1. A Swedish indie group<… Read Full Bio ↴There are at least six artists with this name:
1. A Swedish indie group
2. A solo project of musician Jacob Janoram
3. An English pop group
4. A South African rapper
5. A Dutch musician
6. K-pop girl group
7. American YouTuber who covers music
1. Swedish group jj emerged in 2009 on the Gothenburg-based record label Sincerely Yours with a particularly gratifying take on the musical preoccupations common to much of the label's roster, which includes its founders, The Tough Alliance. jj are distributed in North America by Secretly Canadian. The band consists of Joakim Benon and Elin Kastlander.
jj's take on neo-Balearic indie pop filters Air France's tropical haze, The Tough Alliance's penchant for slyly irreverent appropriation, and The Honeydrips' fragile twee pop melodicism into a beguilingly lush, gently electronic style, reminiscent of prime Saint Etienne with a smoother, beachier sheen. jj also share their label mates' propensity for mystery, favoring an artfully enigmatic presentation. Vocalist Elin Kastlander provides a distinguishing sonic hallmark in the form of her warm, lusciously smooth alto.
jj released their debut single jj n° 1 in early 2009. A couple of months later they released their debut album jj n° 2. Their third album, jj n° 3, was released on March 9, 2010.
In late 2010, jj released a mixtape called Kills. The first single from Kills, "Let Them," sampled Akon's "Right Now (Na Na Na)." The single also featured a B-side entitled "I'm The One/Money On My Mind" that samples "Intro" by The xx.
Aside from their official releases, jj has also done several covers and new takes on contemporary songs. For example, they've recorded covers of Akon's "Troublemaker," Jeremih's "Birthday Sex," and the "Theme Song" for the classic 70s American tv series Welcome Back, Kotter. All of these tracks were released for free on the internet.
2. Brace yourself, North America – slosh rock is coming. Intrepid guitarist, singer and songwriter JJ Hendrix is mixing and mashing genres to concoct his own blend of musical intoxication which latches on to the listener and refuses to let go. Armed with a seemingly endless satchel of guitar solos and a knack for combining searing riffs with funky, grooving beats, this is the refreshing burst of danceable, yet imaginative rock the scene has been thirsting for.
Hailing from Ontario, JJ continues to make a name for himself throughout the indie music circuit thanks to his eclectic, yet trademark sound that drips and oozes from each and every song he pens. The far majority of his creations are instrumental, allowing the music to do the talking while the listener immerses themselves into the world of slosh rock. Driven by “creativity in its pristine state,” this unique style feeds off the unbridled, rampant inspiration and experimentation embodied by JJ himself.
Joined by Brad Heatherly on drums, Yeruvim Krantsky on guitar and bassist Al Finter, JJ’s Music Retaliation continues to roll on, releasing their latest single “Grunky Gillers and the Fillers” through CD Baby and other digital retailers. With influences from Jimi Hendrix, as well as the blues and rock greats of yesterday and today, the foursome continues to carve out their own niche within the industry. Serving as a small sampling of what’s to come, the single drives sole songwriter JJ to write and record for the group’s upcoming full-length album.
JJ Hendrix earned his nickname from musician and producer Scott Hill of Astranova Records, who recorded with former Black Sabbath keyboardist and producer for Robert Plant, Jez Woodroffe. The pair collaborated on a well-received record Ancient Future in 2010. He released his solo debut Return Regalia in 2008, which generated thousands of plays via Spotify and Last.fm.
JJ’s Music Retaliation’s new single “Grunky Gillers and the Fillers” is available to purchase through CD Baby now, as well as JJ’s full-length Return Regalia. Check him out on ReverbNation to sample some of the delectably fun slosh rock that continues to emanate from his guitar amp today.
3. JJ is the name of a 90s pop group from Salford, England, fronted by the eponymous Jan Johnston.
4. JJ aka Alcapone-JJ is a dancehall mc from Gugulethu, Cape Town. Having been introduced to African Dope Studio boss DJ Dope by fellow Gugulethu crew Chronic Clan, he was inducted into the African Dope Soundsystem project, where he shone. Following tours by the African Dope Soundsystem posse to Germany in 2005 and 2006, JJ secured a record deal in Berlin and relocated there. For up to date info including news of his album release, see JJ's Myspace page.
