1) German rapper Anis Ferchichi who was born on September 28, 1978 in Bonn. His rap is strongly influenced by French Gangsta Rap. He is also known as Sonny Black.
Early Life:
Bushido has a Tunisian father and a German mother. However, he was raised in Berlin by his mother and never got to know his father.
Musical Career:
In 2000 he began his musical career. He gained recognition through King Orgasmus One and his works on several "I Luv Money Records"-Releases. Soon he released his first tape King Of Kingz. This led to him moving to a new label Aggro Berlin, where he worked with Sido, B-Tight, and Fler. The album was later released on CD in 2003 as King Of Kingz (Digital Remastered) and in 2004 as the King of Kingz 2004 Edition with some remixes. In 2002 he released the legendary milestone underground-album Carlo Cokxxx Nutten under his pseudonym, Sonny Black (arguably in the same manner as Eminem), in which he worked with Fler also known as Frank White.
His first Solo-Album was released in 2003, which is called "Vom Bordstein bis zur Skyline". This album had a lot of good reviews and was titled the first real Gangster Rap album in Germany. It was an enormous success for what was still basically an underground release.
Because of artistic differences regarding his future solo career, he left his label, Aggro Berlin, in the summer of 2004 and was taken under contract by Urban/Universal. In 2004, together with Ilan, he produced a remix of the industrial metal group Rammstein's song Amerika. In October 2004 he released his third album Electro Ghetto which reached number six on the German charts. On April 4, 2005 he released his fourth LP in two and half years, Carlo Cokxxx Nutten II, once again using his alter ego Sonny Black and working with Baba Saad in replacement of Fler.
In the winter of 2004/2005, he played a central role in a dispute with the rapper Eko Fresh and also made the song "FLERräter" against his former colleague at Aggro Berlin Fler (a play on the word Verräter, which means traitor).
Legal trouble found its way into his life following a party in Linz, Austria on July 30th, 2005. Upon discovery that his tyres had been slashed, he and two of his bodyguards were involved in a physical altercation with a 20 year old male, who was left with severe head injuries. Bushido spent 15 days in jail before being released on €100,000 bail. He faces a 3 year sentence if convicted.
On the judgemend day he released his Album "Staatsfeind Nr.1" (Public Enemy Nr. 1).
Most people called his time in jail a big promotion for this Album.
The second sampler ersguterjunge Sampler Vol. 2 - Vendetta was released the 1st of December 2006. It features artists who are signed to his Label ersguterjunge. The only single of the Sampler is called "Vendetta" and features Bushido, Eko Fresh and Chakuza.
In 2007 he won another ECHO-award as best hip hop/rap artist. His albums have earned platinum status in Germany, making him the most successful rapper ever in his homeland.
The album, 7 was released on August 31st, 2007 in Germany. As of August 24th, 7 has already pre-sold 100,000 copies in Germany, making it a gold record.
Bushido released his Biography Bushido on 8 September 2008 and his 8th album Heavy Metal Payback was released on 10 October. The singles are: "Ching Ching" and "Für immer jung" (which features Karel Gott).
Somewhat ironically, Bushido's admirers include both immigrants and extreme right-wing youth, which has drawn caution and criticism in Germany. He is often criticized in the media for his allegedly sexist, nationalist, and racist lyrics and for refusing to reject some of his controversial fans. However, some point to his partial North African ethnicity and collaboration with minority artists, like Azad, Eko Fresh, and Cassandra Steen, as evidence Bushido is not racist.
2) 'Bushido' is the name of a one-shot collaboration between some of the best known singer/songwriters from the current generation of rock singers in Spain. The singers involved in the Bushido project are: Búnbury, Carlos Ann, Shuarma and Mortí. They sat together for a couple of weeks and came out with a collection of pop-rock songs that showcase each of their styles and thematic inclinations.
3)Bushido were an obscure post-punk band from the early 80's similar in style to early Cabaret Voltaire/Eric Random etc.
4) Bushido are a progressive rock, three piece from Melbourne, Australia. They have released 2 EP's entitled 'Last Breath' and 'Mercina'. They play music in a similar vein to other Australian bands such as 'The Butterfly Effect', 'Cog' and 'Karnivool'. They are currently writing songs for their debut album set to be released early 2008.
Dieser eine Wunsch
Bushido Lyrics
Jump to: Overall Meaning ↴ Line by Line Meaning ↴
Das hier wird mein letzter Brief,
Du weißt, ich schrieb ihn nur für dich,
Und du liest in jeder Zeile, wie's mich Trifft!
