In 2018, Papa and Vidović decided to rebrand, replacing dark pop sound with nostalgic synthwave sound of the '80s and starting to make music in their native Croatian.[6] Under the new name Pocket Palma, they released an EP Godišnji in summer 2019. During the same year, they signed a contract with Croatian label Aquarius Records and released their self-titled debut album in Croatian. That same year, Bruno Žabek joined the band as the guitarist.
Papa and Vidović met in high school in 2012 and, started making covers of songs by Arctic Monkeys and Guns N' Roses "for fun". They both attended elementary music school, where Papa played the flute and Vidović played the piano. Following their graduation from high school, they enrolled in the Faculty of Philosophy and Social Sciences at the University of Zagreb.
In 2013, they released their debut single "Things Which No One Else Should Know About" under the name Side Project, after which they began working on their debut album. In March 2015, they released a music video for their new single "Glitter", directed by Filip "Philatz" Filković. On 4 September the same year, they released their debut studio album Things Which No One Else Should Know About. They promoted the album by holding a concert in Tvornica Kulture, Zagreb on 5 December.
In 2016, they released singles "Guns" and "Giving Souls Away". In June 2017, they released their new single "Second Skin", inspired by Zagreb Pride 2017. In September the same year, they released the lead single off their sophomore album of the same name, "Lonely Boys". During the same year, they recorded official soundtrack for Filip Filković's short dystopian film The Last Well, which was released in November. In December, Lonely Boys was released.
In 2018, Papa revealed they had dropped out of university.
Papa and Vidović stated that they had spent most of 2018 separated, consequently not knowing how to make music for Side Project together as they both had headed in different directions. They simply "were not inspired to make new Side Project material". During one of their sessions, they decided to translate one of the songs they had written to Croatian and thought it "sounded cool". In spring 2018, they composed new music and wrote lyrics about going to the seaside, going out of the city, and summer love in English to it. They said they had decided to try themselves out in synth pop "after Vidović had wandered to Yugoslav synth pop playlists on YouTube". In the beginning of 2019, they decided to write about the same topics, but in Croatian instead. They released their debut single in Croatian, titled "Godišnji", under the new name Pocket Palma. In May 2019, they released a mini-album of the same name. Until the autumn, they scored a radio hit "Ono što nam inače nedostaje".
After Pocket Palma's music had been taken down from online platforms, Papa and Vidović announced in October they had signed a contract with Croatian label Aquarius Records. In December, they released their debut self-titled album in Croatian for Aquarius. It consisted of all songs from Godišnji, as well as four new songs. The album was met with universal acclaim by the critics, who compared it with Croatian bands Nipplepeople and Denis & Denis.
On 31 January 2020, Aquarius Records rereleased the duo's Side Project works. On 29 February, they held a concert in Tvornica Kulture, Zagreb. In March, they released two collaborations, "Voli me" with ManGroove and "Minuta (PP Version)" with Ida Prester.
pocket palma Lyrics
Jump to: Overall Meaning ↴ Line by Line Meaning ↴
Sve jače pratim
Ono čega nema
Ono što nas nosi
Svaki dan
Sve bolje shvatim
Da ono čega nema
Je ono što nas nosi
Budim se u samoći
Uz tvoj miris ispod popluna
Vidim tvoj SMS i sjetim se
Vrijeme je za godišnji
Znam tvoje uzorke disanja napamet
Zašto dišeš kao netko drugi?
Znam tvoje uzorke disanja napamet
Zašto dišeš kao netko drugi?
Svaki sat
Sve jače pratim
Ono čega nema
Ono što nas nosi
Svaki dan
Sve bolje shvatim
Da ono čega nema
Je ono što nas nosi
Javi kad si dolje da se spustim
Nosim sprženi CD
Samo vozi dok se vrti na repeat
Vrijeme je za godišnji
Toliko si mi blizu
Da duše nam se ljube
Izgubit ćemo sve
I pronaći sebe
Znam tvoje uzorke disanja napamet
Zašto dišeš kao netko drugi?
Znam tvoje uzorke disanja napamet
Zašto dišeš kao netko drugi?
Svaki sat
Sve jače pratim
Ono čega nema
Ono što nas nosi
Svaki dan
Sve bolje shvatim
Da ono čega nema
Je ono što nas nosi
Svaki sat
Sve jače pratim
Ono čega nema
Ono što nas nosi
Svaki dan
Sve bolje shvatim
Da ono čega nema
Je ono što nas nosi
In the song "Godišnji" by Pocket Palma, the artist speaks about paying close attention to something that is missing but still drives and carries them. They are becoming more aware of this every day, realizing the importance of what is not there. The verses seem to reference a long-distance relationship, with the singer waking up alone but still feeling the presence of the loved one in their bed through their scent and a message. They know their partner's breathing patterns by heart and question why they sound like someone else. The chorus repeats the concept of paying attention to what is absent yet powerful and carrying.
