There are at least two artists named Ugly:
1) 4 Piece Sludge/Doom ba… Read Full Bio ↴There are at least two artists named Ugly:
1) 4 Piece Sludge/Doom band from Prescott, AZ
Krysta: Vox/Samples/Synth
Brandon: Bass/Vox
Chris: Guitar
Ben: Drums
2) Indie alternative band from Cambridge, United Kingdom (;
3)U.G.L.Y. is the acronym being used as the bands name (as featured in the trailer for the upcoming video and in description on the official Facebook page). Official artist name will be known once they start heavily promoting the band and once CBE (Culture Beyond Experience) will have an official artist page for their signed artists.
U.G.L.Y., acronym for Under Greatness Lies You, are a Los Angeles musical collective.
Band members are Mijo, Stormi and Braxton. Their debut single is “Redd” and will be featured on their forthcoming EP. Music video for “Redd” was directed by Chris Brown.
Stormi hails from Tennessee, where she performed in regional theatre and studied opera and country music. She holds the title of 2009 “Miss Teen USA”, and competed on Season 10 of American Idol. Mijo was born and raised in inner-city Los Angeles where he grew up dancing and singing in a local R&B group. He co-starred in David LaChapelle’s acclaimed 2005 underground dance documentary Rize and went on to tour extensively with Chris Brown. Meanwhile, Braxton’s guitar prowess and punk/reggae roots growing up in Hawaii landed him gigs touring worldwide with everyone from Ashlee Simpson to 30 Seconds to Mars.
1) 4 Piece Sludge/Doom ba… Read Full Bio ↴There are at least two artists named Ugly:
1) 4 Piece Sludge/Doom band from Prescott, AZ
Krysta: Vox/Samples/Synth
Brandon: Bass/Vox
Chris: Guitar
Ben: Drums
2) Indie alternative band from Cambridge, United Kingdom (;
3)U.G.L.Y. is the acronym being used as the bands name (as featured in the trailer for the upcoming video and in description on the official Facebook page). Official artist name will be known once they start heavily promoting the band and once CBE (Culture Beyond Experience) will have an official artist page for their signed artists.
U.G.L.Y., acronym for Under Greatness Lies You, are a Los Angeles musical collective.
Band members are Mijo, Stormi and Braxton. Their debut single is “Redd” and will be featured on their forthcoming EP. Music video for “Redd” was directed by Chris Brown.
Stormi hails from Tennessee, where she performed in regional theatre and studied opera and country music. She holds the title of 2009 “Miss Teen USA”, and competed on Season 10 of American Idol. Mijo was born and raised in inner-city Los Angeles where he grew up dancing and singing in a local R&B group. He co-starred in David LaChapelle’s acclaimed 2005 underground dance documentary Rize and went on to tour extensively with Chris Brown. Meanwhile, Braxton’s guitar prowess and punk/reggae roots growing up in Hawaii landed him gigs touring worldwide with everyone from Ashlee Simpson to 30 Seconds to Mars.
its bad for me
Ugly Lyrics
We have lyrics for 'its bad for me' by these artists:
Ray Noble and His Orchestra I heard it came to town A new kind of rhythm Spread…
We have lyrics for these tracks by Ugly:
Cry Baby Cry Nine hours on a greyhound bus From Columbus Ohio Thinking ab…
Daisies Daisy, oh you're so shapely Open your eyes up, if you…
Dirt What’s that Dirt on you? I had to get out…
Do You Understand "Satellites inside my head Lost in existential dread Now the…
Everything Everything Godly Everything Godly Everything Godly Everythi…
Friday Night [Andy] It's friday night, on the streets of L.A. I'm going o…
I'm Happy You're Here I lost my parents a year ago and I don't…
In My Pocket Yo my neighborhood was crazy bro This kid got shot with…
List Yeah yeah I'm talking stick shit From the sticks bitch I'm …
Little Baby Love I remember when you told me That your sadness ate your…
M'bitsini It's in the ocean It's far away That shit is potent A piece…
Needs Listen up all you people! And pay some attention! About what…
no more Call it what you want, but you don't wanna stay you…
Of Dying My bitch brought the weed I brought the Backwood She lays…
people come and go dummy Yeah, people come and go, they gon' leave you on…
Pusher And some say Why you follow something so long So I asked…
Sex Drugs And Rock & Roll Sex and drugs and rock and roll Is all my brain…
Switch Something senile, stale, infected. Just can't shake it off, …
the bag in my room has shrooms in it I left all my feelings in the back of the…
The Wheel Life is to be lived on the positive tip Never lose…
To Be I say woah, I say I say woah Yeah I say woah,…
Ugly You ever met a bitch so ugly Damn! You ugly You vomited…
When I Failed I can tell when I'm not wanted I can tell it's…
The lyrics are frequently found in the comments by searching or by filtering for lyric videos
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100 reasons to live ;)
1. to make your parents proud
2. to conquer your fears
3. to see your family again
4. to see your favorite artist live
5. to listen to music again
6. to experience a new culture
7. to make new friends
8. to inspire
9. to have your own children
10. to adopt your own pet
11. to make yourself proud
12. to meet your idols
13. to laugh until you cry
14. to feel tears of happiness
15. to eat your favorite food
16. to see your siblings grow
17. to pass school
18. to get a tattoo
19. to smile until your cheeks hurt
20. to meet your internet friends
21. to find someone who loves you as you deserve
22. to eat ice cream on a hot day
23. to drink hot chocolate on a cold day
24. to see untouched snow in the morning
25. to see a sunset that sets the sky on fire
26. to see stars light up the sky
27. to read a book that changes your life
28. to see the flowers in the spring
29. to see the leaves change from green to brown
30. to travel abroad
31. to learn a new language
32. to learn to draw
33. to tell others your story in the hopes of helping them
34. Puppy kisses.
35. Baby kisses (the open-mouthed kind when they smack their lips on your cheek)
36. Swear words and the release you feel when you say them.
37. Trampolines.
38. Ice cream.
39. Stargazing.
40. Cloud watching.
41. Taking a shower and then sleeping on clean sheets.
42. Receiving thoughtful gifts.
43. “I saw this and thought of you."
