasizes the ongoing nature of sexual assault that continues to plague society.

Rape me (rape me)
The repetition of this line emphasizes the ongoing nature of sexual assault that continues to plague society.

Lyrics © BMG Rights Management
Written by: Kurt Cobain

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
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Most interesting comment from YouTube:


EN-ES-PT-FR-IT-DE (EN) Kurt Cobain explains the real meaning of "Rape Me": “Basically, I was trying to write a song that supported women and dealt with the issue of rape. Over the last few years, people have had such a hard time understanding what our message is, what we're trying to convey, that I just decided to be as bold as possible. How hard should I stamp this point? How big should I make the letters? It's not a pretty image. But a woman who is being raped, who is infuriated with the situation… it's like "Go ahead, rape me, just go for it, because you're gonna get it." I'm a firm believer in karma, and that motherfucker is going to get what he deserves, eventually. That man will be caught, he'll go to jail, and he'll be raped. So rape me, do it, get it over with. Because you're gonna get it worse.”

(ES) Kurt Cobain explica el significado real de "Rape Me": “Básicamente, estaba intentando escribir una canción que apoyara a la mujer, y tratara el tema de las violaciones sexuales. Durante los últimos años, la gente ha tenido problemas para interpretar cuál es nuestro mensaje, a lo que queremos llegar, que simplemente decidí ser lo más enfático que fuera posible. ¿Qué tan duro debo remarcar este punto? ¿Qué tan grandes debo hacer las letras? No es una imagen bonita. Pero una mujer que está siendo violada, quien está enfurecida por la situación… es como “Continúa, viólame, sólo hazlo, porque lo vas a conseguir.” Creo firmemente en el karma, y ese cabrón va a recibir lo que merece, eventualmente. Ese hombre será atrapado, irá a la cárcel, y será violado. Así que viólame, hazlo, termina con ello. Porque lo vas a recibir peor.”

(PT) Kurt Cobain explica o real significado de "rape me": "Basicamente, estava tentando escrever uma canção que apoiará a mulher, e vai lidar com a questão do estupro. Durante os últimos anos, a gente teve problemas para interpretar qual é a nossa mensagem, e a questão que queremos chegar, é que simplesmente decidi ser o mais enfático possível. O quão difícil devo enfatizar esse ponto? Quão grande devo fazer as letras? Não é uma imagem bonita. Mas uma mulher que está sendo estuprada, enfurecida pela situação... É como: "Vá em frente, me estupra, apenas faça, porque você vai conseguir". Acredito firmemente no karma, e esse bastardo vai conseguir o que merece, eventualmente. Aquele homem será pego, vai para a cadeia e será violado. Então me estupra, faça, acabe logo."

(FR) Kurt Cobain explique le vraie signification de "Rape me" : " J'essayais simplement d'écrire une chanson en faveur des femmes et qui luttait contre le problème du viol. Dans les dernières années, les gens ont eu beaucouo de mal pour comprendre notre message et ce dont nous voulons les convaincre que j'ai juste décidé d'être aussi audacieux que possible. A quel point je dois répéter cela ? A quel point je dois écrire grand ? Ce n'est pas une jolie image mais une femme violée qui est furieuse de la situation c'est comme " va y viole moi, viens le chercher tu va l'avoir de toute façon. Je crois fermement en le karma et cet enflure finira par avoir ce qu'il mérite. Cet homme sera attrapé, ira en prison et sera violé à son tour. Alors va y, violé moi, finissons en parce que tu aura pire ensuite".

(IT) Kurt Cobain spiegando il vero significato di "Rape me" (Tradotto "stuprami"):"Essenzialmente, cercavo di scrivere una canzone che supportasse le donne e affrontasse il problema dello stupro. Negli ultimi anni, le persone hanno avuto talmente difficoltà ad apprendere il nostro messaggio e cosa stiamo cercando di trasmettere, che ho deciso di evidenziarlo il più possibile. Quanto dovrei sottolineare questo punto? Quanto dovrei scriverne grosse le lettere? Non è una bell'immagine. Ma una donna che viene stuprata, infuriata per la situazione... penserebbe "Avanti, stuprami, fallo, otterrai quello che cerchi." Credo fermamente nel Karma, e che quel figlio di puttana riceverà quello che merita, prima o poi. Quell'uomo verrà scoperto, andrà in prigione, e verrà stuprato. Quindi stuprami, avanti finisci. Perchè riceverai di peggio".

(EN) Kurt Cobain talks about rape: “Rape is one of the most terrible crimes on earth and it happens every few minutes. The problem with groups who deal with rape is that they try to educate women about how to defend themselves. What really needs to be done is teaching men not to rape. Go to the source and start there."

(ES) Kurt Cobain habla sobre las violaciones sexuales: “Violar es uno de los crímenes más terribles en la tierra y sucede cada pocos minutos. El problema con los grupos que lidian con violaciones es que intentan educar a las mujeres sobre cómo defenderse. Lo que realmente necesita hacerse es enseñar a los hombres a no violar. Ir al origen y empezar ahí.”

