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Doh waste wine
Xpress Band Lyrics

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Comments from YouTube:


Thank you for having me! It was really an honor to share!


It was gray and you know we’ll do it again!


Great interview and thanks for sharing this. I'm an old Catholic boy (60yo) and just got Baptized in my small church 2 weeks ago after 4 years of being in the Church (pandemic delayed the baptism). The worship team just asked me to join them with my guitar. Small worship team just a piano player and a couple of singers. I have been praying for this. God answered it ! So I write music and have a couple of songs dedicated to Lord and I want to send a positive messages of faith and hope. But I will say it is hard to release them for many of the reasons you mention. I will on my YouTube page and will share. Including pics of my HX stomp pedalboard! My courage is building. I agree that you need to play what is appropriate for the congregation. But, my YouTube page can be a bit contemporary. I will humbly Rock for the Lord !!


Rock on man. Rock on for the Lord 🙌🏼


That’s awesome!


This was incredibly helpful. I've had a few people ask if I'd consider writing songs and have put it off... time to take a step in faith.


Glad it was helpful! 🙏🏼🙌🏼


That’s great man!


I love the Lord's timing. My church started to write within a small group last year. We've finished a couple of songs that we've used congregationally. There are some transitions in leadership coming this summer, and I'm feeling prompted by the Lord to take up the songwriting mantle for our church and see where it goes. This was greatly encouraging to me as I tend to struggle with the fear of comparison and a need for overwhelming excellence/perfection in everything. Thank you for the encouragement to write for MY church and to just start writing and do it!


Praying for wisdom and grace during the transition season and a cohesion with your team. It’s an exciting journey — I hope it goes well!

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