44. The feeling you get when someone you love says, “I love you."
45. The relief you feel after crying.
46. Sunshine.
47. The feeling you get when someone is listening to you/giving you their full attention.
48. Your future wedding.
49. Your favorite candy bar.
50. New clothes
51. Witty puns.
52. Really good bread.
53. Holding your child in your arms for the first time.
54. Completing a milestone (aka going to college, graduating college, getting married, getting your dream job.)
55. The kind of dreams where you wake up and can’t stop smiling.
56. The smell before and after it rains.
57. The sound of rain against a rooftop.
58. The feeling you get when you’re dancing.
59. The person (or people) that mean the most to you. Stay alive for them.
60. Trying out new recipes.
61. The feeling you get when your favorite song comes on the radio.
62. The rush you get when you step onto a stage.
63. You have to share your voice and talents and knowledge with the world because they are so valuable.
64. Breakfast in bed.
65. Getting a middle seat in the movie theatre.
66. Breakfast for dinner (because it’s so much better at night than in the morning).
67. a feeling of being loved
68. Forgiveness.
69. Water balloon fights.
70. New books by your favorite authors.
71. Fireflies.
72. Birthdays.
73. Realising that someone loves you.
74. Spending the day with someone you love.
75. Spending the whole day in bed.
76. Eating a whole pint of your favorite ice cream.
77. Floating in water on your back and just staring up at the sky.
78. First dates (even the bad ones make for funny stories.)
79. Bonfires and smokes.
80. Relationships where you love someone but aren’t in love with them.
81. Coming home to someone you love.
82. The color of autumn leaves when they change. Summer.
83. Sing songs at the top of your lungs with your friends.
84. Cuddling.
85. Being wrapped up in a warm bed.
86. Someone’s skin against yours.
87. Holding hands.
88. The kind of hugs when you can feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders. The kind of hug where your breath syncs with the other person’s, and you feel like the only two people in the world.
89. Singing off key with your best friends.
90. Road trips.
91. Spontaneous adventures.
92. The feeling of sand beneath your toes.
93. The feeling when the first ocean wave rolls up and envelops your toes and ankles and knees.
94. Thunderstorms.
95. Your first (or hundredth) trip to Disneyland.
96. The taste of your favorite food.
97. The child-like feeling you get on New-Year Morning.
98. The day when everything finally goes your way.
99. Compliments and praise.
100. to look at this moment in 10 years' time and realize you did it.
101: jesus
PS: there are so many beautiful things to live. so live, and live, and live
Those in the comments saying (no I don’t matter blah blah blah) guess what I never asked. U matter to me that’s all the matters. Live laugh love..
@Audri D yeah, sure... well, let's take models aside, even when they get paid for how they look and it's understandable when they go through hardships because modeling is a job as well, and think about other aspects of life.
You asked, "Who cares whether someone is ugly or pretty anyway?"
Well, everyone does. In social circles, people with attractive physical attributes are treated positively. Pretty people can get most of the romantic partners they actually desire and most of the relationships they want. It is, in fact, a privilege, and having it will in the great majority of cases be positive for you.
Are you actually telling me that, in case you are not one of these privileged attractive people, when you liked somebody, at some point you thought that it would be easier if you looked better?
Are you telling me that you didn't feel envious of someone not calling you pretty, but instead, they did call pretty to a friend of yours?
I mean, it's more superficial to not accept reality, to not accept your feelings, and to not normalize the fact that in our world, being attractive is something positive for your own... because it is, and it's instinctive. No one falls under the rainbow puke you wrote there. The truth is that pretty faces have it easier, and it doesn't matter how dumb you think we ugly people are. We know what it feels like. We, the ugly, should never believe these fairy tales.
I know my position in this society. I am the one with no friends, the one who no one cares about, the avoided, the boring one, no one wants to know me better, because not even my personality saves me from hell, no one is looking for me, not even myself. I've experienced first-hand not being desired or appreciated, and I have more than two decades in this world, and it hurts every day more... so yes, people do care, and the baby pink propaganda you are following is unhelpful and unreal.... and even disrespectful because for people like me, our sadness comes the reality you are not portraying. Truly rethink 400 times before typing something like that ever again.
And you know something? I would smash your skull against your bedroom wall to taste the pleasure of life, of actually being alive. Just a little drop of happiness over my tongue is what I need, and for some, it is so easy, but for me, I would need divine intervention or to be born again, and trust me, I would sacrifice everything for what I have been denied.
Step1: be pretty
Step2: don’t be ugly
Step3: don’t make ugly faces at a weird angle
Step4: good lighting
Step5: Have a nice camera phone.
Step6: don’t be ugly in reality.
Step 7: know how to edit photos
@@angelinadobler79 Step 8: Choose the best filter.
@{°Soph2cool4u°} step 10 be good looking
@@khalidafaizi870 step 11 don’t look bad
@@roastingrefsbroxdparinandz4994 step 12 win the genetics lottery.
1. Be pretty
2. Be pretty
3. Be pretty
And finally, 4th: be pretty
Step 5: learn how to do step 4 which will help you learn how to achieve step 3 which you can use to overcome step 2 and finally master step 1
@@_Cameron_737_ you are an underrated fellow