(PT) Kurt Cobain fala sobre estupro: "O estupro é um dos crimes mais terríveis do mundo e acontece a cada poucos minutos. O problema de grupos que lidam com estupro é tentam educar as mulheres sobre como se defenderem. O que realmente precisa ser feito é ensinar os homens a não estuprarem. Vá para a origem e comece por aí ".

(FR) Kurt Cobain parle à propos du viol :" Le viol est l'un des pires crimes sur terre et il se produit toutes les quelques minutes. Le problème avec les groupes qui luttent contre le viol est qu'ils tente d'apprendre aux femmes de se défendre elles mêmes. Ce qui a vraiment besoin d'être fait est d'apprendre aux hommes à ne pas violer. Allez à la source et commencer par là."

(EN) Kurt Cobain on the lost of innocence: “I think my generation is the last generation that has enjoyed having innocence in the United States. When I was a kid, there TV shows weren’t so violent, and kids didn’t have access to restricted movies; I wasn’t aware of rapists, killers and things like that. But know 6 year old kids know about sex and realize there’s a lot of violence in the world because now there’s better media. And it’s sad to know that the next generations will be fucked because there’s no chance that they have innocence. And for a kid it is absolutely necessary to have a period of innocence in his life even if it’s for a few years.”

(ES) Kurt Cobain sobre la pérdida de la inocencia: “Creo que mi generación es la última generación que ha disfrutado el tener inocencia en Estados Unidos. Cuando yo era chico, había programas televisivos que no eran muy violentos, y los chicos no tenían acceso a películas prohibidas; yo no tenía conciencia de que existían violadores, asesinos y cosas por el estilo. Pero ahora los chicos de 6 años saben sobre sexo y se dan cuenta de que hay mucha violencia en el mundo porque hay mejores comunicaciones. Es triste saber que las próximas generaciones van a ser cagadas porque no hay chance de que tengan inocencia. Y para un chico es absolutamente necesario que pueda tener un período de inocencia en su vida aunque sea por unos cuantos años."

(PT) Kurt Cobain sobre a perda da inocência: "Acho que minha geração é a última que desfrutou de inocência nos EUA. Quando eu era garoto, havia programas de televisão que não eram muito violentos, e os garotos não tinham acesso a filmes proibidos; Eu não sabia que estupradores, assassinos e afins existiam. Mas agora meninos de 6 anos sabem sobre sexo e percebem que há muita violência no mundo porque existem melhores comunicações. É triste saber que as próximas gerações estarão ferradas porque não há chance de que elas tenham inocência. E para um menino é absolutamente necessário que ele possa ter um período de inocência em sua vida apenas por alguns anos."

(FR) Kurt Cobain a propos de la perte de l'innocence :" Je pense que ma génération est là dernière génération qui a apprécier son innocence aux étas-unis. Quand j'étais un enfant, les shows TV n'étaient pas aussi violents et les enfants n'avaient pas accès à des films qui leurs était interdits ; je n'étais pas conscients des violeurs, des tueurs et des choses comme ça. Mais maintenant, les enfants de 6 ans connaissent le sex et réalisent qu'il y a beaucoup de violence dans le monde parce que les médias sont meilleurs. Et c'est triste de savoir que les prochaines générations seront fichues parce il n'ont aucune chance d'avoir de l'innocence. Et il est absolument nécessaire pour un enfant d'avoir une période d'innocence dans sa vie même si c'est pour quelques années."

(IT) Kurt Cobain sulla perdita dell'innocenza: "Penso che la mia sia l'ultima generazione ad aver goduto dell'innocenza negli Stati Uniti. Qaundo ero un ragazzino, i programmi televisivi non erano così violenti, i ragazzini non avevano accesso ai film soggetti a restrizioni di età; non ero consapevole dell'esistenza degli stupratori, degli assassini e roba del genere. Adesso invece, i ragazzini di 6 anni sanno del sesso, e realizzano che c'è tanta violenza nel mondo, perchè adesso i media si sono evoluti. Ed è triste sapere che le prossime generazioni saranno fottute perchè non c'è possibilità che siano innocenti. E per un ragazzino è assolutamente necessario avere un periodo di innocenza nella sua vita, anche se per pochi anni.

If you are able to translate those messages to your language accurately (or improve an existing one) please post it as reply to this comment.

Si eres capaz de traducir este mensaje a tu idioma con certeza (o mejorar una existente) por favor responde este comentario.

All comments from YouTube:


Fun fact, YouTube doesn't autocomplete the search for this song.


Another fun fact, it won’t show up in your search history


yea ahahahahaha


odd i mispelled it and it asked if i was was jeffrey epstein


I know it happened to me


Same with a Radiohead’s “nude”

441 More Replies...


People in here be like “this is actually an anti-rape song”
Like no shit Sherlock, we know nirvana didn’t make a pro-rape song


You'd be surprised by how stupid some people can be


Honestly we should like soooooo cancel nirvana it's like totally toxic like you know?


@@Hypnotoad114 hahahahahaha

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