Diriku Berjanji
Tetty Kadi Lyrics

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Masih terlalu pagi untuk menyatakan perasaanmu
Walau hatikupun tergoda sejak jumpa yg pertama

Diriku berjanji akan memenuhi
Pernyataan cintamu yg tulus dan suci
Akupun berdoa mohon kepadaNya
Agar kasih sayangmu abadi selama lamanya
Ku harap dirimu percaya
Saatnya pasti akan tiba
Kasih sayang kan jadi nyata
Tunggu pasti tiada lama

Diriku brjanji akan memenuhi
Pernyataan cintamu yg tulus dan suci
Akupun brdoa mohon kepadaNya
Agar kasih sayangmu abadi selama-lamanya

Diriku brjanji akan memenuhi
Pernyataan cintamu yg tulus dan suci

Akupun brdoa mohon kepadaNya
Agar kasih sayangmu abadi selama-lamanya

Overall Meaning

The song "Diriku Berjanji" by Tetty Kadi is about promising to fulfill the sincere and pure declaration of love from someone who has been tempted since the first meeting. The first verse expresses that it is too early to confess feelings, but the heart is already tempted. Despite this, the singer promises to fulfill the sincere and pure declaration of love that was made. The second verse mentions that the singer prays for the eternal love and mercy of the person who made the declaration of love.

Throughout the song, the singer portrays a sense of patience and hope, that the time will come when the love will become real and lasting. The chorus reinforces the promise to fulfill the declaration of love and ends with a prayer for the eternal love of the person who made the declaration.

Overall, "Diriku Berjanji" is a song about patience, hope, and a promise to fulfill a declaration of love. It portrays a sense of sincerity and pureness in the love that is being promised, which makes it a timeless love song.

Line by Line Meaning

Masih terlalu pagi untuk menyatakan perasaanmu
It's still too early to express your feelings

Walau hatikupun tergoda sejak jumpa yg pertama
Even though my heart was tempted since the first meeting

Diriku berjanji akan memenuhi
I promise to fulfill

Pernyataan cintamu yg tulus dan suci
Your pure and sincere declaration of love

Akupun berdoa mohon kepadaNya
I also pray to Him

Agar kasih sayangmu abadi selama lamanya
That your love and affection will last forever

Ku harap dirimu percaya
I hope you believe me

Saatnya pasti akan tiba
The right time will surely come

Kasih sayang kan jadi nyata
Love will become real

Tunggu pasti tiada lama
Wait, it won't take long

Diriku brjanji akan memenuhi
I promise to fulfill

Pernyataan cintamu yg tulus dan suci
Your pure and sincere declaration of love

Akupun brdoa mohon kepadaNya
I also pray to Him

Agar kasih sayangmu abadi selama-lamanya
That your love and affection will last forever

Diriku brjanji akan memenuhi
I promise to fulfill

Pernyataan cintamu yg tulus dan suci
Your pure and sincere declaration of love

Akupun brdoa mohon kepadaNya
I also pray to Him

Agar kasih sayangmu abadi selama-lamanya
That your love and affection will last forever

Writer(s): Is Haryanto

Contributed by Caleb K. Suggest a correction in the comments below.
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Tety Kadi hadir kembali πŸ™πŸ™πŸ‘πŸ‘lagu nya enak, suara merdu yang bikin kangen. Terima kasih πŸ™πŸ’•


Sama sama bu, selamat bernostalgia kembali.Salam sehat dan sukses selalu bu πŸ˜ŠπŸ™


Lagu lama yg masih enak di dengar ....lagu ini aku dengar th 77 aku masih smp ..


Selamat bernostalgia kembali pak,salam sehat selalu πŸ˜ŠπŸ™


Assalam mualaikum wr wb..amin" bgus sx liriknya lgunya mengena d hati kmi maaaz.


Walaikum salam wr wb. Semoga dapat terhibur πŸ˜ŠπŸ™


@@tembangkenanganindonesia9136 iya dong pastinya kmi terhibur.smoga shat slalu y maaaz nd berkah rezekinya amin.


Aamiin Yra. Terima ksh atas doanya πŸ™


@@tembangkenanganindonesia9136 lgu titik dandora hatiu hatiku


@@rosalia52 Lagu tersebut sudah pernah kami upload, bila ingin melihat, bisa di lihat di playlist Titiek Sandhora.Terima ksh πŸ˜ŠπŸ™

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