jj Lyrics

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Still moving under gunfire
Where the weak lies
When no one's beside
I will fight, till the end times
Till my knees cry
I'll get up, get up (yeah)
Still moving under gunfire
In the night sky
Where enemies hide
I will fight, till I die
Till the Morning Light
And Sunlight will shine on me (yeah)
Holy, Holy .
That Sunlight will shine on you
Just you, and me
Sunlight that comes from You .
Still moving under gunfire
Where the weak lies
When no one's beside
I will fight, till the end times
Till my knees cry
I'll get up, get up (yeah)
Still moving under gunfire
In the night sky
Where enemies hide
I will fight, till I die
Till the Morning Light
And Sunlight will shine on me (yeah)
Still moving under gunfire
Where the weak lies
When no one's beside
I will fight, till the end times
Till my knees cry
I'll get up, get up (yeah)

Still moving under gunfire
In the night sky
Where enemies hide
I will fight, till I die
Till the Morning Light
And Sunlight will shine on me (yeah)
Holy, Holy .
That Sunlight will shine on you
Just you, and me
Sunlight that comes from You .
Attention, attention
Rules of engagement
Don't make your intentions known
No Mercy shown
To each his own.
(xtra xtra bold)
Fashion or election
It's all about Xpression
How you make your stand
How you play your plan
(xtra xtra loud)
That makes you the man.
Still moving under gunfire
In the night sky
Where enemies hide
I will fight, till I die
Till the Morning Light
And Sunlight will shine on me (yeah)
Still moving under gunfire
Where the weak lies
When no one's beside
I will fight, till the end times
Till my knees cry
I'll get up, get up (yeah)
Still moving under gunfire
In the night sky
Where enemies hide
I will fight, till I die
Till the Morning Light
And Sunlight will shine on me (yeah)
Holy, Holy .
That Sunlight will shine on you
Just you, and me
Sunlight that comes from You .

Overall Meaning

The JJ and The XX's song Still is a powerful anthem about resilience and perseverance in the face of adversity. The opening lines, "still moving under gunfire, where the weak lies, when no one's beside," suggest a dangerous and chaotic environment, where there is little support or protection. Despite this, the singer declares that they will fight until the bitter end, refusing to give up even when their "knees cry." The repeated refrain, "till the morning light, and sunlight will shine on me" conveys a sense of hope and determination, as the singer envisions a brighter future where they will finally triumph over their struggles.

The song's focus on resilience and strength in the face of adversity is further emphasized in the verses that follow. The lyrics urge listeners to be cautious and strategic in their approach to life, warning that "rules of engagement" should be followed and intentions kept hidden. However, the song also emphasizes the importance of self-expression and standing up for oneself, noting that "how you make your stand, how you play your plan, that makes you the man."

Overall, Still is a powerful and uplifting song that encourages listeners to persevere through difficult times while remaining true to themselves and their values.

Line by Line Meaning

Still moving under gunfire
Despite the danger and violence around me, I am still determined to keep moving forward

Where the weak lies
In a world where the vulnerable are often taken advantage of or ignored

When no one's beside
Even when I feel alone and unsupported

I will fight, till the end times
I refuse to back down or give up, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable challenges

Till my knees cry
Until I am physically and emotionally exhausted and drained

I'll get up, get up (yeah)
But I will still find the strength to pick myself back up and keep going

In the night sky
Even when things seem dark and uncertain

Where enemies hide
When there are people or obstacles standing in my way or trying to bring me down

Till I die
I will keep fighting until my last breath

Till the Morning Light
Through the long and difficult journey until a brighter, better future arrives

And Sunlight will shine on me (yeah)
When I finally reach my goals, I will bask in the warmth and light of success

That Sunlight will shine on you
And I hope that others can find their own success and happiness too

Just you, and me
As individuals, we have the power to create positive change and impact the world around us

Sunlight that comes from You
Our strength comes from an inner source, whether it be a higher power or our own resilience and determination

