Saujana original line up was Suffian Amrin, Zalie Rahman, Khairul Idzwan Baharin, Faizul Hizal Ghazali and Hakimi Harun. Due to career demands, Idzwan, Faizul and Hakimi found it hard to fully commit on the group. In the year 2007, they took in Shahir Zawawi (from the group Grimis, UIA) and Wan Najran (from Rast) to substitute for the three. In 2008 Shahir departed base on personal reasons. Later in 2009 Idzwan, Faizul and Hakimi officially resigned from Saujana. The group immediately recruit Adi Aziz (from Farhan) to complete the current line up.
Saujana successfully debuted with the album βSaujanaβ in the year 1997, produced by Mujahid Abdul Wahab, achieving gross sales of more than 80,000 units in their home country. They released their second album Saujana II (1999), which entered the Indonesian market and sold for more than 50,000 units. Songs like Sepohon Kayu, Keluarga Bahagia, Bulan Bintang and Nur Malam earned Saujana the status as one of the renowned nasheed groups in Malaysia alongside Raihan, Rabbani, Hijjaz, Brothers, NowSeeheart and few others.
Since then Saujana has released 5 more albums. Those albums are Kembara Cinta(2001), Rahsia (2003), 5 Bintang (2005), Jalan Sehala - Duet album with Nowseeheart ( 2007) and Nota Cinta (2010). The group currently performs in concerts and events all around Malaysia and occasionally Indonesia and Singapore, singing songs from their latest and previous albums, bringing beautiful messages of Islam through the means of nasheed.
Their latest album released in 2013 is Aku Cinta Allah which is the zikr album. Adi Aziz had left the group, substituted by new member, Hafiz.
Nur Malam
Saujana Lyrics
Jump to: Overall Meaning ↴ Line by Line Meaning ↴
Ku kini berada di alam yang sunyi
Hanya bertemankan bintang dan bulan
Di malam kelam
Hembusan angin bayu pastikan berlalu
Seiring dosa lalu yang membelengguku
Moga semalam jadi pedoman
Langkah kaki kananku
Menyusuri rumah suci
Bermula episod baru
Dalam ketulusan hati hi hi
Bila hati menghadap Tuhan
Baru kusedar ada kelemahan
Terasa kerdil berbanding Yang Esa
Terharu terfikir betapa agungnya Tuhan ho
Tuhanku aku tidak layak masuk syurga-Mu
Namun tak berupaya menghadapi api neraka-Mu
Terima taubatku dan ampunkan dosa-dosaku
Inginku ubah cara hidupku yang lalu
Menjadi hamba yang diredhai selalu
Tiada palsu wahai Tuhanku
Allah yang satu
Kuakhiri sujud dengan doa
Semoga dikabulkan hajat
Dijauhkan duka lara
Kuharap terimalah taubat ha
Bila hati menghadap Tuhan
Baru kusedar ada kelemahan
Terasa kerdil berbanding Yang Esa
Terharu terfikir betapa agungnya Tuhan ho
Menuntun harapan Ya Allah
Rahmat dari-Mu
Rahmat dari-Mu ku menangkan
Rahmat dari-M
The lyrics of "Nur Malam" by Saujana showcase a contemplative and reflective mood where the singer is questioning and examining their own beliefs and existence in this world. The first verse starts with the singer contemplating the anxiety they feel in the current moment. They are alone in a quiet place, surrounded only by the stars and the moon. The subsequent lines indicate that the singer is searching for some form of redemption for their past sins and is hoping that this night might provide them guidance and teach them important lessons.
The second verse depicts the singer's journey towards a holy place, where they seem to find solace and support. The singer becomes aware of their own flaws and inadequacies in front of God's infinite greatness. The singer's prayer of repentance and seeking forgiveness emphasizes their desire to lead a righteous life and become a faithful servant of God. The final verse conveys a sense of hope and trust in God's mercy and how the singer relies on it to overcome their inner struggles and receive divine blessings.
Overall, Saujana's "Nur Malam" is a sincere song that explores themes of faith, sin, hope, and redemption. It encourages its listeners to question themselves and their place in the world and seek guidance through prayer and self-reflection.
