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Sir Richard Bishop Lyrics

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So many lies in this video.

First off, Portrait of a Young Lady was not bought by a husband for his art collector wife. It’s been owned by the Allentown Art Museum since the early 1960’s. The museum originally thought it was a Rembrandt but the Rembrandt Society said it was painted by one of his students or an assistant in his studio.

In 2018 (I think) the museum decided to do some restoration on the piece. It was discovered that the painting had been altered in the 1920’s to remove the texture of the painting, which was fashionable then. They poured thick layers of varnish on the painting, obscuring the crisp detail found in a true Rembrandt. Once this was removed, all the items which the Rembrandt Society said made it not a true Rembrandt no longer existed.

The Rembrandt Society no longer verifies paintings so Portrait of a Young Lady currently cannot be certified as a true Rembrandt, though it probably is.

Incidentally, Shan is not the name of the wife in this badly presented click-bait video. Shan Kuang is a conservator with NY Museum of Fine Arts.


This is an explanation of the video. It's long, yes. But you could read it 10 times over before this video makes any salient points, so you might as well....

SUMMARY of what the video claims... keep in mind, this is not what actually happened, this is just what the drawn out narration is saying:

Guy bought a painting for his wife for her 4th anniversary. She thinks it's a Rembrandt.
He said it was not a Rembrandt, but she was convinced that it was.
She wanted to find out more about it, but her husband was insistant that it was not genuine.
The painting was sent to a Rembrandt expert, and the expert said, it was not a genuine Rembrandt.

Then, there's a completely random bit of information about Carravagio which has NOTHING TO DO WITH ANYTHING ABOUT THIS PAINTING

While she was cleaning the floor, she looked at the painting, then started to remove varnish from it. She discovered that the varnish had been applied by a previous restorer, and with it removed, she could see the real colour of the paint and the brush strokes, and belives that it really is genuine.

The narrator then says the woman knew her husband had been lying to her for 50 years... because that is a reasonable conclusion, of course... I mean, any sane, rational person would think "Wow, I've been lied to", and not "Maybe he actually thought it wasn't genuine"....

Why would he have lied? He says he didn't know, and was sold it in good faith, beliving it wasn't legit. And if it had been varnished over, it would appear not to be a genuine Rembrandt. So that makes sense.

The SENSIBLE conclusion: He didn't know it was a genuine Rembrandt, asnd the bit about her believing 50 years were a lie is a total fabrication invented by a lying fantasist.

So... then we get to the part that starts at 6:55. From this point, up to the end, is about A TOTALLY DIFFERENT WOMAN WITH A TOTALLY DIFFERENT PAINTING THAT HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH REMBRANDT!


In 1961, over 60 renaissance period pieces were donated to the Allentown Art Museum by the Samuel H Kress Foundation, and this painting was one of them. It had been examined nearly 50 years before by the Rembrandt Research Project, and due to the layers of varnish, it was said to be by one of his assistants, rather than Rembrandt.

In 2018 the painting was sent to the Institute of Fine Arts Conservation Center at New York University for cleaning.
Shan Kuang is the conservator, and she was charged with carrying out the cleaning work... as she is a professional, expert, art restorer. They carried out xrays on the painting to determine that the brushwork was indeed Rembrandt.

So, there you have it.

Shan was NOT called Shan Smith.
She was NOT married to Richard.
She did NOT own the painting
Nobody was living a lie...
She did NOT suddenly decide to pull varnish off the painting while she was cleaning her floor...


Shan IS a well respected, very capable professional art restorer, and at the time was indeed a conservator at the Fine Arts Conservation Center.
Shan DID carry out the cleaning work
Shan DID discover that the painting is a Rembrandt.

Am I an art expert? Nope. I'm just a guy who spent 5 minutes reading articles, and realised that this video is a total, complete and utter hot mess dumpster fire.
It takes 7 minutes to make a 1 minute point, pads it out for run time, then adds a totally unrelated story to the end to get over the 10 minute mark for monitisation.

I hope sincerely that whoever made this utter mind numbing turd of a video reads this, and I am going to wish a curse upon you... I hope, to whoever made this video, that from this day, every hot drink you ever make goes cold before you have a chance to drink it, and only when you have given up the same amount of time you have wasted from other people will the curse be lifted.

All comments from YouTube:


Fake Rembrandt turns out to be real after old varnish removed. There ... saved everyone 10 minutes 😜




Thanku this guy takes way to long


Thank you!


Lol 🤣🤣🤣


Ummm no fake turned out to be fake after all. LOL!

361 More Replies...


I have passed kidney stones that were less painful than listening to this endless story.


Let's include the odd & way stilted language of speakers who - as an example ; haven't the common sense to learn before recording , how to correctly & respectfully pronounce a person's NAME for Gawd's sake ! Very hard to listen to , much less understand ; A commonality all to prevalent in many videos , on any venue . Think folks are in too big a hurry , or do not understand what ' 'quality ' has to do with their job . Think also , that publishers ( news papers used to ! ) use the services of proof readers , there should be a 'speaking coach' to help these folks . ( Thanks for your input ! )


@@mikemccloud7378 Thank you - I checked the comments before starting to watch - now I'll move on to something else. 👍


@@anaderol5408 definitely - Me Too ! We learn as we go . Thanks for your Reply !

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