Attention, attention
A call to be alert and aware of the world we live in

Rules of engagement
The way we interact with others and the world can have profound effects

Don't make your intentions known
Keeping our true motives and goals hidden can be a form of self-protection

No Mercy shown
However, sometimes others will not show us mercy, so we must be prepared to stand up for ourselves

To each his own.
Everyone has their own path and journeys through life differently

(xtra xtra bold)
Emphasizing the importance of this message

Fashion or election
Whether we are talking about personal style or politics

It's all about Xpression
The way we express ourselves and our values shapes the world we live in

How you make your stand
The choices we make and the way we take action can make all the difference

How you play your plan
We all have a role to play in life, and we must decide how we want to engage with it

(xtra xtra loud)
Reiterating the importance of this message in a bold and powerful way

That makes you the man.
Ultimately, our actions and choices define who we are as individuals and what we stand for

Lyrics © Peermusic Publishing, Touch Music Publishing (M) Sdn Bhd
Written by: Jun Jie Lin

Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
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I got summer on my mind, nowhere else though
Lord take me downtown or to you
People show me love but I can't take it
What I said was true, real pain, can't fake it

Still they wanna be with me, still they wanna leave with me
Still they wanna feel like me, still I can't believe it's me
Time you spend on me, I spend mine on being free
On a flight to NYC, I see you when you see me

I wonder why, why you have to lie
When you've seen me cry, when you've seen me shy
When you've seen me high, when you will see me die

[Verse 2]
Where we from, you don't know, you will know where we will go
Yeah I'm here, where are you? There's nothing you can't do
We up in here with one thing on our mind, let's leave with something
Then we play Still Dre, my way, all day, in Beats by Dre
Then we go and get buzzed, get drunk, get crunk, get fucked up

I am S/Y, no lie, at least you get to witness
Kill so many songs, you'd think I have a hitlist
That's Drake, well we love Young Money business
Cause we're young and we get money



I got summer on my mind, nowhere else though
Lord take me downtown or to you
People show me love but I can't take it
What I said was true, real pain, can't fake it
Still they wanna be with me, still they wanna leave with me
Still they wanna feel like me, still I can't believe it's me
Time you spend on me, I spend mine on being free
On a flight to NYC, I see you when you see me
I wonder why, why you have to lie
When you've seen me cry, when you've seen me shy
When you've seen me high, when you will see me die

Where we from, you don't know, you will know where we will go
Yeah I'm here, where are you? There's nothing you can't do
We up in here with one thing on our mind, let's leave with something
Then we play Still Dre, my way, all day, in Beats by Dre
Then we go and get buzzed, get drunk, get crunk, get fucked up

I got summer on my mind, nowhere else though
Lord take me downtown or to you
People show me love but I can't take it
What I said was true, real pain, can't fake it
Still they wanna be with me, still they wanna leave with me
Still they wanna feel like me, still I can't believe it's me
Time you spend on me, I spend mine on being free
On a flight to NYC, I see you when you see me
I wonder why, why you have to lie
When you've seen me cry, when you've seen me shy
When you've seen me high, when you will see me die

Where we from, you don't know, you will know where we will go
Yeah I'm here, where are you? There's nothing you can't do
We up in here with one thing on our mind, let's leave with something
Then we play Still Dre, my way, all day, in Beats by Dre
Then we go and get buzzed, get drunk, get crunk, get fucked up

I am S/Y, no lie, at least you get to witness
Kill so many songs, you'd think I have a hitlist
That's Drake, well we love Young Money business
Cause we're young and we get money .