5. There is also a Dutch artist named JJ. He appears on the Water, Wind & Sails compilation on Dutch label WM Recordings.
6. JJ is one of the few solo singers that has been acknowledged by this prestigious producer, so many are anticipating how she’ll fare against the other girl groups she’ll be competing against.
jj Lyrics
Jump to: Overall Meaning ↴ Line by Line Meaning ↴
तू है नहीं तो फिर "Henny on the rocks" चले
तू गया तो फिर मज़ा ही नहीं महफ़िलों में
9 मिलीमीटर, सिर्फ़ गैंग टॉक चले
तुझे पता साथ मेरे लोग बहुत चले
झूठे लोग इनके दिलों में हैं खोट चले
On my own, zoned out
कुछ पता ही नहीं
दिल नादान फिर भी जाम ढूंढता है
क्यूँ यह सूरज से मुख़्तिब क्या यह शाम ढूंढता है
वो रोज़ करें मेहनत इनाम ढूंढता है
बड़े काम किए बिना बड़ा नाम ढूंढता है
मज़ा है ही थकान में
ये लफ़्ज़ बने दर्द जैसे रहता परेशान में
गुलशन के फूल मुरझाने को पहुंचे
मैं अक्सर भूल जाता पानी डालना गुलदान में
चीज़ें रहती नहीं ध्यान में
Smoking too much, धुआं भरा है मकान में
सीधी तरह बोलूं, करता आसान में
मैं बड़ी बातें कर ही नहीं पाता अपनी शान में, वोह
भूले अपना आप हम
अक्स देखने को हमें आईने ज़रूरी हैं
सब उलझी जैसी दूर कोई
तभी कहता हूँ मुझे लाइनें ज़रूरी हैं
लिखने बैठा तो सिर्फ़ ग़म निकला है
रूह मेरी क़ब्ज़ क्या यह दम निकला है
मैंने जब भी में लिखा, वो हम निकला है
बना ये मुक़द्दर जब क़लम निकला है
ये करम निकला है, हम बताते फिरें
वो सुनने के शौकीन, हम गाते फिरें
ग़म इतने हुए हम छुपाते फिरें
तुम तोरते रहो, हम निभाते फिरें
आज लिखेंगे किताब फिर
क़लम नाराज़ कहता आ गई ना याद फिर
शायर बने तेरी ख़ातिर
वोही ख़्वाब, वही जुर्म, वही कातिल
दुनिया से आज़िज़ तो बादल बनाते
ये तारे चमकते हम लहरें फैलाते
खो चुके अपने, अपनों के लिए गाते
हर महफ़िल सजाते, पर अंदर से आधे
आज भी लगे ऐसे जैसे मेरे साथ तू
कहते मुझे स्टार मगर मेरे लिए तो स्टार तू
बचे ना कोई आरज़ू जब ख़्वाबों में शुमार तू
यारों का यार अपने यारों के लिए जान दूं
सबसे छोटा, सबसे ज़्यादा ज़िम्मेदारियाँ
ज़माना रो पड़ेगा छोड़ो ये कहानियाँ
आँसुओं को खुद ही आंखों से छुपा लिया
समझें मैंने खुद को पथर का बना लिया
कंधे भारी इतने रखेगा कोई हाथ क्यूँ
हम डूबे तेरे पीछे क्या हर गिरते को यूं हाथ दूं
इस कला पे है फ़ख़र मगर दुनिया से नाराज़ हूँ
ना समझे मेरी बात तो, क्यूं लफ़्ज़ों का मोह्ताज़ हूँ
मैं तन्हा इस सहर में, ज़ख़्म ये गहरा ख़ुद भरने दें
जब लोग ही मुनाफ़िक तो चेहरे से पढ़ लेते
सीरही लगाते और उनको भी चढ़ने दें
बस्ती उजागर मेरे सिर्फ़ गुज़रने से
राहों से वाक़िफ़ तो वापिस बिखरने दें
लफ़्ज़ों के ताजीर हैं सौदा तो कर लेते
हिप हॉप की ख़ातिर हम उल्फ़त में मर मिटे
अदब बे-नसीब ये
अजब सा अदीब में
शायद ख़ुदा के करीब में
अलग दिखता इस भीड़ में
ना रहा साया जिसके लिए देखे ख़्वाब बड़े
लहू बहाया है तभी तो आज बेबाक खड़े
दिलों की ज़बां बने
सोचों को आज़ाद करे
I don't wanna flow, आजा ज़िंदगी की बात करें
सब्र बड़ा क़दर होती सबको बाद में
सियाही से जला देंगे क़लम में इतनी आग है
मुंतज़िर इन तारों के जवाब के
जागूं सारी रात में
I drink the pain away
