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FLØRE Lyrics

ALIEN I've been staying inside all day I don't care how it…
Another year like that and we'd all be dead I did not come home for Christmas Don't waste your birthday…
Bad Medicine I loved you once And you killed me twice All good things…
Bikes Uuh, uuh, uuh In the silvery moonlight Our shadows collide …
Cigarette I’ve been living so caged How come all I think about…

Don't U Dare I remember the first time I saw your head It felt…
Flowered Guts Raindrops dripping down on my bare feet Two hearts beating, …
Heavy Lungs I’m not magnificent The great winter taught me Ain't feeling…
I'm Okay I'm Just a Little Depressed I close my eyes And it feels like Three thousand years from…
Rich Kids Follow me to the gardens Run away with me You don't need…

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