Lagu-lagunya yang banyak di gemari oleh masyarakat di era 1970an. Kepiawaiannya bernyanyi turun kepada ke tiga anaknya Inu, Mhala, dan Tantra yang membentuk group bandnya bernama Numata.
Di Tahun 1960an Tetty Kadi merekam dengan Phillip Comp dengan lagu "Sepanjang Jalan Kenangan" karangan sepupunya A.Riyanto. Rekaman pertamanya beredar 1966 dengan iringan band Zaenal Combo menyanyikan 8 lagu karya sepupunya Pulau Seribu, Bunga Mawar, Ayah dan Ibu, Habis Gelap Terbitlah Terang, Teringat Selalu, Si Kura-Kura, dan Alam Desa.
Rekaman kedua pada tahun 1967 dua lagu paling popular "Pulau seribu" dan "Teringat Selalu" dikeluarkan dari perusahaan rekaman Remaco di edarkan di Malaysia dan Singapura di bawah label Bintang dan Melody. Di samping itu, Tetty Kadi juga terkenal dengan lagu "Mimpi Sedih".
Daun Terkulai Layu
Tetty Kadi Lyrics
Jump to: Overall Meaning ↴ Line by Line Meaning ↴
Dimanapun kau kini
Derita hatiku
Kau tinggal pergi
Bagai sepucuk daun
Tak pernah kena embun
Pasti akan kering
Di tengah ranting-ranting mengering
Terkulai layu daun hijau
Tak tahan di sinari matahari
Tak mengira musim kering melanda
Walaupun telah akan hujan lagi
Ranting pasti telah mati
Tak akan lagi daun bersemi
Tinggal akui daun yang kering
The lyrics to Tetty Kadi's song "Daun Terkulai Layu" express the pain of a broken heart caused by a partner who has left. The singer of the song is calling out to their former lover, asking them to hear the whispering of their heart no matter where they are. They describe the torment and anguish that the person's departure has caused. The simile of a leaf that never receives dew and inevitably dries up and wilts serves as a powerful image for the singer's own feeling of despair and hopelessness. The song continues to describe how the green leaves around them wither and dry up, unable to withstand the harshness of the scorching sun's rays. The singer expresses a sense of helplessness and disbelief, feeling as though the dry spell may never end.
This song's lyrics are relatable to anyone who has gone through heartbreak and struggled with the pain of losing someone they love. The use of nature imagery adds depth and emotion to the lyrics, making the feelings of heartbreak and loss feel more profound. But beyond its powerful lyrics, "Daun Terkulai Layu" is known for its beautiful melody that serves to enhance the meaning and impact of the song. This classic Indonesian song has continued to resonate with audiences over the years, making it one of the most beloved tracks in the country's history.
Line by Line Meaning
Dengar bisik hatiku
Listen to my heart's whispers
Dimanapun kau kini
Wherever you are now
Derita hatiku
My heart's suffering
Kau tinggal pergi
You left me and went away
Bagai sepucuk daun
Like a single leaf
Tak pernah kena embun
Never touched by dew
Pasti akan kering
It will surely wither
Terkulai layu dan mati
Fallen, wilted, and dead
Di tengah ranting-ranting mengering
Amidst the withering branches
Terkulai layu daun hijau
Fallen, wilted, green leaves
Tak tahan di sinari matahari
Unable to withstand the sunlight
Tak mengira musim kering melanda
Unaware of the dry season
Walaupun telah akan hujan lagi
Even though the rain will come again
Ranting pasti telah mati
The branches have surely died
Tak akan lagi daun bersemi
Leaves will never grow again
Tinggal akui daun yang kering
Only to acknowledge the dried leaves
Writer(s): A. Riyanto
Contributed by Lauren F. Suggest a correction in the comments below.
Sangat menyentuh. Airmata hendak turun mendengarnya. Tahun 1972. Rumah besar di pinggir desa pojokkan Sleman. Andai bisa merasakanya lagi
puisi penuh makna ,coba kita resapi,pasti terharu