Kein schöner land
Stahlhammer Lyrics
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In dieser zeit
Wo ist mein heimat?
Panik auf strassen
Uberall nur rauch
Feuer und flammen
Wut in meiner bauch
Denn die sünde
Ist er magnetenstein
Der das eisen
Zieht ins land herein
Erinnerung an umsturz
Denk an wiederstand
Zerbrochen, verdammt
Verbannt ins heimatland
Goldenes zepter
Nur ein stock
In des königshand
Wer nichts wagt
Der darf nicht hoffen
Auf ein schöner land
Trommeln und pfeifen kriegerischer klang
Wandern und streifen
Die welt entlang
The lyrics to Stahlhammer's song Kein schöner land reflect feelings of displacement and despair in the midst of chaos and destruction. The first line immediately addresses the sense of loss and longing that one feels when they are separated from their homeland. The following verse describes the chaos and panic on the streets, where smoke and fire provide a backdrop for the singer's inner turmoil.
The lyrics take on a more philosophical edge in the third verse, where the nature of sin is discussed. The metaphor of a magnet pulling iron into the land is used to describe the power of sin, which draws negativity and destruction into our homes and hearts. The next verse recalls memories of resistance and rebellion that ultimately ended in banishment from one's homeland, effectively separating them from their roots.
The song's chorus speaks to the desire for stability and prosperity, using the image of a golden scepter as a symbol of power and control. However, the singer recognizes that without the willingness to take risks, one cannot hope to achieve any lasting success. The final verse suggests a sense of wanderlust and an embrace of the unknown, as the singer declares his intentions to explore the world and find his place in it.
Line by Line Meaning
Kein schöner land
This is not a beautiful land.
In dieser zeit
In this time.
Wo ist mein heimat?
Where is my home?
Panik auf strassen
Panic on the streets.
Uberall nur rauch
Smoke everywhere.
Feuer und flammen
Fire and flames.
Wut in meiner bauch
Anger in my belly.
Denn die sünde
For sin.
Ist er magnetenstein
Is the magnet stone.
Der das eisen
Which pulls the iron.
Zieht ins land herein
Into the land.
Erinnerung an umsturz
Memory of revolution.
Denk an wiederstand
Think of resistance.
Zerbrochen, verdammt
Broken, damned.
Verbannt ins heimatland
Exiled to homeland.
Goldenes zepter
Golden scepter.
Nur ein stock
Just a stick.
In des königshand
In the king's hand.
Wer nichts wagt
Who dares nothing.
Der darf nicht hoffen
Must not hope.
Auf ein schöner land
For a beautiful land.
Trommeln und pfeifen kriegerischer klang
Drums and whistles of warlike sound.
Wandern und streifen
Wander and roam.
Die welt entlang
Along the world.
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