Pray for the better days
ज़िंदगी की जेल में
I hope that I stay the same, I'm out (I'm out)
मेरे ग़म, मेरे गुस्से पे अब हावी रहें
आँखें जागी रहें, सोचे बाग़ी रहें
वो रहें तो नहीं रहीं, पर हम तो हम ही हैं ना
हम तो तेरे हमराही, हम तेरे हमराह ही रहे
I fuck with these words के ये ख़ुद ही कुछ बोल दें
ये दिल की तिजोरी के बंद राज़ कुछ खोल दें
ज़हन जेल, ब्रो, इसे ना रिहाई मिली
सारा शहर मेरा गवाह, फिर भी ना गवाही मिली
काग़ज़ों को जो सियाही मिली
कितने लोगों को मेरी ज़ात से हौसला-अफ़्ज़ाई मिली
Thank God
ख़ुदा बड़ा बादशाह
वो ख़ुदा मुझे रग-रग से भी जानता
मेरी सोहबतों में बैठे ही नहीं jealousy (नई)
I hope my brothers live to be everything I could never be
अब मैं, J और T बैठे ढूंढें दर्द की रेमेडी
The bottle's empty and still it hurts heavily
You let it go, you let it be
तो सोचो अब मैं क्या करूं? (हाँ)
Glass half full अब मैं इसमें क्या भरूं?
Urdu rap मेरा दिल और मैं उसकी शहरग हूँ
नज़रिए बदलते हैं यहाँ पे लड़के कु बाकु
इनको क्या ख़बर मैं उनके हक़ में में कितना बेहतर हूँ
एक दिन में लेज़न्ड, दूसरे दिन में उनका दुश्मन हूँ
दोनों सूरतों में लेना पड़े मेरा नाम
मैं दोनों सूरतों में ना करूं कभी कलाम
I'm on my own shit ये फोकस कभी टूटा नहीं
Life on the edge, I wanna go, पर मैं कूदा नहीं
मेरे जुनून को जाहिल समझे शौक क्यूँ
सब कान लगाएं still nobody to talk too
सबसे यादगार रातें सबसे ज़्यादा विविड (Yeah)
सबसे बड़े ग़म ही देते सबसे ज़्यादा हिम्मत (Facts)
सबसे बड़ा नहीं हूं घर का, पर है बड़ा सबर (Yeah)
सब बताते मेरी माँ को मुझपे बड़ा फ़ख़र
Like I already did not know (no)
कितनी देखी परेशानियां, फिर करम और नवाज़िशें
बनावटी हम थे ही नहीं, तो छुटिए भी न बने
इंडस्ट्री मेरी दोस्त नहीं वो चाहे मुझसे न मिले
मेरे यारों का इस सबर सिलाह मिले
मैं कितना ख़ुशकिस्मत
घर आऊँ वापस माँ मिले
ये रिश्ते वापस ना मिले
जाम-ए-ग़फीर में जा मिले
ये भीड़ हमारे लिए थी और अब हम इसमें शामिल हैं
Somedays, (Somedays)
I shed tears from my peers, somedays
I mix whisky with sadness and pain (Yeah)
I take risk जो वो कभी भी न ले
And that's why I'm here (That's facts)
In "Full," jj delves deeply into themes of loss, introspection, and the struggles of navigating life’s challenges. The opening lines set the tone, introducing a sense of desolation and longing brought about by the absence of a significant person. The mention of "Henny on the rocks" symbolizes the temporary solace that alcohol offers in the face of emotional turmoil. The artist articulates that without this important figure, social gatherings feel hollow. The references to danger, with phrases like “9 millimeter,” evoke a world where survival often comes with the cost of losing trust—both in oneself and in others. The imagery conveys the emotional paralysis that comes with mourning, as jj expresses a feeling of being lost and disoriented, desperately yearning for connection while grappling with personal demons.
