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Somebody - Single
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David Sloop

on DJ

long I remain under the deep end
sleeping sheltered from the pain
facing my life could bring again

Suddenly I awake to the sound of
battered seas as love and light take air
she removes the horror from my head

falling away from your degradation
falling away from your hands
falling away from my resolutions
falling away into this forever now...

dizzy on your magic carpet sky love
happier than my soul could ever allow
and as I turn from my promises and run
to you I trip on the past and the impact

breaks my heart.

Taken from the actual CD leaflet on the sorted album

David YT

on Turn Down For What

:P Turn down for what your mom


on BNV 2013 Finals Round

A malicious or spiteful woman
To be alude or immoral
A classification of woman as nothing more than dogs in heat
Packs of bleeding wolves ripe for the taking
Bitch is worth than whore
Rather be over sexualized than outspoken

He said I have too many opinions
That my mother forgot to teach me young woman must earn the right to speak to speak them
He said
I better soften my skin until the word bitch can crack me
Bitch is the ______ thrown at me when I don't fit in any of the boxes
When I break the rules of being a lady
When I scare you
When I am not in my place

Bitch is the five letter slap to keep me in my place
A five letter cage to keep me confined
An example to all women
Beware of the bitch

Spread your legs before opening your mouth
Keep ideas to yourself but your body fresh meat
Call me bitch between the sheets
Men use this word when it is convienent
when it is sexy
when it is skin tight and fitted

Man should not act like a bitch
Bitch is timid
Bitch is weak
Bitch is inherently female
Bitch can pushed over
be held down

Bitch is given to women as defense
A weapon used against our own
Retribution for the wounds it has left us with
I have been called a bitch to destroy any strength I had left

We give these five letters the power of destruction
An unclipped grenade weighing heavy on our tongues
I have never seen anger leave such a smooth cut

A bitch knows this war cannot be won with more female bloodshed
A bitch knows the power in this word
The damage it can do
The damage it has already done

Does it make me a bitch if i am forceful
if i am strong
if my bark ravages worse than my bite
If I speak before spoken to
I have never been good at keeping my mouth shut
I will not keep my mouth shut

A bitch knows her voice
Knows how to howl with a wolf pack in her throat
A bitch is honest
A bitch doesn't follow the rules
Demands to know who wrote them

Rules are weak
Rules are prey
I am Alpha Female
I am fur on fire
I am roaring tornado combusting misogynist mountains to dust

Crushed bones and gutted patriarchy carcass
We bleed to survive
You bleed to keep up

And yes
I DO kiss my mother with this mouth
who do you think taught me how to say no
to sharpen my teeth
prepared me for war
that the -------'s /FULLLL/ of bitches

Bitches who want their 32 cents back
Bitches with centuries of trauma being written out of our wounds
The carnage women inherit
Lifelines on our palms
as mass graves for this massacre
We are burned into bloodbath
bitches will not drown silently
You cannot maim my flesh
Something i have already branded myself!

Women have been waiting
Bitch is impatient
Bitch is teeth bared and growling
Bitch is starving
Bitch will hunt you out
Run you
Suck the marrow from your bones
Feed you to her children

Sharpen our voices until you can hear us
Thicken our skin when you use it against us
As if it can stop us
Bitch is the least you are losing your grip on

My voice does not belong to you
My body does not belong to you
do not belong
to /YOU/

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