The song is a reflection on the idea that sometimes what is not there can be more important than what is. The artist seems to be acknowledging that they are more deeply connected to their partner when they are apart, missing them, than when they are physically together. The absence of the loved one creates a longing that drives and motivates them.
Line by Line Meaning
Svaki sat
Every hour
Sve jače pratim
I'm following more closely
Ono čega nema
That which doesn't exist
Ono što nas nosi
That which carries us
Svaki dan
Every day
Sve bolje shvatim
I understand better and better
Da ono čega nema
That which doesn't exist
Je ono što nas nosi
Is what carries us
Budim se u samoći
I wake up alone
Uz tvoj miris ispod popluna
With your scent under the blanket
Vidim tvoj SMS i sjetim se
I see your SMS and remember
Vrijeme je za godišnji
It's time for vacation
Znam tvoje uzorke disanja napamet
I know by heart the pattern of your breathing
Zašto dišeš kao netko drugi?
Why do you breathe like someone else?
Javi kad si dolje da se spustim
Let me know when you're down so I can come down
Nosim sprženi CD
I'm carrying a burnt CD
Samo vozi dok se vrti na repeat
Just drive while it's on repeat
Toliko si mi blizu
You're so close to me
Da duše nam se ljube
That our souls are kissing
Izgubit ćemo sve
We'll lose everything
I pronaći sebe
And find ourselves
Svaki sat
Every hour
Sve jače pratim
I'm following more closely
Ono čega nema
That which doesn't exist
Ono što nas nosi
That which carries us
Svaki dan
Every day
Sve bolje shvatim
I understand better and better
Da ono čega nema
That which doesn't exist
Je ono što nas nosi
Is what carries us
Svaki sat
Every hour
Sve jače pratim
I'm following more closely
Ono čega nema
That which doesn't exist
Ono što nas nosi
That which carries us
Svaki dan
Every day
Sve bolje shvatim
I understand better and better
Da ono čega nema
That which doesn't exist
Je ono što nas nosi
Is what carries us
Contributed by Ruby Y. Suggest a correction in the comments below.
"Kako je krenulo sve?
Luka: Naša bivša srednja škola imala je razmjenu s mađarskom školom iz Pečuha. Anja i ja smo primili po jednog Mađara ‘na čuvanje’, upoznali smo se prije, ali nismo bili pretjerano bliski, već smo si bili na ‘bok, bok’. Taj tjedan išli smo po gradu s Mađarima, a jedan dan išli smo u Zadar. Ondje sam imao gitaru i u jednom trenutku, kada sam pjevao, Anja je došla i pridružila se. Shvatili smo da imamo sličan ukus.
Anja: I shvatili smo da nam se glasovi dobro slažu i to je bilo to!"
Jeeeej za Zadar :)
Imam 60, odrastao sam na vrhunskoj rock glazbi. Sad, doduše uglavnom slušam klasičnu glazbu, ne pratim baš trendove osim onoga što čujem na radiju, ali ljudi, ovo je briljantno!!! Ono Ima, nema nas vrhunsko je, kako pjesma, tako i fenomenalan spot. Nešto nezabilježeno na ovim prostorima, potpuno netipično za uglavnom plagiranu kuruzu etabliranih bandova tipa Valjka, Prljavaca i sl. Kao najbolji dani Denis & Denis...Čestitam!
Koji smo mi debilni narod... Da ova stvar ima samo toliko pogleda u to vrijeme, žalosno je i žao mi je da se dvoje toliko mladih i talentiranih ljudi mora patit da bi došli do pola popularnosti kao neke zvijezde u Hrvata koje nemaju veze sa glazbom.Vama dvoje sve najbolje i puno uspjeha.
Divna stvar!
I ja sam ostala iznenađena malim brojem pregleda, ali živimo u zemlji gdje je dovoljno 5 minuta gledati prime time TV programa i odmah shvatiš u kakvoj zabokrecini živimo. Od kad je stvar izašla, nisam prestala slušati.
Tako je i u SRB, ali su se čuli i ovde. Nazalost malo je nas koji mozemo osetiti kvalitet. Pozdrav iz Beograda.
To se kaže kmeteki....
A Toni Cetinski mega popularan ! zalosno
Napokon kvalitetan hrvatski synthwave!... ekipa samo tako dalje nastavite, obogatite našu glazbenu scenu, podrška!
mislio sam lajkovat al onda sam vidio da je 69