Nichts ist für die Ewigkeit,
Und trotzdem bin ich mich am Fragen,
Warum Gott dich schon so früh aus meinem Leben reißt!
Vorwürfe, die mir jede Nacht den Schlaf nehmen!
Ich schwör, ich kann nicht mehr,
Man und ich hoffe, du verstehst, was ich fühl,
Bitte trockne meine Tränen!
Ich schreib von Herzen man,
Und dein Foto steht direkt neben dem Bett,
Ich zünd jede Nacht 'ne Kerze an!
Ich war nie der Typ,
Der jeden Tag Gebete Spricht!
Doch das ändert sich,
Wenn du merkst, wie kurz das Leben ist!
Ich schwör dir,
Ich kann immer noch dein Lachen hören!
Damals hab ich oft gesagt, dass mich deine Grimassen stören,
Ich bin so gefickt, verdammt!
Ich vermiss dich, man,
Streif' bei deinem Foto am Gesicht entlang!
Wenn Gott mir nur diesen Wunsch erfüllen könnte,
Dich noch einmal zu sehen,
Kannst du meine Tränen sehen, man wir sind am Ende,
Wie gern würd ich dich nochmal in den Arm nehmen!
Ich schaff es nicht, wie soll ich vor dem Grab stehen?
Wenn Gott mir diesen einen Wunsch erfüllen könnte,
Dich nur noch einmal zu sehen,
Kannst du meine Tränen sehen?
Wir ich gerade kämpfe?
Wie gern würd ich dich nochmal in den Arm nehmen!
Ich schaff es nicht, ich will dich nicht im Sarg sehen!
Deine Beerdigung,
Der schlimmste Tag in meinem ganzen Leben,
Überall standen die Kerzen rum,
Und deine Mutter, sie hat mir so Leid getan!
Sie hat so sehr geweint, dein vater nahm sie in den Arm!
Und deine kleine Schwester,
Sie hats noch nicht gerafft!
Doch dafür dein großer Bruder,
Sein Gesicht war blass!
Da waren soviele Leute,
Die ich noch nicht kannte, man!
Ich meine deine Tanten, Verwandten, deine Bekannten kamen!
Merkst du wie du uns fehlst?
Sag mir spürst du diese Trauer?
Kannst du sehen, wie sich uns're Jungs quälen?
Und glaub mir, wir sind gar nicht mehr so unterwegs!
Uns ist so die Lust vergangen, abends rumzustehen!
Kein Tag vergeht, andem wir nicht an dich denken!
Ich hab mein Freund verloren, und keinen Mitmenschen!
ICh bin so gefickt verdammt!
Ich vermiss dich man!
Ich hoff nur das du uns von oben sehen kannst!
Wenn Gott mir nur diesen Wunsch erfüllen könnte,
Dich noch einmal zu sehen,
Kannst du meine Tränen sehen, man wir sind am Ende,
Wie gern würd ich dich nochmal in den Arm nehmen!
Ich schaff es nicht, wie soll ich vor dem Grab stehen?
Wenn Gott mir diesen einen Wunsch erfüllen könnte,
Dich nur noch einmal zu sehen,
Kannst du meine Tränen sehen?
Wir ich gerade kämpfe?
Wie gern würd ich dich nochmal in den Arm nehmen!
Ich schaff es nicht, ich will dich nicht im Sarg sehen!
Ich wache schweißgebadet auf,
Schweißgebadet, ja schon wieder dieser Traum!
Wir sitzen beide auf der Couch, du hast mich zufrieden angschaut!
Danach liefen wir dann raus!
Spazieren gehen, doch der ganze Strand war Grau!
Die Sonne konnte man nicht sehen, weil sie zu dunkel war!
Du hast so oft gefragt: "Standen unsre Jungs am Sarg?"
Weiße Blumen, und der Himmel war türkis gefärbt!
Vielleicht war ich gar nicht weit vom Paradies entfernt!
Ich wollte Bürkie soviel sagen, doch ich konnt es nicht!
Deshalb schreib ich diesen einen Song für dich!
Kannst du mich den hören?
Konntest du mich hören, als ich am Grab stand?
Konntest du mich hören durch diese Glaswand?
Ich schwör, ich bin von dir nicht weggegangen!
Nein, du warst nicht allein!
Du hast geguckt wie ein Engel!
Dein Gesicht war frei, frei von Sorgen, frei von den Schmerzen!
Wir vermissen dich so sehr, es wird zu viel!