As the lyrics unfold, jj reflects on current struggles and a sense of disassociation from both self and society. There is an acknowledgment of effort and ambition, but also a realization that despite hard work, finding inner peace or recognition feels elusive. The metaphor of the heart seeking joy yet grappling with pain almost personifies the struggle between light and darkness within oneself. The artist reveals a deep vulnerability, confessing an inability to articulate complex feelings. In an environment full of disingenuous individuals, jj illustrates the burden of navigating personal relationships while feeling like an outsider in their own life. The need for reflection through writing emerges as a coping mechanism—transforming pain into artistic expression, and inadvertently highlighting life’s duality where beauty often arises from suffering.
The song transitions into a poignant self-reflection, as jj speaks on the significance of community and the weight of responsibility. The juxtaposition of accolades and hidden pain reveals a heartfelt empathy for both personal struggles and those of peers. The acknowledgment of being a "star" in a figurative sense—valuing relationships over fame or success—hints at the artist's understanding that true fulfillment comes from deep connections rather than superficial recognition. The lyrics reveal internal battles and external perceptions of self-worth. Despite outward success, the artist feels the weight of expectations, taking responsibility for friends and loved ones, which serves as a poignant reminder of the emotional landscape that often accompanies artistic success.
Towards the conclusion, the lyrics echo a resolute determination to maintain authenticity despite the chaos that surrounds. The imagery of burdens and tears symbolizes the sacrifices made along the journey, and despite engaging with temptation and loss, there is a glimmer of hope that connects with the concept of resilience. jj's reflections on familial bonds and past struggles draw back to the theme of longing and the immutable nature of relationships. Throughout the song, the artist not only grapples with personal demons but also addresses broader social issues, creating a tapestry of emotions that resonates with listeners. The repetitive cycle of hurt and healing becomes a powerful message of perseverance in the face of adversity, making "Full" a relatable anthem for those entangled in their own complexities.
Line by Line Meaning
बिखरे हुए पता नहीं क्या-क्या रोज़ चले
Every day, I am lost amidst scattered pieces of uncertainty.
तू है नहीं तो फिर 'Henny on the rocks' चले
In your absence, I find solace only in my drink, Hennessy served on the rocks.
तू गया तो फिर मज़ा ही नहीं महफ़िलों में
Without you, there is no joy left in the gatherings.
9 मिलीमीटर, सिर्फ़ गैंग टॉक चले
Conversations have turned grim, only conversations of gang life prevail.
तुझे पता साथ मेरे लोग बहुत चले
You know my people have always been around me.
झूठे लोग इनके दिलों में हैं खोट चले
There are deceitful people whose hearts are filled with flaws.
On my own, zoned out
I find myself isolated and detached.
कुछ पता ही नहीं
I am lost, unaware of my surroundings.
मुझे घर पहुंचाती दुआ वरना साथ मौत चले
Only prayers guide me home; otherwise, darkness follows.
दिल नादान फिर भी जाम ढूंढता है
My naïve heart still seeks solace in a drink.
क्यूँ यह सूरज से मुख़्तिब क्या यह शाम ढूंढता है
Why does it seem like the evening questions the sun?
