Holding the Light and the Darkness
Sandy Fox Lyrics

We have lyrics for these tracks by Sandy Fox:

Freckles I brush against the freckles that I hated so when, Life…
Holding the Light and Darkness I hold the light and the darkness of my heart Trembling…

The lyrics are frequently found in the comments by searching or by filtering for lyric videos

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Comments from YouTube:


@toughenough There is no full version. This one was dubbed from the opening of season 2 of the series.


This brings me so much cheer (I Remember)


,,th!s is my fAvorite opening of magic knight rayearth,,, thanks f0r uploading it with the lyrics,,




I love thissong. Thank you for uploading it.


I like the English version of this song 😊


I like the Japanese version better. But this isn't bad.


sniff....sniff... i started crying ... so many memories... i ow ye one


@ZaPpErZaPpLiN I got this from a video of the opening using Vid2MP3.com which is why it has a lot of the opening sound effects... You might be able to find it on Gendou though you need to sign up.


The sound effects are nostalgic. Love it

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