Nowseeheart Lyrics

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Damai yang dirasa
Melihat warnanya
Tenangnya di mindaku
Suasana kehijauan yang indah

Kicauan beburung rimba
Berterbangan bebas
di dalam rimba raya
Pepohon turut berlagu
Menerima sentuhannya
sinaran sang mentari hari

Di alam rimba damai dirasa
Segala-galanya terlukis sempurna
Di alam rimba keajaibannya
Pesona di jiwa

Di rimba tiada
Derita sengketa
Tiada kudengari
Tangisan sepi yang mengguris hati
Sang pelangi ceria
Menanti kehadirannya gerimis senja
Bisikan desiran air
Turut sama menghiasi
keindahan ciptaan Ilahi

Damai yang dirasa
Melihat warnanya
Tenangnya di mindaku
Suasana hijau yang indah

Kicauan beburung rimba
Berterbangan bebas

di dalam rimba raya
Pepohon turut berlagu
Menerima sentuhannya
sinaran sang mentari hari

Di alam rimba damai dirasa
Segala-galanya terlukis sempurna
Di alam rimba keajaibannya
Pesona di jiwa

Di alam rimba damai dirasa
Segala-galanya terlukis sempurna
Di alam rimba keajaibannya
Pesona di jiwa

Di alam rimba damai dirasa
Segala-galanya terlukis sempurna
Di alam rimba keajaibannya
Pesona di jiwa

Overall Meaning

The lyrics of Nowseeheart’s song Damai portray the peacefulness and beauty of being in the heart of the forest. The singer reflects on the tranquility that he feels whilst surrounded by the lush greenery and the diverse range of wildlife within the forest. The birds’ chirps and the rustling of the leaves create an ambience that is soothing to the mind. This synopsis of the forest is further conveyed with the mention of the vibrant hues that the singer can see in the forest. The sun’s rays dance through the foliage, providing a picturesque scene of magnificence. The forest is a place where nature flourishes and is harmonious with itself, resulting in the viewers feeling serene.

The song also describes the absence of distressing commotion that is typically present in the outside world. In contrast to the forest, there is a lack of struggle and heartache. The forest provides a haven where one can embrace the sound of a rainstorm, appreciating the rainbow and the gentle trickling of the waterfalls. The magnificent combination of these elements creates an idealistic setting that is breathtakingly beautiful.

In summary, Nowseeheart’s Damai reminds us of nature's power to provide a soothing environment that can calm our minds and rejuvenate our souls. The lyrics capture the essence of the natural world in its purest form while serving as a guided visualization for the listener.

Line by Line Meaning

Damai yang dirasa
I feel peace

Melihat warnanya
Seeing the colors

Tenangnya di mindaku
Calmness in my mind

Suasana kehijauan yang indah
Beautiful green surroundings

Kicauan beburung rimba
Forest bird's chirping

Berterbangan bebas
Flying freely

di dalam rimba raya
In the great forest

Pepohon turut berlagu
Trees are singing along

Menerima sentuhannya
Receiving its touch

sinaran sang mentari hari
The sunlight of the day

Di alam rimba damai dirasa
In the forest, I feel peace

Segala-galanya terlukis sempurna
Everything is perfectly painted

Di alam rimba keajaibannya
In the forest of wonders

Pesona di jiwa
Enchantment in my soul

Di rimba tiada
In the forest, there is no

Derita sengketa
Suffering dispute

Tiada kudengari
I don't hear

Tangisan sepi yang mengguris hati
The lonely cries that hurt the heart

Sang pelangi ceria
The cheerful rainbow

Menanti kehadirannya gerimis senja
Waiting for its presence in the evening rain

Bisikan desiran air
The whispering sound of water

Turut sama menghiasi
Also adorns

keindahan ciptaan Ilahi
The beauty of the divine creation

Contributed by Vivian V. Suggest a correction in the comments below.
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Comments from YouTube:


dgr lagu ni teringat pd arwah abg ipar sy komposer yg mencipta lagu ni....alfatihah buat Along Mujahid bin Abdul Wahab... 😢😢😢


Sy antara peminat arwah mujahid.. klo di ikut kn hati nak sangat berjumpa dia semasa hayat nya dlu


Semoga abang Along di terima amal ibadahnya di sisi Allah yang maha esa amiin.....🤲🏼🙏👍🏻


Dulu di pesantren kalau hiking camping pasti setel lagu inii..


2023 berkah sekali ... Lagunya .. Enak di dengar


Susah bgt nyari lagu ini, udh ga ingat jdulnya apa, pas ketemu di dgr lagi di nyanyiin lgi, tiba2 nngis..
Keingat zman d pondok dlu, msh kecil, msh polos, blm knal korea2an, suka nya dulu nasyid..
Lagu ni mmang bnyak kenangannya, dlu masa2 sering prgi hiking bareng tman2 di pondok, tiba di sawah2, naik2 bukit tu smbil nyanyi lagu ini..
Terimakasih sudah upload lagu ini, jdi bsa nostalgia lgi sma masa2 kcil dlu :')


Pondok mana dulu, kak?


Dulu balik sekolah kalau tak silap tv2 ke tv1 selalu tayangkan lagu ni lepas zuhur. Aku balik sekolah kayuh basikal laju2 semata2 nak dengar lagu ni.


2020 masih ada yang dengar tak? Bosan² kat rumah PKP Covid 19 ni habis jumpa lagu lagu lama 😂


Hahaha betul tu bro

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