वो रोज़ करें मेहनत इनाम ढूंढता है
Every day, those who toil search for their reward.
बड़े काम किए बिना बड़ा नाम ढूंढता है
He seeks fame without having accomplished anything significant.
मज़ा है ही थकान में
There is a unique pleasure in exhaustion.
ये लफ़्ज़ बने दर्द जैसे रहता परेशान में
These words have transformed into pain, lingering in my mind.
गुलशन के फूल मुरझाने को पहुंचे
The flowers of the garden have reached a state of withering.
मैं अक्सर भूल जाता पानी डालना गुलदान में
I often forget to water the vase, leading to the decay of beauty.
चीज़ें रहती नहीं ध्यान में
Things slip my mind; they don’t stay in my focus.
Smoking too much, धुआं भरा है मकान में
As I smoke excessively, the house fills with smoke.
सीधी तरह बोलूं, करता आसान में
I wish I could speak plainly, making it all easier.
मैं बड़ी बातें कर ही नहीं पाता अपनी शान में, वोह
I struggle to express grand thoughts in my own honor.
भूले अपना आप हम
We have forgotten who we truly are.
अक्स देखने को हमें आईने ज़रूरी हैं
To see our reflection, we need mirrors to reveal ourselves.
सब उलझी जैसी दूर कोई
Everything feels tangled, as if someone is distant.
तभी कहता हूँ मुझे लाइनें ज़रूरी हैं
That is why I say I need lines to express myself.
लिखने बैठा तो सिर्फ़ ग़म निकला है
When I sit to write, only grief emerges.
रूह मेरी क़ब्ज़ क्या यह दम निकला है
My spirit feels confined as though life itself is escaping.
मैंने जब भी में लिखा, वो हम निकला है
Whenever I write, it’s all reflections of us.
बना ये मुक़द्दर जब क़लम निकला है
This destiny was crafted the moment the pen touched paper.
ये करम निकला है, हम बताते फिरें
This grace unfolds, and we share it fervently.
वो सुनने के शौकीन, हम गाते फिरें
They love to listen, while we sing our tales.
ग़म इतने हुए हम छुपाते फिरें
We’ve accumulated so much grief that we struggle to hide it.
तुम तोरते रहो, हम निभाते फिरें
While you keep breaking apart, we continue to uphold.
आज लिखेंगे किताब फिर
Today, we will write a book anew.
क़लम नाराज़ कहता आ गई ना याद फिर
The pen, displeased, reminds me of forgotten memories.
शायर बने तेरी ख़ातिर
I became a poet in your memory.
वोही ख़्वाब, वही जुर्म, वही कातिल
The same dreams, the same crimes, the same killers recur.
दुनिया से आज़िज़ तो बादल बनाते
I grow weary of this world, transforming into clouds.
ये तारे चमकते हम लहरें फैलाते
While stars shine, we spread waves across the universe.
खो चुके अपने, अपनों के लिए गाते
We’ve lost ourselves, yet we sing for those we cherish.
हर महफ़िल सजाते, पर अंदर से आधे
We decorate every gathering, yet feel half-empty inside.
आज भी लगे ऐसे जैसे मेरे साथ तू
Even today, it feels as if you are beside me.
कहते मुझे स्टार मगर मेरे लिए तो स्टार तू
They call me a star, but for me, you are the true star.
बचे ना कोई आरज़ू जब ख़्वाबों में शुमार तू
There are no desires left when you are counted in my dreams.
यारों का यार अपने यारों के लिए जान दूं
I would give my life for my friends, the pride of friendship.
सबसे छोटा, सबसे ज़्यादा ज़िम्मेदारियाँ
I may be the youngest, yet bear the greatest responsibilities.
ज़माना रो पड़ेगा छोड़ो ये कहानियाँ
Let the world weep; let go of these tales.
आँसुओं को खुद ही आंखों से छुपा लिया
I hide my tears behind my eyes, guarding my pain.
समझें मैंने खुद को पथर का बना लिया
I have steeled myself, making my heart a stone.
