Tarwa N-Tiniri [feat. Thijs Borsten] Lyrics

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Aghbalu N Muhammad
awyi ẓars arbbe

ⴰⵖⴱⴰⵍⵓ ⵏ ⵎⵓⵃⵎⴰⴷ
ⴰⵡⵢⵉ ⵣⴰⵔⵙ ⴰⵔⴱⵉ

Overall Meaning

The song "Aghbalu" by Tarwa N-Tiniri starts with the lyrics "Aghbalu N Muhammad, awyi ẓars arbbe." These words reflect a deep connection to the historical figure Muhammad and a plea for guidance and protection.

The phrase "Aghbalu N Muhammad" can be interpreted as "The gaze of Muhammad" or "The look of Muhammad." This can be seen as a reference to seeking the blessings and wisdom associated with the Prophet Muhammad. The singer is invoking his name in order to gain spiritual and moral guidance.

The following line, "awyi ẓars arbbe," can be translated as "I am in need of your support." This expression reflects a humble appeal to Muhammad, asking for his help and assistance in navigating the challenges and difficulties of life. It conveys a sense of reliance on the prophet's teachings and his presence for strength and comfort.

The subsequent phrases, "ⵖⴱⴰⵍⵓ" and "ⴰⵖⴱⴰⵍⵓ ⵏ ⵎⵓⵃⵎⴰⴷ," further emphasize the singer's yearning for guidance and protection. These lines can be interpreted as seeking the radiance and light that Muhammad brought into the world. The singer acknowledges that the prophet's light is a source of enlightenment and salvation, particularly in times of darkness and uncertainty.

Overall, these lyrics reflect a deep yearning for spiritual connection and guidance. The singer seeks solace and support from the legacy and teachings of Muhammad, acknowledging his profound influence and the strength that can be gained from his wisdom and grace. It is a plea for assistance and reassurance in navigating the complexities of life, particularly during challenging times.

Line by Line Meaning

Aghbalu N Muhammad
Calling upon the revered name of Muhammad, the prophet and a figure of deep spiritual connection.

awyi ẓars arbbe
Inquiring into the profound wisdom and guidance that one seeks from the divine.

An expression of a longing or a plea, resonating with the call for spiritual assistance.

ⴰⵖⴱⴰⵍⵓ ⵏ ⵎⵓⵃⵎⴰⴷ
Repeating the heartfelt invocation for the presence and blessings of Muhammad, reflecting a deep reverence.

ⴰⵡⵢⵉ ⵣⴰⵔⵙ ⴰⵔⴱⵉ
Proclaiming the desire for enlightenment and redemption, expressing a yearning to walk the righteous path.

Written by: Tarwa N-Tiniri, Atty Records

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
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عمل جيد بالتوفيق لكم أخوكم من فلسطين 🇵🇸✌️


تحية لك من تبقيونت


إحمي نفسك


بوسبيري طايح فلسطيني باش يتفاعلو معاك😂


ولكن فالحقيقة هو ولد فيلاج اللفت ملقط دخل شوف فيديوات تيناورين عندو


تحية لك من دولة البوور

9 More Replies...


The Tamazight language is beautiful and the song is beautiful .. Inform the people of the city of Ouarzazate 🇲🇦🇲🇦✌️


لهجة مغربية ؟!!! هذو فرقة يقلدو الفن التارقي الجزائري 🇩🇿🇩🇿🇩🇿و حتى طابع الموسيقي هو من فن الطوارق ماغلاقة ورزازات بالطوارق ؟!!!


هههه التارقي الجزائري
هؤلاء اللي فالفيديو أبناء مدينة ورزازات
tarwa-n-tiniri فرقة
واللغة المستعملة هي اللغة للشلحية الاطلسية ويغنو على ايقاعات موسيقى الصحراء

واش دخل الجزائر هنا اصلا


ولكن كل اغانيهم بطابع التارقي و سمعت بعض الاغاني فيها حتى اللسان التارقي يعني و كلمات تارقية ....متى كان هذا الطابع من الغناء في المغرب ؟!!!؟

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