Wenn Gott mir nur diesen Wunsch erfüllen könnte,
Dich noch einmal zu sehen,
Kannst du meine Tränen sehen, man wir sind am Ende,
Wie gern würd ich dich nochmal in den Arm nehmen!
Ich schaff es nicht, wie soll ich vor dem Grab stehen?
Wenn Gott mir diesen einen Wunsch erfüllen könnte,
Dich nur noch einmal zu sehen,
Kannst du meine Tränen sehen?
Wir ich gerade kämpfe?
Wie gern würd ich dich nochmal in den Arm nehmen!
Ich schaff es nicht, ich will dich nicht im Sarg sehen!
The lyrics of Bushido's song Dieser eine Wunsch are a heartbreaking and emotional letter to the singer's deceased friend. The singer is expressing his deep grief and sorrow over the loss of his friend, and he desperately wishes to see him one last time. Despite the fact that the song is in German, the emotional pain in the lyrics is palpable, as the singer tries to come to terms with the loss of his friend.
The opening stanza informs that this is the singer's last letter to his friend, which he writes only for him. He expresses his agony and how every line of the letter hurts him. Even though nothing is everlasting in life, the friend's untimely death makes him question God's plan. He confesses to being plagued by a thousand questions every day and how this renders him sleepless at night.
In the second stanza, the singer admits to missing his friend deeply, and he struggles with the fact that he is gone. He describes how he now prays regularly, something he didn't do before, and how much shorter he believes life to be. He remembers the sound of his friend's laughter and how his silly faces would annoy him, but now he longs to see them again. He laments how much he misses his friend and how just looking at his picture brings him to tears.
The chorus expresses the main theme of the song. The singer wishes that God could grant him one wish, which is to see his friend again, just one last time. He communicates the depth of his sorrow and how it has left him feeling broken, ending each line with an exclamation point, emphasizing the desperation in his voice.
The bridge further underlines how deeply the singer's friend will be missed by himself, his family, and his friends. He talks about his friend's funeral, how it was the worst day of his life, and how he watched his mother weeping while his father held her. The singer attempts to come to terms with the reality of the situation and how the loss of his friend has affected everyone around him.
Overall, the lyrics are raw and heartfelt, and they perfectly capture the pain of grief and the longing for one last chance to say goodbye.
Line by Line Meaning
Addressing his brother.
Das hier wird mein letzter Brief,
This will be his last letter.
Du weißt, ich schrieb ihn nur für dich,
He wrote it for his brother only.
Und du liest in jeder Zeile, wie's mich Trifft!
He hopes his brother can feel his pain as he reads the letter.
Nichts ist für die Ewigkeit,
Everything is temporary and will end someday.
Und trotzdem bin ich mich am Fragen,
Despite that, he keeps wondering.
Warum Gott dich schon so früh aus meinem Leben reißt!
He questions why God took his brother away so early.
Tausend fragen, die mich wirklich jeden Tag quälen,
He is tormented by a thousand questions.
Vorwürfe, die mir jede Nacht den Schlaf nehmen!
He is plagued with accusations that keep him up at night.
Ich schwör, ich kann nicht mehr,
He can't take it anymore.
Man und ich hoffe, du verstehst, was ich fühl,
He hopes his brother can understand how he feels.
Bitte trockne meine Tränen!
He asks his brother to comfort him by drying his tears.
Ich schreib von Herzen man,
He is writing this letter from his heart.
Und dein Foto steht direkt neben dem Bett,
He keeps his brother's photo close to his bed.
Ich zünd jede Nacht 'ne Kerze an!
He lights a candle every night in memory of his brother.
Ich war nie der Typ,
He was never the type of person.
Der jeden Tag Gebete Spricht!
He never prayed every day.
Doch das ändert sich,
But that has changed.
Wenn du merkst, wie kurz das Leben ist!
He realized how short life can be.
Ich schwör dir,
He swears to his brother.
Ich kann immer noch dein Lachen hören!
He can still hear his brother's laughter.
Damals hab ich oft gesagt, dass mich deine Grimassen stören,
He used to say that he hated his brother's funny faces.
Ich bin so gefickt, verdammt!
He is distressed and frustrated.
Ich vermiss dich, man,
He misses his brother dearly.
Streif' bei deinem Foto am Gesicht entlang!
He touches his brother's face on the photo.
Wenn Gott mir nur diesen Wunsch erfüllen könnte,
If God could grant him one wish.
Dich noch einmal zu sehen,
To see his brother once again.
Kannst du meine Tränen sehen, man wir sind am Ende,
He is crying and feels like everything is over.
