1. Satellites is an experimental rock… Read Full Bio ↴There are five bands by this name;
1. Satellites is an experimental rock group formed in Mallorca (Mediterranean Sea) in 1996.
2. Satellites is a UK post rock band formed in 2008, whose ep 'Shorelines' shows up on this page.
3. Satellites are a UK based band formed in 2010, who have released an EP titled 'New Eyes', available to download at http://satellitesuk.bandcamp.com.
4. Satellites is in fact not a band but one man, Englishman Johnny Vic aka John Garrison who lives in Copenhagen. He writes, plays and produces as Satellites. More information can be found on https://www.facebook.com/satellites01 http://www.satellites01.co.uk/ http://www.satellites02.co.uk/
5. Satellites is a punk rock band from Brisbane, Australia who are currently signed to Penultimate Records. The band has recently launched their Debut Album 'Black Dog' https://www.facebook.com/pg/satellitesband.
This is the bio for satellites 1:
The Satellites claim to be influenced, among others, by Television, Patti Smith, the Cure, Led Zeppelin, Neil Young, Jefferson Airplane, etc.
* 1998: Satellites (EP)
* 1998: The Blue Box (CD)
* 2000: Single 7" Split
* 2001: Our Very Bright Darkness (CD)
* 2001: It’s a Joy (CD single)
* 2002: Nothing Came (EP)
* 2008: The Cave and the Limehouse Recordings, vol 1 (EP)
Currently working in the mix of the Cave and the Limehouse Recordins, vol 2, and the Cicely Satellites Ep-DVD.
www.satellitesmusic.com www.myspace.com/satelliteslondon
Neon Sun
Satellites Lyrics
Jump to: Overall Meaning ↴ Line by Line Meaning ↴
Gravity pulling me
There's a glint in the eye under neon light
30-something schoolgirl
Gravity pulling me
Pulling me down
You were a saviour putting yourself between the neon sun and I
I was happy to fry
Turning your back and run from the neon sun to shade
I just wanted to stay Heh, heh, heh
There's a glow burning amber and calling me
This could be your last chance
Gravity lifting me
There's a war being fought every Saturday
With no sign of victory
Gravity lifting me above it all
You were a saviour putting yourself between the neon sun and I
I was happy to fry
No one would blame you
Turning your back and run from the neon sun to shade
I just wanted to stay heh heh heh
Yeah I just wanted to stay
There's a light flashing bright onto Istedgade somewhere behind me
The lyrics of the song Neon Sun by Satellites describe the captivating and dangerous allure of the nightlife in the city. The neon lights and the energy of the city pull the singer in and threaten to take him down. The first stanza describes how the light of the city is so bright it's driving him sideways and the gravity is pulling him down. The second stanza talks about how the neon light shines in the eyes of a thirty-something schoolgirl who captivates the singer. Again, the gravity of the city affects him, pulling him down.
The chorus mentions a savior, someone who put themselves between the neon sun and the singer, protecting him from its dangerous effects. The singer was happy to continue down that path of self-destruction, but the savior saw the danger and turned their back on the neon sun, leaving the singer there. The singer, however, just wanted to stay within that dangerous and exciting environment, despite knowing the consequences. The last stanza talks about how the glow of the city is tempting and could be the last chance for the singer - almost like a warning that he needs to be careful, but the gravity of the city still pulls him in.
Overall, the lyrics of Neon Sun describe the constant pull and gravity that the city has on people. It's exciting and dangerous all at once, and sometimes it takes a savior to protect people from getting too caught up in it all.
Line by Line Meaning
There's a light flashing bright onto Istedgade driving me sideways
The bright light is causing a disorienting effect on me as I walk along Istedgade
Gravity pulling me
I feel weighed down and pulled by the force of gravity
There's a glint in the eye under neon light
I see a sparkle in someone's eye as they stand beneath the neon lights
30-something schoolgirl
The person I see is around thirty years old but looks youthful like a schoolgirl
Gravity pulling me
Pulling me down
I feel the force of gravity continuing to weigh me down and drag me towards the ground
You were a saviour putting yourself between the neon sun and I
I was happy to fry
No one would blame you
Turning your back and run from the neon sun to shade
I just wanted to stay Heh, heh, heh
You protected me from the harmful effects of the neon sun, but I didn't mind being exposed to it. I know others wouldn't blame you for leaving me in the sun, but I still wanted to stay there.
There's a glow burning amber and calling me
This could be your last chance
Gravity lifting me
I am drawn towards the amber glow and feel a sense of urgency as if this may be my final opportunity. I also feel lifted, as if the force of gravity is reducing.
There's a war being fought every Saturday
With no sign of victory
Gravity lifting me above it all
Every Saturday, there is an ongoing conflict without any visible progress. Despite this, I feel like I am rising above it and no longer weighed down by gravity.
Yeah I just wanted to stay
There's a light flashing bright onto Istedgade somewhere behind me
All I wanted was to remain exposed to the neon sun despite the potential dangers. As I move away from Istedgade, I can still see the flashing light in the distance.
Contributed by Cole G. Suggest a correction in the comments below.
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I'm here because nokia, and WAUCH! I LOVE IT!! <3
I love this music.
Heck yes!!! Can't wait for more awesome music from you guys!
and we still waiting :(
Beautiful! love it!
awesome music but not popular :(
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