Eduarda Bittencourt Simões, better known as Duda Beat, is a Brazilian singe… Read Full Bio ↴Eduarda Bittencourt Simões, better known as Duda Beat, is a Brazilian singer and songwriter.
She was born in Recife, land of Manguebeat and beautiful musical traditions. From an early age, she showed an interest in singing. She moved to Rio de Janeiro at the time she graduated from school, still wishing to attend Medicine school. This whole journey, with an inevitable participation of some loves she had throughout her life, culminated in her first studio album titled Sinto Muito. In 11 tracks, she makes a feminine, personal, sincere record with facing her own demons with joy and good humor.
Her music traces a path between the sounds of Rio and the Northeast, uniting the roots of Duda's past with a future to come, the lyrics give voice to a romantic woman who can not adapt to the fluidity of contemporary relationships.
Duda Beat's musical debut began to be drawn two years ago when she brought her lyrics and melodies to the house of her childhood friend, music producer Tomás Troia. He had no doubts and began to create to produce the tracks with her . What was sadness turned party and art, what was elbow pain turned a romance between Duda and Tomás. The page was turned.
"My music was a way to heal me and to overflow, but at the end of the process I discovered that it will speak to all people who suffer for love, who love and are rejected and who do not fit into the modern world of fleeting relationships" , reflects Duda.
She was born in Recife, land of Manguebeat and beautiful musical traditions. From an early age, she showed an interest in singing. She moved to Rio de Janeiro at the time she graduated from school, still wishing to attend Medicine school. This whole journey, with an inevitable participation of some loves she had throughout her life, culminated in her first studio album titled Sinto Muito. In 11 tracks, she makes a feminine, personal, sincere record with facing her own demons with joy and good humor.
Her music traces a path between the sounds of Rio and the Northeast, uniting the roots of Duda's past with a future to come, the lyrics give voice to a romantic woman who can not adapt to the fluidity of contemporary relationships.
Duda Beat's musical debut began to be drawn two years ago when she brought her lyrics and melodies to the house of her childhood friend, music producer Tomás Troia. He had no doubts and began to create to produce the tracks with her . What was sadness turned party and art, what was elbow pain turned a romance between Duda and Tomás. The page was turned.
"My music was a way to heal me and to overflow, but at the end of the process I discovered that it will speak to all people who suffer for love, who love and are rejected and who do not fit into the modern world of fleeting relationships" , reflects Duda.
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