I got summer on my mind, nowhere else though
Lord take me downtown or to you
People show me love but I can't take it
What I said was true, real pain, can't fake it

Still they wanna be with me, still they wanna leave with me
Still they wanna feel like me, still I can't believe it's me
Time you spend on me, I spend mine on being free
On a flight to NYC, I see you when you see me

I wonder why, why you have to lie
When you've seen me cry, when you've seen me shy
When you've seen me high, when you will see me die

Where we from, you don't know, you will know where we will go
Yeah I'm here, where are you? There's nothing you can't do
We up in here with one thing on our mind, let's leave with something
Then we play Still Dre, my way, all day, in Beats by Dre
Then we go and get buzzed, get drunk, get crunk, get fucked up

Still they wanna be with me, still they wanna leave with me
Still they wanna feel like me, still I can't believe it's me
Time you spend on me, I spend mine on being free
On a flight to NYC, I see you when you see me

I wonder why, why you have to lie
When you've seen me cry, when you've seen me shy
When you've seen me high, when you will see me die

I am S/Y, no lie, at least you get to witness
Kill so many songs, you'd think I have a hitlist
That's Drake, well we love Young Money business
Cause we're young and we get money


حبيبتي وأُختي العزيزة مليسا الغالية...💜💙🧡

أُهدي إليكِ هذهِ الكلماتِ...🌹❤️

لعلّها تلامسُ شِغافَ قلبِكِ...؟؟!!

فتفتحُ لكِ آفاقَ التّأَمُّلِ ومُحاسبةَ النّفسِ في الحياة...

راجِياً من اللّٰهِ العليّ القديرِ أن تنالَ حُبّكِ ورِضاكِ...

( بسمِ اللّٰهِ الرّحمٰنِ الرّحيم )

السّلامُ عليكِ ورحمةُ اللّٰهِ وبركاتهُ...

أَمّا بعدُ :-

فكلُّ إنسانٍ لم يُخالط قلبُهُ بشاشةَ الإيمانِ وحلاوةَ الحبّ الإلٰهيّ فهو إنسانٌ غيرُ ناضجٍ ومعدومٌ...

فإذا عاش وحيداً يوماً ما ، قد خرج عن صمتهِ... طالباً حقّهُ المشرُوعَ ولكنّهُ غيرُ مدروسٍ...؟؟!!

يبحثُ عمّا يُعوّضهُ عن الإحساس بالنّقصِ ، ولم يستمع جيّداً إلىٰ نداءاتِ الرُّوحِ النَّورانيّةِ الّتي تهديهِ إلىٰ عالَمٍ ومَرتعٍ زاخِرٍ بِالكراماتِ والأنوارِ والأسرارِ والتّجلّياتِ الإلٰهيّة...

الّتي ينكشفُ بها الزّمانُ والمكانُ المناسبينِ لِكُلّ إنسانٍ كان يتوخّىٰ الحذرَ وهو في مسيرهِ المُقدّسِ نحوَ الحُبّ الإلٰهيّ...

من كُلّ ما من شأنهِ أن يُعكّرَ أَجواءَ ذلك الصّفاءِ الرُّوحيّ الرُّومانسيّ الجميلِ ، حين يكونُ مع اللّٰهِ سُبحانهُ...

فتنفتِحُ عيناهُ الحالمتينِ آخرَ السّحرِ ذاتَ يومٍ ، حين يكونُ مُنشغِلاً في قيام اللّيلِ كأزهارِ النّيلُوفرِ...

كأنّهما تنظرانِ بِلهَفٍ إلىٰ أملِ نفيسٍ لم يعهدهُ من قبلُ...

يرىٰ فيهِ أَحلامَهُ الَتي تُنسِيهِ كُلّ جُروحِهِ وآلامِهِ وَأَشجانِهِ وَأَحزانِهِ...؟؟!! 😮😮
الّتي لطالما أَضلّ طريقها ؛ بِسببِ عقلِهِ ونظرتِهِ القاصِرةِ في الحياة...

حيثُ يحملُ معهُ الأشواقَ ويزُفُّ إلىٰ مسامعِهِ البُشرياتِ... 🌈🌈🌈🎉🎉🎉

ولكن اعلمي يا حبيبتي مليسا أنّهُ لا يَدرُجُ نحوَ هذا الأملِ الكبيرِ ، فينالُ هذا النُّزُلَ الكريمَ مَن المولىٰ الحكيمِ مَن كانت حياتهُ جافّةً لا رُوحَ فيها...؟؟!!

