Ya Zaljalal Wal Ikram
Saujana Lyrics

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"Ya dzaljalali wal ikram,
Amiiztna'ala dinnil islam"
Mati khusnul Khotimah
Penuh denganlah Rahmah
Penuh ampunan rahmah
Dunia sampai akhirat
Ruh dicabut dengan
Tak ada rasa takut
Malaikat saling berebut
Memuji dan menyambut
Hatinya sangat senang
Gembira tak kepalang
Bidadari berkata
Wajahnya sangat riang

Tasbih takbir bergema
Gemuruh riang gembira
Harum ruh nya yang
Menghadap Allah Yang
Ruhnya terbang
Tak menginginkan pulang
Nasibnya tidak malang
Senang sudahnya terang
Telinga mata hati
Tangan dan dua kaki
Amanat Allah Robbi
Engkau gunakan hati

Ilmu agama suci
Kau sangat pelajari

Hingga engkau mengerti
Ditanyakan pada Robbi
Kau amalkan dunia
Dengan sujud dan puasa
Menjauhkan dosa dosa
Pada Allah Yang Esa
Tak melawan orang tua
Mendengarkan kata
Beramal dan berdo'a
Tak mencaci sesama

Malaikatpun berkata
Selamat dan gembira
Jauh azab dan siksa
Wangi haruman syurga
Semua karna amalmu
Taat pada tuhanmu
Cinta pada Nabimu
Patuh pada gurumu
Sekarang kau rasakan
Macam macam kenikmatan
Paras yg menyenangkan
Kau punya perbuatan

Surgalah tempat mu
Bersama-sama amalmu
Bersama-sama cintamu
Dari Allah Yang Satu
Tidurlah dengan tenang
Dengan amal penerang
Nasibmu tidak malang
Dalam kubur bersenang
Mati Khusnul Khotimah
Penuh dengan Rahmah
Penuh ampunan Allah
Dunia sampai Akhirat

Overall Meaning

The song "Ya Zaljalal Wal Ikram" by Saujana is a beautiful expression of the Islamic belief that by leading a righteous life, one can attain ultimate peace and rest in the afterlife. The chorus of the song starts with "Ya dzaljalali wal ikram" which translates to "Oh the majestic and the generous one" followed by "Amiiztna'ala dinnil islam" which means "Grant us success in following the religion of Islam." The first verse of the song talks about the concept of a peaceful death, which is referred to in Islam as "Mati Khusnul Khotimah," where the soul is gently taken away without any fear or pain. The lyrics express the belief that a righteous life leads to a peaceful death, full of mercy and forgiveness from Allah. The second verse talks about the importance of following the teachings of the religion and the importance of being obedient to Allah, the Prophet, and one's teachers. The song also talks about the joy and rewards that await in the afterlife for those who lead a good and righteous life.

Overall, the song "Ya Zaljalal Wal Ikram" is a beautiful expression of the Islamic belief in leading a righteous life to attain ultimate peace and happiness in the afterlife.

Line by Line Meaning

Ya dzaljalali wal ikram
Oh the one with majestic and honorable presence

Amiiztna'ala dinnil islam
We seek strength in adhering to the religion of Islam

Mati khusnul Khotimah
Die in a state of goodness and righteousness

Penuh denganlah Rahmah
Filled with the mercy of Allah

Penuh ampunan rahmah
Full of forgiveness and mercy

Dunia sampai akhirat
In both this world and the hereafter

Ruh dicabut dengan lembut
Soul peacefully departs from the body

Tak ada rasa takut
Without any feeling of fear

Malaikat saling berebut
Angels competing to welcome the soul

Memuji dan menyambut
Praising and welcoming it

Hatinya sangat senang
Its heart filled with happiness

Gembira tak kepalang
Delighted beyond measure

Bidadari berkata
Heavenly maidens say

Wajahnya sangat riang
Its face is filled with joy

Tasbih takbir bergema
Praises and glorification echoing

Gemuruh riang gembira
Loud and joyful noise

Harum ruh nya yang Mulia
The noble scent of its soul

Menghadap Allah Yang Esa
Facing the one and only Allah

Ruhnya terbang Melayang
Its soul flies and hovers

Tak menginginkan pulang
Doesn't want to return

Nasibnya tidak malang
Its fate is not unfortunate

Senang sudahnya terang
Finally, it is pleased and enlightened

Telinga mata hati Tangan dan dua kaki
Ears, eyes, heart, hands and feet

Amanat Allah Robbi Engkau gunakan hati
You use your heart to uphold Allah's trust

Ilmu agama suci Kau sangat pelajari
You have extensively studied the holy doctrines

Hingga engkau mengerti Ditanyakan pada Robbi
So you understand, when asked by your Lord

Kau amalkan dunia Dengan sujud dan puasa
You perform worldly duties with prayer and fasting

Menjauhkan dosa dosa Pada Allah Yang Esa
You stay away from sins, for the one and only Allah

Tak melawan orang tua Mendengarkan kata Ulama
You don't disobey your parents, listening to the scholars

Beramal dan berdo'a Tak mencaci sesama
You do good deeds and pray, not insulting anyone

Malaikatpun berkata Selamat dan gembira
Even the angels say 'Safe and Happy'

Jauh azab dan siksa
Far from punishment and torment

Wangi haruman syurga
Fragrant scent of paradise

Semua karna amalmu Taat pada tuhanmu
It's because of your deeds - being obedient to Allah

Cinta pada Nabimu Patuh pada gurumu
Your love for the Prophet, obedience to your teacher

Sekarang kau rasakan Macam macam kenikmatan
Now you experience various pleasures

Paras yg menyenangkan Kau punya perbuatan
A pleasing appearance due to your actions

Surgalah tempat mu Bersama-sama amalmu
Heaven is your place alongside your good deeds

Bersama-sama cintamu Dari Allah Yang Satu
Together with your love for the one and only Allah

Tidurlah dengan tenang Dengan amal penerang
Sleep peacefully with the light of good deeds

Nasibmu tidak malang Dalam kubur bersenang
Your fate is not unfortunate, you're happy in the grave

Mati Khusnul Khotimah
Die in a state of goodness and righteousness

Penuh dengan Rahmah
Filled with mercy

Penuh ampunan Allah
Full of Allah's forgiveness

Dunia sampai Akhirat
In both this world and the hereafter

Writer(s): Copyright Controlled

Contributed by Austin K. Suggest a correction in the comments below.
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