BY2 is a duo from Singapore composed of twins Miko Bai Wei-Fen (白緯芬) and Yu… Read Full Bio ↴BY2 is a duo from Singapore composed of twins Miko Bai Wei-Fen (白緯芬) and Yumi Bai Wei-Ling (白緯玲) (born March 23, 1992). Their duo band was named "BY2" after their surname "Bai" and that they are twin sisters and have a 10-year contract with Ocean Butterflies Music Pte Ltd.
They debuted with their album "16未成年" on 21 July 2008. These sisters have been given different hairstyles for easy identification due to their uncanny resemblance. However, they claimed to be different in terms of personality. Miko has been described as more introverted and quiet while her sister Yumi, has been described as a more extroverted and outgoing person.
Since young age, both of the sisters have been exposed to performing arts and have learned the violin, piano, ballet and many other styles of dancing. At the age of 13, both of them joined the Ocean Butterflies' Music Forest's "非常歌手" training course. The course aims to teach singer-wannabes how to perform on stage and techniques in singing and dancing. They graduated from the course clinching a "Best Costume Design" award. Billy Koh of Ocean Butterflies Music Pte Ltd noticed their talent and gave them a 10-year record deal.
The duo moved to Taiwan in 2007 to further their career.
They debuted with their album "16未成年" on 21 July 2008. These sisters have been given different hairstyles for easy identification due to their uncanny resemblance. However, they claimed to be different in terms of personality. Miko has been described as more introverted and quiet while her sister Yumi, has been described as a more extroverted and outgoing person.
Since young age, both of the sisters have been exposed to performing arts and have learned the violin, piano, ballet and many other styles of dancing. At the age of 13, both of them joined the Ocean Butterflies' Music Forest's "非常歌手" training course. The course aims to teach singer-wannabes how to perform on stage and techniques in singing and dancing. They graduated from the course clinching a "Best Costume Design" award. Billy Koh of Ocean Butterflies Music Pte Ltd noticed their talent and gave them a 10-year record deal.
The duo moved to Taiwan in 2007 to further their career.
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一样爱着你 不怕末日 因为我有你 你给我的 不计较原因 我一直相信 笑容不需要练习 忘不了你 慌张的表情 像舍不得 消失的流星 我无…
不是故意 我以为恶梦 不会一直缠着我 我以为头痛 闭上眼就痊愈了 我只听 你爱听的歌 我只做 你的朋友 我变得沉默 伤心也不愿开口…
我不想Know 曾经抚慰的拥抱 现在换谁聆听你心跳 嘴在逞强 泪在投降 忘也忘不掉 傻傻等待 哪怕被你冷落很悲哀 难道提分手 你才明白 …
早安男孩 早安男孩 睡得好吗 我等待 你睡醒第一秒见到我 蕾丝纯白 打蝴蝶结美丽的梦 你的天空刚-刚-刚发亮 我就该-该-该说晚安…
有你我不怕 每晚睡不着 强颜的微笑 掩盖着破碎的心 面临的一切 谁能听得到 不绝望就会有希望 就算不知朝哪方向走 怎么苦 怎么难 擦…
有没有 美人鱼浪漫传说 到底是不是真的 百慕达的三角洲 是否真的有外星人 哪位明星变好多 丑小鸭变天鹅 哪天会交男朋友 你又为何…
白兔儿乖乖 白兔儿乖乖 把门儿开开 不开不开我不开妈妈没回来 白兔儿乖乖 把门儿开开 不开不开我不开妈妈没回来 Na.小白兔儿真乖真…
看不见 话能说上一整天 没有秘密不用隐瞒 快乐太耀眼 我们以为这就是永远 忙碌开始变成习惯 习惯没有时间 我们像陌生人不再关心谁…
红蜻蜓 飞呀飞呀 看那红色蜻蜓飞在蓝色天空 游戏在风中不断追逐他的梦 天空是永恒的家 大地就是他的王国 飞翔是生活 我们的童年像…
闹闹Now Oh Everybody Shout, Everybody Scream 哦 跟我一起跳跃 玩乐到天明 谁没有问题 谁有…