Line by Line Meaning
Renungi malam ini rasa kesangsian
I am contemplating my doubts and uncertainties tonight
Ku kini berada di alam yang sunyi
I am now in a lonely place
Hanya bertemankan bintang dan bulan
The only companions I have are the stars and the moon
Di malam kelam
On a dark night
Hembusan angin bayu pastikan berlalu
The blowing wind assures me that my past sins will fade away
Seiring dosa lalu yang membelengguku
As I walk, I leave behind the sins that once bound me
Moga semalam jadi pedoman
May yesterday's mistakes serve as a guide for me
Dan pengajaran
And a lesson to learn from
Langkah kaki kananku
My right foot takes a step
Menyusuri rumah suci
As I walk towards the holy house
Bermula episod baru
A new episode begins
Dalam ketulusan hati hi hi
With sincerity in my heart
Bila hati menghadap Tuhan
When the heart faces the Lord
Baru kusedar ada kelemahan
Only then do I realize my weaknesses
Terasa kerdil berbanding Yang Esa
I feel small compared to the Almighty
Terharu terfikir betapa agungnya Tuhan ho
Moved and in awe of how great the Lord is
Tuhanku aku tidak layak masuk syurga-Mu
My Lord, I am not worthy to enter Your heaven
Namun tak berupaya menghadapi api neraka-Mu
But I am not ready to face the flames of Your hell
Terima taubatku dan ampunkan dosa-dosaku
Please accept my repentance and forgive my sins
Inginku ubah cara hidupku yang lalu
I want to change my old ways of living
Menjadi hamba yang diredhai selalu
To become a servant who is always pleasing in Your eyes
Tiada palsu wahai Tuhanku
I am sincere, my Lord
Allah yang satu
You are the one and only God
Kuakhiri sujud dengan doa
I end my prostration with a prayer
Semoga dikabulkan hajat
May my wishes be granted
Dijauhkan duka lara
May my troubles be eased
Kuharap terimalah taubat ha
I hope my repentance is accepted
Menuntun harapan Ya Allah
Guiding me with hope, oh Allah
Rahmat dari-Mu
Your mercy
Rahmat dari-Mu ku menangkan
I succeed because of Your mercy
Rahmat dari-M
Your mercy, oh God
Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
Renungi malam ini rasa kesangsian
Ku kini berada di alam yang sunyi
Hanya bertemankan bintang dan bulan
Di malam kelam
Hembusan angin bayu pastikan berlalu
Seiring dosa lalu yang membelengguku
Moga semalam jadi pedoman
Dan pengajaran
Langkah kaki kananku
Menyusuri rumah suci
Bermula episod baru
Dalam ketulusan hati
Bila hati menghadap tuhan
Baru kusedar ada kelemahan
Terasa kerdil berbanding Yang Esa
Terharu, terfikir betapa agungnya Tuhan
Tuhanku, aku tidak layak masuk syurga-Mu
Namun tak berupaya menghadapi api neraka-Mu
Terima taubatku dan ampunkan dosa-dosaku
Inginku ubah cara hidupku yang lalu
Menjadi hamba yang diredhai selalu
Tiada palsu wahai tuhanku
Alloh yang satu
Kuakhiri sujud dengan doa
Semoga dikabulkan hajat
Dijauhkan duka lara
Kuharap terimalah taubat
First dengar lagu ni dekat sekolah,tibaΒ² jadi suka dengan lagu ni AHAHHAHAHAHAHA
nak mnitis je air mata bile dgr, meremang bulu roma. rasa Allah dekat dgn kita.
Sangat bagus sekali lagu lagunye saya ferry dari jakarta
selepas 20tahun masih dengo lagu ni.. mujur dulu ikut ckp mak suh masuk SMAP kajang.. memula xnak masuk SMAP kajang.. mak beriye yakinkan ini sekolah asrama penuh sama je mcm sekolah sains, mckk, alam shah and etc. Sbb masa tu frust dapat 5A UPSR xdapat sekolah elit2 dapat SBP yang xterkenal cam smapk ni... tu xnak pergi. Sekali mak cakap "kan ko suke nyanyi lagu sepohon kayu... SAUJANA ni sekolah dekat situlah..." akhirnya aku pun melangkah ke smap kajang akibat pancingan mak aku tu... ha ha ha,sempat la juga setahun ngn batch diorg ni sbb diorang mase tu form 5, aku lak baru masuk form 1.. Steady senior2 ku... semoga sukses dalam #GGVSAUJANA
jadi umo ko brpe? ( sorry lee kaso bahasa)
@@syaimaarahim8527 33 born in 1985... batch 98-02... diorang batch 94-98 gengΒ² lahir 1981
ooohhh ko ni geng geng kakk aku.
@@syaimaarahim8527 hahaha... sape nama kakak ko? 9802 ke?
hahahahahah bukn.. umo korg sama la kakak aku..ko mne kenal
mana mana budak sekolah smap kajang patut kenal kumpulan nasyid nie menaikkan nama kajang khususnya..tahniah..keep it up!! nasyid ini juga mengalunkan ungkapan syair al Bukhari yang masyhur..ungkapan tajam syahdu tepat mengingatkan kita supaya mengharapkan Redha Allah Taala sentiasa..semoga kita ikut mazhab aswj sebenar dan ikut ulama berwasilah sanat terus kepada Rasulullah SAW..aminn.