لكنّهُ علىٰ النّقيضِ من ذلك...
مَن صابَرَ نفسهُ ولم يستثقلْ حملَ الجروحِ والصّدماتِ والآهاتِ...

حتّىٰ يجنيَ ثمارَ جهدهِ واجتهادهِ ، الّذي كان ومازالَ يعتبرُهُ وقوداً ونُوراً يهدي بصيرتهُ ، ويشحذُ هِمّتهُ نحوَ التّقرُّبِ إلىٰ معرفةِ خالقهِ ومولاهُ...!!!
لِيَنضُوَ عن كاهِلِ أيّامِهِ الخالياتِ غبارَ اعوجاجِهِ عن طاعةِ اللّٰهِ...

فيَغدُو قلبُهُ وجسدُهُ لَيلَتئذٍ مُتنعّمَينِ نعيماً يجِلُّ عن المثيلِ وعن النّظيرِ...!!!

لِما أَبصرَ بِأُمّ عينيهِ الحالمتينِ ما وهبَهُ لهُ اللّٰهُ الغنيُّ الكريمُ...؟؟!!

فتُزهِرُ أَيّامُهُ...
وتنفرِجُ هُمومُهُ ، وتتهلّلُ أَسارِيرُهُ...!!!

فيتبدّلُ حالُ حياتِهِ ، من الضّيقِ إلىٰ السَّعةِ ، ومن ظلمةِ الحياةِ ورُكودِها إلىٰ أنوارِ الحرّيّةِ وانطلاقها... 🕊️🕊️

الّتي سيأسَفُ يومَها قلبُهُ الّذي أَضحىٰ مُستنيراً بِنورِ اللّٰهِ ورحمتهِ وهداهُ عن نيلها طويلاً ؛ لِما غفلَ عنها حين نأتْ بِكَلكلِها اللّياليَ والأيّامُ...!!! 😢😢

فيطمئنُّ ساعتها قلبُهُ المُنشرِحُ بِذاك الطّيفِ الجميلِ ، الّذي يشفي قلبَهُ العليلَ ، ويُريحُ بالَهُ المُفتقِرَ الذّليلَ...؟؟!!
والّذي أَهَلَّ عليهِ من قِبَلِ اللّٰهِ الكريمِ الجليلِ...!!!

والّذي يحملُ بين جَنَباتِهِ أيضاً نسائمَ ذكرياتِهِ الجميلةِ أَيّامَ لهوِهِ وصِباهُ...

الّتي كانت تضُجُّ بِالضّحِكاتِ البريئةِ ، وَلا سِيّما العبثِيّاتِ الغريبةَ الّتي تنطوي علىٰ نسيانِ تِلك الحقائقِ المُرّةِ ، الّتي يعيشُ مع الأَسَفِ بنُو الإنسانِ تحت ظلامِها الحالِكِ حياتهُمُ البائِسةَ...؟؟!!

كان معكِ يا حبيبتي وأُختي العزيزة مليسا الغاليةُ والحسناءُ الجميلةُ الإمامُ المهديُّ المنُنتظرُ محمّد صادق عُبيد الكُبيسيُّ عليكِ وعليّ من اللّٰه أزكىٰ الصّلاة وأبهىٰ السّلام...!!! 💚💚💚💜💜💜💙💙💙🧡🧡🧡

أنا أُحبُّكِ... 💔💔💋💋


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One minute of silence for those who are still looking for this


Took me a whole 13 minutes of my day Im never getting back. Still worth it though


took me 3 years


Hahahahahahahahaha lol


4minutes and 12seconds for those who found itt


You mean 4.2166666666... minutes

118 More Replies...


My secret song I keep coming back for 9+ years..


Yes sir



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