Where Are We?
Dzihan & Kamien Lyrics

We have lyrics for 'Where Are We?' by these artists:

Kitty-kat We, we are KAT-TUN おーよっしゃKAT-TUN! かめ!たつ!ゆっち!KAT-TUN! かめ!たつ!ゆ…
Sweet Sweet I go there just for that I don't trust her With me…
The Allen Silently the freedom gate has opened wide Hopefully go drift…
пl3nk▲ Oh Oh Are we all we are Are we all we are Cut to…

We have lyrics for these tracks by Dzihan & Kamien:

1 PIG Nobody knows just How evil you can be You're everybody'…
Airport [Instrumental]…
Homebase [Instrumental]…
Je T'Aime Moi Non Plus Je t'aime, je t'aime Oh oui, je t'aime Moi non plus Oh, mon…
Ocean Air [Instrumental]…
Smile Today Every morning I wake up I hear clock the clock…
Where's Johny Sabatino Instrumental Written by Mario Kamien…

We have lyrics for these tracks by Dzihan:

Smile Today Every morning I wake up I hear clock the clock…

The lyrics are frequently found in the comments by searching or by filtering for lyric videos
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