Wie gern würd ich dich nochmal in den Arm nehmen!
He wishes to hug his brother again.
Ich schaff es nicht, wie soll ich vor dem Grab stehen?
He cannot bear to stand in front of his brother's grave.
Deine Beerdigung,
Talking about his brother's funeral.
Der schlimmste Tag in meinem ganzen Leben,
It was the worst day of his life.
Überall standen die Kerzen rum,
There were candles everywhere.
Und deine Mutter, sie hat mir so Leid getan!
He feels sorry for his brother's mother.
Sie hat so sehr geweint, dein vater nahm sie in den Arm!
His brother's mother cried a lot and his father comforted her.
Und deine kleine Schwester,
Talking about his brother's little sister.
Sie hat’s noch nicht gerafft!
She hasn't fully comprehended it yet.
Doch dafür dein großer Bruder,
Talking about his brother's older brother.
Sein Gesicht war blass!
He was pale-faced and shocked.
Da waren soviele Leute,
There were so many people there.
Die ich noch nicht kannte, man!
He didn't know some of them.
Ich meine deine Tanten, Verwandten, deine Bekannten kamen!
Talking about his brother's aunts, relatives, and acquaintances who came to the funeral.
Merkst du wie du uns fehlst?
Do you see how much we miss you?
Sag mir spürst du diese Trauer?
He asks his brother if he feels the sadness they feel.
Kannst du sehen, wie sich uns're Jungs quälen?
He wonders if his brother can see how much his friends struggle.
Und glaub mir, wir sind gar nicht mehr so unterwegs!
They are not the same anymore after his death.
Uns ist so die Lust vergangen, abends rumzustehen!
They lost their desire to hang out at night.
Kein Tag vergeht, andem wir nicht an dich denken!
They think about him every day.
Ich hab mein Freund verloren, und keinen Mitmenschen!
He feels like he lost not just a friend but a part of himself.
Ich bin so gefickt verdammt!
He is incredibly hurt, frustrated, and pissed off.
Ich vermiss dich man!
He misses his brother so much.
Ich hoff nur das du uns von oben sehen kannst!
He hopes his brother is watching them from above.
Ich wache schweißgebadet auf,
Talking about a dream he had.
Schweißgebadet, ja schon wieder dieser Traum!
He keeps having this dream.
Wir sitzen beide auf der Couch, du hast mich zufrieden angschaut!
In the dream, they are sitting together on the couch and his brother looks at him with satisfaction.
Danach liefen wir dann raus!
Then they went outside together.
Spazieren gehen, doch der ganze Strand war Grau!
The beach was gray in his dream.
Die Sonne konnte man nicht sehen, weil sie zu dunkel war!
It was so dark that he couldn't see the sun.
Du hast so oft gefragt: "Standen unsre Jungs am Sarg?"
In the dream, his brother asks if his friends were standing by his coffin.
Weiße Blumen, und der Himmel war türkis gefärbt!
There were white flowers and the sky was turquoise in his dream.
Vielleicht war ich gar nicht weit vom Paradies entfernt!
He wonders if he was close to paradise in his dream.
Ich wollte Bürkie soviel sagen, doch ich konnt es nicht!
He wanted to say so much to his brother, but he couldn't.
Deshalb schreib ich diesen einen Song für dich!
He wrote this song for his brother instead.
Kannst du mich den hören?
He wonders if his brother can hear this song.
Konntest du mich hören, als ich am Grab stand?
He wonders if his brother could hear him when he stood by his grave.
Konntest du mich hören durch diese Glaswand?
He wonders if his brother could hear him through the glass of his grave.
Ich schwör, ich bin von dir nicht weggegangen!
He promises that he hasn't left his brother's side.
Nein, du warst nicht allein!
He assures him that he wasn't alone.
Du hast geguckt wie ein Engel!
He sees his brother as an angel.
Dein Gesicht war frei, frei von Sorgen, frei von den Schmerzen!
His brother's face was peaceful and free from pain and worry.
Wir vermissen dich so sehr, es wird zu viel!
They miss him so much that it's becoming unbearable.
Contributed by Abigail P. Suggest a correction in the comments below.
Meine Jugend 😎
Ali Aslan <3
Das waren noch Zeiten...
klassiker, früher liebeskummer zu dem lied war immer gut
Liebes Kummer wenn es um den tot eines Freundes geht ? Necrophila kickt
@@dod066 man war doch selbst noch jung und hat nicht alles gerafft. 😅
Ist das für maxim?
Hat irgendwer geschrieben und er hat es eingerappt.