Walt & Feliz Lyrics
We have lyrics for 'Expansion' by these artists:
Devin Lauder You spin my whole world upside down You spin my whole…
Hatalom Deconstructed physical structures Development of the mind Et…
J:Kenzo Its funny how money changes situation And put you in a…
Quiet Take apart the lies they've sewn in your head Leave the…
SnewJ I just pulled up, body kit Forged carbon whip She already lo…
The Slow Voyage You! When you hit the ground and you see the blow in…
U4ikbeats Tengo las armas, tengo el poder Listo a expandirnos, todos …
Weasel Sims Hook1: Once I got back on / I started expanding…
Y.N.R.T.W Rock and Roll I like drugs I like woman I like…
We have lyrics for these tracks by Walt & Feliz:
funk'd Everybody, move your hair and feel united Oh oh oh Everybody…
We have lyrics for these tracks by Walt:
Ctrl-Walt-Del Sat on the bench they just made me the coach Run…
Gotta Get It I'm tired of people asking me if I get it,…
We have lyrics for these tracks by Feliz:
The lyrics are frequently found in the comments by searching or by filtering for lyric videos
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I remember peaking to this song at bubbles
What event was that?
This tune used to get flogged in Melbourne . HK BS 3D PHD BBL
Fuck yeah bubble!!!
Me to man I go hard!! 05 and 06
Fucking bubble was the best
This tune was huge 10 years ago and still is to this day! Brings back so many memories
+Pinki Brig Tell me about it mate!! So many wonderful memories to this tune. So many great memories of rave parties at the docks with 20,000 other rockers
One of the most beautiful tracks and simultanously one of the saddest...