कंधे भारी इतने रखेगा कोई हाथ क्यूँ
Why would someone lend a hand when burdens weigh so heavily?
हम डूबे तेरे पीछे क्या हर गिरते को यूं हाथ दूं
Should I reach out to catch every fall just for you?
इस कला पे है फ़ख़र मगर दुनिया से नाराज़ हूँ
While I take pride in this art, I remain frustrated with the world.
ना समझे मेरी बात तो, क्यूं लफ़्ज़ों का मोह्ताज़ हूँ
If they don’t understand my words, why am I dependent on language?
मैं तन्हा इस सहर में, ज़ख़्म ये गहरा ख़ुद भरने दें
Alone in this city, let me heal my own deep wounds.
जब लोग ही मुनाफ़िक तो चेहरे से पढ़ लेते
When people are hypocrites, they read my face easily.
सीरही लगाते और उनको भी चढ़ने दें
They pose as genuine, yet let them rise above.
बस्ती उजागर मेरे सिर्फ़ गुज़रने से
The neighborhood glows only due to my presence.
राहों से वाक़िफ़ तो वापिस बिखरने दें
Familiar with these paths, I let myself scatter once more.
लफ़्ज़ों के ताजीर हैं सौदा तो कर लेते
If words are a commodity, we should deal in them.
हिप हॉप की ख़ातिर हम उल्फ़त में मर मिटे
For the love of hip-hop, we sacrificed everything.
अदब बे-नसीब ये
This art seems to be a jinxed affair.
अजब सा अदीब में
It feels odd being a writer within this chaos.
शायद ख़ुदा के करीब में
Perhaps I shall find closeness to God.
अलग दिखता इस भीड़ में
I stand out distinctly in this crowd.
ना रहा साया जिसके लिए देखे ख़्वाब बड़े
There is no shadow for those who had grand dreams.
लहू बहाया है तभी तो आज बेबाक खड़े
I have bled for this, which is why I stand boldly today.
दिलों की ज़बां बने
I aspire to become the voice of the hearts.
सोचों को आज़ाद kare
Let thoughts be liberated and free.
I don't wanna flow, आजा ज़िंदगी की बात करें
I prefer not to ride the wave; let's talk about life.
सब्र बड़ा क़दर होती सबको बाद में
Patience bears great value; everyone realizes this in time.
सियाही से जला देंगे क़लम में इतनी आग है
With ink, we shall set ablaze; there’s so much fire within.
मुंतज़िर इन तारों के जवाब के
I wait for the answers from the stars.
जागूं सारी रात में
I remain awake throughout the night.
I drink the pain away
I drown my sorrows in alcohol.
Pray for the better days
I offer prayers for brighter moments ahead.
ज़िंदगी की जेल में
Trapped within the prison of life.
I hope that I stay the same, I'm out (I'm out)
I wish to remain unchanged as I step out of this turmoil.
मेरे ग़म, मेरे गुस्से पे अब हावी रहें
My sorrows and anger now overpower me.
आँखें जागी रहें, सोचे बाग़ी रहें
My eyes stay open while my thoughts rebel.
वो रहें तो नहीं रहीं, पर हम तो हम ही हैं ना
Though they may not be here, we still remain ourselves.
हम तो तेरे हमराही, हम तेरे हमराह ही रहे
We have always been your companions and allies.
I fuck with these words के ये ख़ुद ही कुछ बोल दें
I engage with these words so they may speak for themselves.
ये दिल की तिजोरी के बंद राज़ कुछ खोल दें
These words unlock some hidden secrets of my heart.
ज़हन जेल, ब्रो, इसे ना रिहाई मिली
My mind is like a prison, bro, it hasn’t found freedom.
सारा शहर मेरा गवाह, फिर भी ना गवाही मिली
The whole city bears witness, yet there’s no testimony.
काग़ज़ों को जो सियाही मिली
The papers that received ink.
कितने लोगों को मेरी ज़ात से हौसला-अफ़्ज़ाई मिली
How many have found encouragement through my existence.
