Murder of Lawyers
Soul Coughing Lyrics

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A murder of lawyers in overcoats.
A murder of lawyers in overcoats.
A murder of lawyers in overcoats,

shoulders up, heads slung low, looking like a swarm of M's swarming the crosswalk.
Looking up at a window on the forty-fourth floor.
Blue eyed Jew Mystic from a rhythm section,
his hands cupped around the dignified hijiki of human speech.
Muslim baritones idle with their hands down.

And the gat that fattens your jacket pocket
Plugs slugs in vain
Through the body of the immaterial witness.
And that which is Ugly and feeds on The Law comes into the conference room singing federal jargon. Their necks are covered in chocolatey growths.
Spat up an eyeful of steam in the lumber yard parking lot.

Written in her own shit with a ground down fork.
Written in her own shit with a ground down fork

Written in her own shit with a ground down fork.
Written in her own shit with a ground down fork.

Overall Meaning

The lyrics to Soul Coughing’s “Murder of Lawyers” can be interpreted as a commentary on the legal system and the power dynamics within it. The repetition of “a murder of lawyers in overcoats” emphasizes the overwhelming presence of lawyers in society, perhaps suggesting that they are a force to be reckoned with or even feared. The image of them all looking like a swarm of M’s swarming the crosswalk adds to this sense of their omnipresence and power.

The focus then shifts to a specific individual, a “blue eyed Jew Mystic from a rhythm section” who is cupping his hands around “the dignified hijiki of human speech”. This could be interpreted as a reference to the power of words and the importance of being able to communicate effectively in a legal setting. Meanwhile, the “Muslim baritones” are “idle with their hands down”, perhaps suggesting a sense of powerlessness or oppression.

The lyrics then take a darker turn with the mention of a “gat” (a slang term for a gun) and the “immaterial witness” being shot through. This could be a critique of the way the legal system often values physical evidence more highly than witness testimony. The reference to something “Ugly” that “feeds on The Law” could be interpreted as a commentary on the greed and corruption that can be present in the legal system.

The mention of someone writing in their own feces with a ground down fork adds to the dark and disturbing tone of the song, perhaps suggesting that even those within the legal system are not immune to the corruption and ugliness that can come with it.

Line by Line Meaning

A murder of lawyers in overcoats.
A group of lawyers dressed in overcoats appears.

shoulders up, heads slung low, looking like a swarm of M's swarming the crosswalk.
The lawyers walk with their shoulders hunched and heads down, looking like a swarm of letter M's crossing the road.

Looking up at a window on the forty-fourth floor.
The lawyers are staring up at a window on the forty-fourth floor of a building.

Blue eyed Jew Mystic from a rhythm section, his hands cupped around the dignified hijiki of human speech.
A person with blue eyes who is Jewish and mystic, perhaps a musician or artist, holds his hands around the eloquent expressions of human speech.

Muslim baritones idle with their hands down.
Muslim singers with deep voices are standing idle with their hands hanging down.

And the gat that fattens your jacket pocket Plugs slugs in vain Through the body of the immaterial witness.
A gun that is kept in your jacket pocket fires bullets uselessly through a ghostly witness.

And that which is Ugly and feeds on The Law comes into the conference room singing federal jargon. Their necks are covered in chocolatey growths.
Something ugly and law-abiding enters the conference room and speaks in legal jargon. They have growths on their neck that resemble chocolate.

Spat up an eyeful of steam in the lumber yard parking lot.
Steam is ejected from something in the parking lot of the lumber yard.

Written in her own shit with a ground down fork.
Someone has written something, possibly a message or insult, using their own feces and a dull fork.

Lyrics © Warner Chappell Music, Inc.

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
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Comments from YouTube:

Mabel Silva

Hidden gems I never knew of !!!!

Mabel Silva

What a blessing

Danny Fitzgerald


Brett Wilms

I had this on the Offbeat: A Red Hot Soundtrip album, but that was the edited version. Cool to hear some new lines to the song!

Chris Treborn

Only Soul Coughing track I'd never heard 👂

Bruce Griffin

Moreeeee gems bro what a treat

Chris Treborn

Ground down fork line was just not happening ae