They have won several awards including Best Newcomer for Group in AIM 1999, Best Vocals for Group in AIM 2003 and Best Performance in Anugerah Carta Nasyid IKIM 2004.
The group started with the name Suara SMAKL, as the members were from the school, Sekolah Menengah Agama Kuala Lumpur (now known as SMKA Kuala Lumpur). With the help of Cikgu Abu Hasan Morad & Azahari Ahmad (Raihan), Suara SMAKL, originally with 13 members, produced an album, Jendela Hati. After the members started to go to university, they changed their name into Anugerah, and made an album entitled Masih Ada Waktu.
After the success of Raihan in the Malaysian nasyid industry in 1998, Farihin Abdul Fatah introduced this group to Warner Music. Under label Zamrud Records of Warner Music, Nowseeheart was formed, though only with 6 members.
In 2013, they came up with new single, Maafkan Aku. A song with a fresh rock genre, differ with their music style previously.
In 2011, Kembali (2011), a compilation album from previous albums with four new songs was released - Kerana Doa, Kurnia, Kau Di Mana and Seni Berjuang.
Their albums until 2005 are Jalan Sehala (2005), Selawat 10 Hajat (2005), Berjalan, Melihat & Mentafsir (2002) and Wahyu Pertama (1998).
They can be visited at
Nowseeheart Lyrics
Jump to: Overall Meaning ↴ Line by Line Meaning ↴
Jika dapat bersua
Walaupun seketika
Bersamamu wahai kekasih Allah
Telah lama kau pergi
Meninggalkan kami
Walau sedih di hati
Dah lama kau pergi
Meninggalkan amanah yg suci
Malam kan kelam tiada berbintang
Bulan suram tiada cahaya
Tanpamu kekasih kekasih Allah
Hancur musnah segala-galanya
Hadirmu membawa cahaya
Menerangi hidup kami
The lyrics to "Kekasih" by Nowseeheart depict a longing for a lost loved one who has passed away, but who still holds a special place in the singer's heart. The opening lines convey the beauty of being able to reunite with this person, no matter how briefly, and express a desire to be with them once again. The lyrics acknowledge the sadness felt at their departure, but also recognize that they have answered the call of their maker.
The chorus refers to the loved one as a "kekasih Allah" which translates to "beloved of God," indicating their elevated status in the eyes of the singer. The verse that follows is sorrowful, acknowledging the darkness and emptiness felt without the presence of the cherished one. The final lines of the song offer a glimmer of hope as the singer acknowledges the positive impact that this person had on their lives, and how their memory still brings light to their world.
Overall, "Kekasih" is a moving tribute to a loved one who has passed on and a recognition of the beauty that they brought to the world.
Line by Line Meaning
Alangkah indahnya
Oh, how beautiful it would be
Jika dapat bersua
If we could meet
Walaupun seketika
Even if it's just for a moment
Bersamamu wahai kekasih Allah
With you, oh beloved of Allah
Telah lama kau pergi
You've been gone for so long
Meninggalkan kami
Leaving us behind
Walau sedih di hati
Although sadness remains in our hearts
Menyahut panggilan dari Ilahi
Answering the call of the Divine
Oh beloved
Dah lama kau pergi
You've been gone for so long
Meninggalkan amanah yg suci
Leaving behind a sacred trust
Malam kan kelam tiada berbintang
The night is dark with no stars
Bulan suram tiada cahaya
The moon is dull with no light
Tanpamu kekasih kekasih Allah
Without you, oh beloved of Allah
Hancur musnah segala-galanya
Everything is destroyed and lost
Hadirmu membawa cahaya
Your presence brings light
Menerangi hidup kami
Illuminating our lives
Contributed by Juliana M. Suggest a correction in the comments below.
Alangkah indahnya
Jika dapat bersua
Walaupun seketika
Bersamamu wahai kekasih Allah
Telah lama kau pergi
Meninggalkan kami
Walau sedih di hati
Menyahut panggilan dari Ilahi
Dah lama kau pergi
Meninggalkan amanah yg suci
Malam kan kelam tiada berbintang
Bulan suram tiada cahaya
Tanpamu kekasih kekasih Allah
Hancur musnah segala-galanya
Hadirmu membawa cahaya
Menerangi hidup kami
Alangkah indahnya
Jika dapat bersua
Walaupun seketika
Bersamamu wahai kekasih Allah
Telah lama kau pergi
Meninggalkan kami
Walau sedih di hati
Menyahut panggilan dari Ilahi
Dah lama kau pergi
Meninggalkan amanah yg suci
Malam kan kelam tiada berbintang
Bulan suram tiada cahaya
Tanpamu kekasih kekasih Allah
Hancur musnah segala-galanya
Hadirmu membawa cahaya
Menerangi hidup kami
Kumpulan nasyid yang paling mantap suaranya, harmoninya lagu best best semuanya.
0:18 - Arwah Bob (2 dari kanan) suara serak lemak manis
0:31 - Azhari (paling kiri) suara halus lembut
0:57 - Idzar (paling kanan) suara macho
Zaman aku sekolah islam adni selalu dgr tahun 2002.. now already 2022
4x beli ni kaset di Indonesia tahun 2002, terbitan Warner Indonesia, harga Rp.17.000
Terkenang saat menjadi penyiar radio di pesantren Miftahul huda manonjaya tasikmalaya tahun 2004-2009
Suker sgt lagu ni. Pg nk drive g keja ada lgu ni kat ikim
Hadirmu membawa cahaya menerangi hidup kami.... ๐๐๐
Alangkah indahnya
Jika dapat bersua
Walaupun seketika
Bersamamu wahai kekasih Allah
Telah lama kau pergi
Meninggalkan kami
Walau sedih di hati
Menyahut panggilan dari Ilahi
Dah lama kau pergi
Meninggalkan amanah yg suci
Malam kan kelam tiada berbintang
Bulan suram tiada cahaya
Tanpamu kekasih kekasih Allah
Hancur musnah segala-galanya
Hadirmu membawa cahaya
Menerangi hidup kami
saya pertama beli kaset ini waktu masih SMP di ma'had kangen denger lagi mantep
On 2022 iam listene this song, and you know its make me cry..