Thank God
Gratitude to the divine.
ख़ुदा बड़ा बादशाह
God is the greatest monarch.
वो ख़ुदा मुझे रग-रग से भी जानता
He knows me intimately, down to my very essence.
मेरी सोहबतों में बैठे ही नहीं jealousy (नई)
There is no jealousy in my circle.
I hope my brothers live to be everything I could never be
I wish my friends achieve what I could not.
अब मैं, J और T बैठे ढूंढें दर्द की रेमेडी
Now I, along with J and T, seek remedies for our pain.
The bottle's empty and still it hurts heavily
The bottle may be empty, yet the pain remains profound.
You let it go, you let it be
You release it, you allow it to exist.
तो सोचो अब मैं क्या करूं? (हाँ)
So now, what should I do?
Glass half full अब मैं इसमें क्या भरूं?
With a half-full glass, what should I pour into it?
Urdu rap मेरा दिल और मैं उसकी शहरग हूँ
Urdu rap is my heart, and I am its lifeline.
नज़रिए बदलते हैं यहाँ पे लड़के कु बाकु
Perspectives change, like boys with a broken spirit.
इनको क्या ख़बर मैं उनके हक़ में में कितना बेहतर हूँ
Do they even realize how much better I am for them?
एक दिन में लेज़न्ड, दूसरे दिन में उनका दुश्मन हूँ
One day I’m a legend, the next I’m their enemy.
दोनों सूरतों में लेना पड़े मेरा नाम
In both identities, my name must be taken.
मैं दोनों सूरतों में ना करूं कभी कलाम
I will never negotiate my presence in either form.
I'm on my own shit ये फोकस कभी टूटा नहीं
I’m focused on my own journey; my concentration has never broken.
Life on the edge, I wanna go, पर मैं कूदा नहीं
Living on the edge, I yearn to leap but I won't jump.
मेरे जुनून को जाहिल समझे शौक क्यूँ
Why dismiss my passion as mere ignorance?
सब कान लगाएं still nobody to talk too
Everyone listens, yet there’s no one to converse with.
सबसे यादगार रातें सबसे ज़्यादा विविड (Yeah)
The most memorable nights are the most vivid.
सबसे बड़े ग़म ही देते सबसे ज़्यादा हिम्मत (Facts)
The greatest sorrows provide the strongest courage.
सबसे बड़ा नहीं हूं घर का, पर है बड़ा सबर (Yeah)
I may not be the biggest in the house, but patience is vast.
सब बताते मेरी माँ को मुझपे बड़ा फ़ख़र
Everyone tells my mother how proud they are of me.
Like I already did not know (no)
As if I wasn't already aware of this.
कितनी देखी परेशानियां, फिर करम और नवाज़िशें
I’ve faced countless troubles, yet blessings followed.
बनावटी हम थे ही नहीं, तो छुटिए भी न बने
We were never artificial, so we won’t be discarded.
इंडस्ट्री मेरी दोस्त नहीं वो चाहे मुझसे न मिले
Industry isn’t my friend; it may choose to overlook me.
मेरे यारों का इस सबर सिलाह मिले
May my friends find solace in this patience.
मैं कितना ख़ुशकिस्मत
How fortunate I am.
घर आऊँ वापस माँ मिले
Returning home, may I find my mother waiting.
ये रिश्ते वापस ना मिले
These relationships may never return.
जाम-ए-ग़फीर में जा मिले
May I find peace in the depths of despair.
ये भीड़ हमारे लिए थी और अब हम इसमें शामिल हैं
This crowd was once for us, and now we are part of it.
Somedays, (Somedays)
On certain days,
I shed tears from my peers, somedays
I cry alongside my peers on some days.
I mix whisky with sadness and pain (Yeah)
I blend whisky with my sorrow and suffering.
I take risk जो वो कभी भी न ले
I take risks that others would never dare.
And that's why I'm here (That's facts)
And that’s exactly why I stand here, unshaken.
Written by: Muhammad Umair Tahir, Jahanzeb Ahmed
Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind