Shock-M Lyrics
We have lyrics for 'Tile' by these artists:
Harvey Waters The way you choose to take lies for truth I cross…
We have lyrics for these tracks by Shock-M:
Again Waiting for you to text me So I know that you're…
Be free Come on Take the risk Unlock the door Throw caution To the w…
Begining I know eventually you're gonna get money for your mom And…
club Faehrst du einen Benz haben wir gleich ein Problem Faehrst d…
Go Ahead Shawty laying in my bed (Uh) Shawty a bit than more…
hh1 Jerry used to dream in colors, His life is black and…
Shut Disdained screams Rapture fills the skies Hope burns and die…
Spring I wanna be fast, I wanna be slow, I want somewhere to…
wtf8 You already know who it is MD in them ends With my…
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I owned this exact model, it was great for the short time it lasted. I was setting 36 x 8 tile and it would help in pushing them down until they were even with adjacent tiles. However, it failed to work after about 6 sessions of use. Too bad no mainstream tool manufacturers make them.
I do like that unit due to the strength of the suction cup. But I find that any of the deep tissue muscle massagers do an awesome job collapsing ridges Once again very awesome video very informative. I appreciate you brother. “FLIP”
It's moving all over the place and you can't see how compressed the ridges are without the tile being glass. I imagine this works well if the substrate is completely flat
I am about to buy something like this. They have so many types on eBay. And in Germany it costs about 60 Euro. Thanks for your video.
Hey man. Still waiting on a video of you telling us how you got into the business if you ever plan on doing a video like that. I know that's not the kind of content you put out but would like to see something like that from you. Beautiful job as always brother. Keep calm and tile on
Contact a few tile isntallation companies near you and ask if they need a helper that is willing to learn. Expect minimum pay while they teach you
Hey Landberg, can it self-level the tile? just with vibration? thanks
The best one on Aliexpress is maximum 70€ the cheapest one are 40€. 200 is pure madness...
Can this tool be used as a back massager like car buffer?
You need always start from the empty area to the other tile and repeat the process trying to set same hight on the tile you installed before always to the other tile my friend i appreciate your video keep always hammering 😁