… Read Full Bio ↴This song was first played at the Gorge in George, WA on June 23, 2001.
Reckoner is reminiscent of a line from the opening of Book II from Goethe’s Faust, “Life is not light but the refracted color.” The meaning is that life is not pure, but mixed, like rainbows. Radiohead’s album title, “In Rainbows,” and this song from which it comes, suggest there are deals made and reckonings to be made by the life we live. These deals mean we live multiple lives, not a singular or pure one. Thus, as this song says: “Because we separate like/ripples on a blank shore.” That is to say, we fragment and in the fragmentation make and are “in rainbows.” We are clothed and bathed in the colors of life. This is the exit door from the moral dilemmas that would condemn us to hell for the choices we make, the inflexible codes that demand we live an impossibly pure life. It is redemption and is similar to the redemption of Faust at the end of the story, at least in Goethe’s version. Interestingly, the song preceding this one is called “Faust Arp.” This further leads listeners to think this interpretation is the intended one. Mephistopheles shows up in “Videotape,” which interestingly enough is a song about a kind of redemption. The album has the vague structure of the Faust story.
Radiohead Lyrics
Jump to: Overall Meaning ↴ Line by Line Meaning ↴
You can't take it with you
Dancing for your pleasure
You are not to blame for
Bittersweet distractors
Dare not speak its name
Dedicated to all hu-
Because we separate
Like ripples on a blank shore
(In rainbows)
Because we separate
Like ripples on a blank shore
(In rainbows)
Take me with you
Dedicated to all hu-
All human beings
The lyrics of Reckoner by Radiohead are poetically intriguing, as they touch on themes of mortality, impermanence, and the interconnectedness of all human beings. The opening line, "You can't take it with you," suggests that material possessions and worldly desires will ultimately be left behind. The following line, "Dancing for your pleasure," hints at the temporary enjoyment and distraction that these desires can provide.
The second verse delves deeper into the concept of distraction, with "Bittersweet distractors/Dare not speak its name." This could be interpreted as a warning against succumbing to temporary pleasures that ultimately lead to a sense of emptiness or dissatisfaction. The song then takes a more positive turn, with the dedication to "all human beings," and an acknowledgment of our common humanity. The final lines "Because we separate/Like ripples on a blank shore" suggest that although we may feel isolated and disconnected, we are ultimately connected in the larger fabric of life.
Overall, Reckoner can be seen as a meditation on the impermanence of life, and an encouragement to find connection and meaning amidst that impermanence. Radiohead's poetic lyrics and haunting melodies invite the listener to reflect on their own mortality and place in the world.
Line by Line Meaning
The song's title and an address to someone, or something, that reckons or takes account of things.
You can't take it with you
A reminder that material possessions are only temporary and will be left behind when we die.
Dancing for your pleasure
A suggestion that we exist to amuse someone or something, possibly a deity or supernatural being.
You are not to blame for
An acknowledgement that no one person is responsible for all the problems in the world.
Bittersweet distractors
Things that temporarily relieve us from our problems, but ultimately only distract us from their true severity.
Dare not speak its name
A warning against giving power or legitimacy to something harmful or taboo.
Dedicated to all hu-
An indication that the song is meant to be listened to and appreciated by all humanity.
All human beings
A reiteration of the song's dedication and emphasis on our shared humanity.
Because we separate
A recognition that our individualist and tribalistic tendencies drive us apart from each other.
Like ripples on a blank shore
A metaphor for the fleeting and temporary nature of our interactions with each other, like ripples disappearing on a shoreline.
(In rainbows)
A reference to the title of Radiohead's previous album and a possible thematic connection.
A repetition of the title and a reiteration of the song's plea or address.
Take me with you
A request to be included or connected with something or someone direly needed.
Dedicated to all hu-
A recapitulation of the song's dedication and emphasis on unity.
All human beings
A final reminder of our shared humanity and the song's intended audience.
Lyrics © Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, Warner Chappell Music, Inc.
Written by: Colin Charles Greenwood, Edward John O'Brien, Jonathan Richard Guy Greenwood, Philip James Selway, Thomas Edward Yorke
Lyrics Licensed & Provided by LyricFind
You can't take it with you
Dancing for your pleasure
You are not to blame for
Bittersweet distractors
Dare not speak its name
Dedicated to all hu-
All human beings
Because we separate
Like ripples on a blank shore
(In rainbows)
Because we separate
Like ripples on a blank shore
(In rainbows)
Take me with you
Dedicated to all hu-
All human beings
Završio sam sa poslom.
Vreme je zaslužno za moj mir. Toplo sam obučen iako je vreme kao ledena letnja noć.
Sada razumem da ono što zovem "mislim da ne volim više sebe" zapravo predstavlja moja distanca od sebe od pre godinu dana. To je bio drugi čovek, onda sam ušao u alkohol, zezanja i socijalnu dijaboliku. Pronalazio sam se ne znajući da se samo udaljavam od onoga što sam već pronašao. Mislim da sam to zapravio bio ja u punoj egzistenciji. U miru, emocije prolaze i dolaze svaka situacija je bila samo situacija i nekako sam običnije gledao sve oko sebe što me je ometalo i osećajniji postao prema esencijama. Vetar, mirisi, drveće, nebo, ptice. Uživao sam u muzici, davao joj svu pažnju sveta kao da je mona najveća ljubav i razlog egzistencije. Poštovao sam sebe, svoje telo, svoj izgled, ego je bio umeren ali neizmerno prisutan u neophodnim situacijama. Mogao sam u bilo kom trenutku da se izolujem i da zaronim u svoj unutrašnji svet, ali zaista smatram da to nije bilo u nezdravom smislu jednostavno sam samo bio više u stanju fluidnosti i adaptacije. Sada se osećam kao da imam sve što mi treba, šta više i još jednu ljubav ali sam toliko daleko od te disperzije i katarzije. Nekako tada sam svaki trenutak i svaku sekundu cenio kao najveći uspeh. Više nije isto.
Ali osećam pred sobom put, usamljen moram da priznam, ali to je po meni esencija svake egzistencije, sve se svodi na jednu tačku i ona je sama, kada razumem da je moja tačka ispunjena sa hiljadu manjih tačaka i dazapravo svaki moj postupak i pokret predstavlja ples ili neku sliku. U miru prihvatim da ne postoji ispravmo i pogrešno kao što ne postoji ispravna i pogrešna slika, ružna ili lepa. Sve je subjektivno a subjektivno je ego. Šta je to iza ega. Osećam okean i da je svaki ego samo kapljica vode koja peivremeno napravi minijaturne verzije talaščića. BECAUSE WE SEPARATE LIKE RIPPLES ON A BLANK SHORE.
Eto tako, Verujem da ću se preusmeriti u ono što želim i verujem da ovaj vetar koji mi miluje lice će uvek biti tu ma šta god bilo, da me zagrli i kaže "Da Marko"... Predajem se
this has to be one of the most beautiful songs ever created
That’s a fact.
Lol, I'm surprised some simp hasn't responded with "Just like you" yet.......😂
giocoso When
In Rainbows is probably my favorite Radiohead album. It's only about 10 songs but you can just let the whole thing ride.
Melanie B I agree Melanie B with everything you said. It is a tuff pick for me between this and OK Computer.
In Rainbows is also my favourite album, for both the flawless music, and for the memories of that time in my life that I associate with the album. I also got to see them live when they went on tour for this album and it was one of the most memorable concerts and road trips of my life!
It goes by too quick, and it just makes you press replay.